Friday, September 30, 2005



I hear some veterans and vet supporters spout out the word often. "Freedom." Vets fought and killed for our "freedom." But what freedom?

Freedom to have no health care?

Freedom to be homeless (we already have homeless vets from the "War [of] Terror")?

Freedom to have our freedoms taken away?

Freedom of women to be treated as less than men?

Freedom of 170 channels with nothing to watch?

Freedom to choose between different brands of cereal, shoes, clothes?

U.S. citizens know how to say the word "freedom," but I'd challenge them on what it means.

What freedom did these guys kill people for? In reality, they kill so that the wealthy of this nation can have more wealth. That is all war has ever been, us at the bottom killing so those at the top who are promoting the killing and not doing it can create more wealth. War is done so the wealthy of one nation can steal the wealth of another nation to feed the wealthy who can never have enough. That is not FREEDOM. That is CRIMINAL, GENOCIDAL, WRONG!

Freedom does not come from force. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if I truly believed our military forces were killing people so I could sit here and write my thoughts on this blog, I'd kill myself where I sit because I'd want their killing to stop. But it doesn't work that way, does it? If I killed myself, they would still be killing for the wealthy of this nation.

So I write. I speak out. I have a radio show and TV show where I speak out. I speak with others. I speak with those who don't understand or know. I speak with Republicans (though rarely). And you know what. The U.S. thugs in Iraq killing and oppressing darkies have had NOTHING to do with it.

No doubt in my mind that those in AUTHORITY (not power) know about me. They undoubtedly know about KBOO and MCTV. The only thing that keeps them from hunting me down and killing me is that I'm a horrible organizer. I'm no Malcolm X. I'm no Crazy Horse. I'm just a loud mouthed Indian who speaks the truth where I see it. That was not won by the gun. I speak out because I WILL. I am well aware of the potential consequences, and a few have mentioned (as mentioned previously in this blog) that they fear I will be murdered. Maybe. The likelyhood is minimal.

I do this work (as stated previously) because I love my human beings and I believe we all deserve better. ALL OF US! That's it. I think of future generations. I think of the people I love right now. I think of my ancestors. I think of the world and the way it is. I think of a world where everyone's human rights are honored. I'll do my best to get that for all of the people even in the face of potential assassination. What is my life compared to the millions of lives taken all over the world by the U.S. government which claims to represent me? What is my life compared to the millions of people who are oppressed? My tiny life is nothing compared to all those who are FORCED to suffer senselessly so a few wealthy mostly white men can have more and more wealth. I love you, my fellow human beings. Let's get it all back. THAT my friends, is what FREEDOM is to me, and nobody brought that to me by killing people in other nations, that was brought to me because I CHOSE it.


The Kids Don't Dance?

I went to see the Decliners and a couple of other bands yesterday with my daughter Felicia and our friend Julie. Julie's boyfriend, Nolan, plays in the Decliners. Though the first two bands played songs that pretty much all sounded alike, they were danceable and fun. It was an all ages show, so there were a buncha teenagers there, and several of their mothers. So you had a room full of, I'd say more than 100 teenagers, and these rock bands jamming away, and the kids just standing there. They have forgotten...KIKSUYE...REMEMBER...KIKSUYE...REMEMBER!

Heck, though she didn't dance that much, Felicia danced. Julie danced around a little, and near the end, I finally saw some people moving their heads and feet and occasionally their bodies to the music. I was ready for a mosh pit, jumping up and down, spin... They all just stood there. It was like I was in a room full of Christians. I was in a room full of people who don't know how to celebrate. Here in a room full of teenage angst, creativity, beginning of life energy, no one was BRAVE enough to dance. For the first time ever, I felt like the best dancer in the house. That aint right.

How can we have a Revolution if the kids aint even brave enough to dance? It doesn't dishearten me, though. It gives me an idea of just how for we have to go.

Before the decliners started, Nolan stepped up to the mic and satated the fact that John Roberts is now head of the Supreme Court. I could sense a stupor in the room. I knew that most of the kids there did not know who John Roberts is, nor, I'm sure, do they care. This, of course, will all change as they realize how that piece of shit will be effecting their lives and the lives of people they know. I started booing. I just shake my head. I'm shaking it right now. It just amazes me the limited thinking these kids have. It makes me feel qualified to be a leader...but I aint no leader. And these kids would rather watch TV, play video games, flirt with each other, than listen to some crazy Indian spout off about politics, Revolution, and taking everything back.

I also started feeling sad for these kids. Not only are they not brave enough to dance, they are going to have to live in or clean up the horrible mess that is being made of our alleged government. I could wax on for hours about that, so I won't go into it. Just check out my previous posts and read some news.

I was feeling wild and energetic after I dropped Felicia off at her moms. Felicia seemed kind of indifferent about the whole thing.

I went home, smoked a bowl, and thought about this experience until I fell asleep. We have a long way to go. We'll have a giant group hug when we get there.

29,000 to 96,000,000

Thursday, September 29, 2005


A Helluva Life!

While hanging out with a friend of mine and doing my laundry, I started reminscing about some of the things I've done or gone through in my life. I started realizing I've lived one helluva life. I've noticed this before, but it always seems to surprise me when I think about it. It makes me think of all the wonderful, crazy, painful, beautiful lives many people have lived. The lives my friends have lived. The lives of people I don't know. HUMANS! I love you my fellow humans! If I didn't, I wouldn't do the work that I do.

I started getting real nostalgic yesterday. Remembering activities and conversations, books, people, protests, pain, joy, love, saddness, etc. According to some sources, I haven't lived half of my life, yet. The first half has been very interesting. I'm sure my second half will be pretty interesting as well.

KBOO is a big part of my life. Many friends that I have made have been because of this radio station. I get a chance to speak out. To speak the truth as I see it. To see patterns and make connections. To interview some of the most wonderful humans. I have laughed and cried on the air. I have had my most wonderful little girl, Felicia, on the air. Life, my friends, is very very good indeed.

Good news of the day...TOM DELAY has been INDICTED for conspiracy. Will he get away with it? Most likely, being a Bushy and people knowing that if they go against the the great W, they are so vindictive that they will make sure you pay. But there in lies their weakness. They can't back up their people with truth. They won't open up drawers...rooms...of documents, of truth, and be able to say, "see, Tom Delay is really a fine upstanding man!" They can't. The reason they keep the documents hidden is because... I remember hearing a story about when Tom was out eating somewhere in DC I believe the story goes, and he was asked if he worked for the government by a waitress or someone. Tom said, "I am the government." Knowing this, why did Tom indict himself then? Just don't forget, these people are dodgy and dishonest. I include the democrats in this as well.

Oh...I did tell you...29,000 to 96,000,000. Shhhhh! Come closer....closer...listen very carefully...we outnumber them. Pass it on!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


The Stars

When it has been clear out like it has been lately, I walk out to the truck in the AM to head to KBOO to write and look up and see my favorite cluster of stars, Orion. Orion Gray, as well, is now a board member at KBOO and will undoubtedly bring a much needed boost of energy to the board. Congratulations Orion. I can also see the Big Dipper and the Pleiades (sp?).

At night, from my room, I will often find myself grabbing my binoculars and staring at the stars for minutes. As I stare through the binoculars, I notice that there are many more stars that I can see than just with my eyes. Life is good, humans. Life is good!


So much crazy shit!

There is so much crazy shit going on in the world. I can't believe it as I continue to read the news (I'm actually almost caught up). The most disturbing stuff that I have read has been how the U.S. is dealing with journalist. Their behavior is against the U.S. constitution, as well as violates international law.

Robert Fisk, a famed British war correspondent who has reported extensively on the Middle east and has been critical of the invasion and occupation of Iraq by the U.S. and Britain, was not allowed entry in the U.S. to speak in Santa Fe.

Here's another one I found. Abdul Amir Younes Hussein, a CBS cameraman who was arrested after filming the aftermath of a car bombing in Mosul on April 5th. He was freed, then arrested 3 days later under allegations of "anti-coalition activity." He has been in custoday of the U.S. and Iraq ever since, even doing some time in Abu Ghraib. The U.S. handed him over to the Iraqi authority, who reviewed his case and refused to prosecute. The U.S. government, however, refused to honor Iraqi sovereignty and decided to keep Abdul in custody stating they have access to confidential information. So do I. Here it is. The United States Government is filled with criminals and assholes who constantly violate their own constitution, laws, and international laws. Ooops! Just let that one slip.

An Al-Jazeera cameraman, Sami Muhyideen al-Hajj, has been held in Guantanamo for three and a half years. The U.S. says he is a terrorist, but the information released on his interrogations state that have been trying to coerce him into spying on al-Jazeera for the U.S. They've been offering him all sorts of goodies in the process; U.S. citinzenship, education, jornalistic career, book deals, etc. Don't forget, Sami, you can never trust the U.S. government. We Indians are still waiting for them to honor their treaties. Well, I aint waiting anymore, I'm going to try to get it all back and remove the U.S. government from my land and send all 29,000 assholes back to live with the queen in London.

In other news, I read that the American Red Cross sucks up a lot of money, in fact, hundreds of millions of dollars a year, but hardly uses any of it in releif aid to those they claim to help. DON'T GIVE TO THE RED CROSS, THEY COULD CARE LESS ABOUT THE VICTIMS OF KATRINA AND RITA AS MUCH AS THEY LOVE FILTERING THE MONEY THROUGH CORRUPTION.

Speaking of the queen, hey, queenie, what the hell are your people doing is Basra, trying to start a civil war? Assassination? Murder and mayhem? Oppression? Seems you Brits love killing and oppressing darkies just as much as Americans. You keep trying to distance yourself from American behavior, however, I'd just have to say that at least Americans are more honest about their behavior.

Quote of the day: "Pacifism Doesn't end wars, it causes wars." No information is offered as a basis for this assumption. It must have come from that commonly quoted web site, A bunch of people praying for peace have somehow managed to put guns in American soldiers hands and ordered them to murder military and civilian targets alike, as well as take a good aim at reporters. Does that mean if you take up a gun and start killing all sorts of people, war will end? I guess I'll check the website and see what it says.



My sister was saved by the bell. She managed to borrow money from a cousin of ours.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005



Being single, I think of relationships fairly often.

I find myself to be completely unnattractive. There are reasons for this, some of which I don't feel comfortable talking about. I will talk about a few, though.

My first wife used to hate to be seen in public with me. She hated how I looked, smelled, etc. I did everything wrong. She complained about me to my face and to everyone who would listen. 8 long years I put up with that.

My second wife said I looked nice, but she pounded my soul to no end. She daily brought up some of the things I won't talk about here yet. She told me she hated me regularly. At first it was she hated parts of me then it was just "I HATE YOU!" The verbal abuse was tough to take until she finally beat the love I had for her out of me. She even told me I was guilty of genocide. She told me that I was everything that I hate. And, well, I do a pretty good job of hating myself.

So, my two big relationships were abusive and horrible. No matter how much love I showered on these women, it did no good. I was never what either of them wanted. They hated me and they showed me that pretty much daily (though for different reasons). I am an inadequate human being and they were willing to tell me. They wanted something else, and I wasn't it. I don't look forward to that dimension in a relationship.

But like I said, I don't consider myself attractive in any way, shape, or form. That is just me.

I've been told there are women interested in me, but there are no women knocking on my door, walking up the path to my door, and the street outside my life is pretty much abandoned. No one shows interest in me, and that's OK (even though I've been told there are women interested in me, none have come forward).

It's OK that I don't have a relationship. I'm happy by myself. I was miserable in my two marriages. I just don't think any woman would be happy with me as who I am. They would want someone different than me and treat me accordingly since I don't fit in the box they want me to. I could be wrong, but no one is coming forward to do so, and like I said that is OK.

I am happy with myself. I love my life. Life is good. I can be single the rest of my life. I don't mind. I have an empire to bring down. I have human rights to gain for all of my fellow human beings. I have a lot of work to do. Heck, people are worried that I'll be murdered for the work I'm doing now, and if you listen to my radio show, you know the work that I'm doing. I want it all back. Every last bit of it.

But this post is about relationships. I have a relationship with myself that I enjoy. I have a relationship with friends, acquaintances, etc. Life is good. Live is very very good. I love my life. I can do it alone. I don't mind. Alone, I'm not getting treated like shit. Alone, I can be with my friends, or not. I can hide, or not. I can work on revolution, or not. I can be good to myself, or not. I'm fine with myself. Even though I believe I am completely unnattractive, I love myself. Life is good! Life is good! Look out world, I'm coming to take it all back!



My sister will probably receive her eviction notice, as no one will loan her money to complete her rent which is due by 5pm tomorrow. This means I will be busy as fuck trying to help her move her stuff to...well...she has no place to move her stuff. In fact, she and her two kids will have no place to stay, either.

Here, I would like to point out the racist relations we have with our family. You see, she asked my grandmother for help. Whitey Grandma has about $2,000,000 in the bank. But you see, my sister is the wrong color. My whitey mother, who also has money refuses to help. My whitey aunt, who also has money, refuses to help. Churches and all the other social services she has contacted refuse to help. My sister will be homeless in a few days.

There is one thing that is good about the racism of the white side of my family. You see, my deceased whitey grandfather was a pedophile. Turns out he was fucking one of my aunts probably since she was about 11. But he never screwed my sisters because, well, they were the wrong color. Sometimes racism is a good thing.

When Whitey Grandma found out about Grandpa fucking their daughter, and possibly their grandaughter, she decided to stay with the pedophile for the "money."

Speaking of sisters, I have three. The other two could probably help my sister, but they refuse to as well. I have little love or respect for those two, either. My Whitey family would willfully and joyfully leave my sister to dangle and fall. They don't care. They are heartless fucking assholes and I HATE the lot of them.

I can't do anything for my sister. I fell helpless and useless to her.

Oh well. There goes another one.


Just a reminder

29,000 to 96,000,000. Somewhere in the 96,000,000 is the hundreth monkey. Here monkey monkey monkey monkey, it's time to change the world and make it a better place for all life.


Howard Lyman

I saw Howard Lyman yesterday. He is a good man and a revolutionary. He is asking that people look at what they eat. Where does it come from? How was it treated? What was put on/in it? Good thing to do. I still eat meat, less, however, than I have in the past. He showed a video, 36 minutes of an 80 minute documentary he had made. It showed some of the factory farming. I pray for those animals. I pray for everything when I eat. In case I forget, I do pre-emptive prayers. If I forgot, I say retroactive prayers. I honor that which goes into my body. I send good energy in it's direction. This goes for plant and animal alike. To all the life that gives its life or has its life taken so that I can live, I say thank you and send much good energy to all of those that will follow you. THANK YOU ALL YOU GIVERS OF LIFE! Knowing what I know, I will do my best to try and change your conditions as I work to gain human rights for all human beings.


My sister

Hey all of you out there who may be reading this. My sister called me last night and informed me she can't pay her rent. She is currently unemployed and got ripped off by a couple of fresh out of high school friends of her daughter I believe. I live from pay check to pay check and am unable to help in such a manner. If anyone can help I could put you in contact with her. If you at least could send her good energy, please do. That always helps.

Monday, September 26, 2005



I rarely do things for myself. My only comfort, really, is my room, which lately seems to be more messy than fun and interesting, but it is still my nest. Usually, I'd rather use my time to try to figure the world out. Try to help someone. Most of the time I don't treat myself well. For the most part, though I'm working on it, I have a deep hatred of my body. But after the massage I got last weekend here at the BOO, I decided to pay for one. It was one of the most fantastic experiences I've had. I realized how some parts of my body take on more than others, and I didn't realize this. Being single, I hardly get touched. I'm a hugger. I love to hug. Hugging is great! But I hardly ever get touched. So, it was so nice to find someone I felt I could trust (so much so that I didn't feel it necessary to give her my history) to touch my body in an intimate manner and not have fears of abuse. I'm gonna try to get one once a month.


Death Vision

I have had many Vietnam Vet friends throughout my life. Those willing to discuss some of their actions have almost consistently told me that they see the faces of the people they killed on a regular basis. Kissinger, Nixon, Johnson, all used these young men as weapons to kill on behalf of wealthy white men who made lots of profit.

I knew a man who told me of a vision he had. It was a vision of his death. During this vision he could see that some of the things he thought were good things, big and good things, turned out to harm more people than he could imagine. Some of the tiniest things he did, some that he had completely forgotten, had done more to help people than he could have imagined. I wonder if Nixon and Johnson are being forced to see all the life they destroyed for the wealthy.


Right wing policies are easy to push through during a hurricane.

Bush, via executive orders, has suspended "prevailing wage" and "affirmative action," alleging it to be relief in the rebuild. You can believe Bush, he's never been caught lying (Downing Street Memo). Good-bye, you two. It was nice knowing you.


Air America

I used to listen to some shows on Air America. One of my favorites was the Minority Report with Janeanne Garafallo and Sam Sedar. Sam Sedar, however, became so obnoxious, overbearing, and never letting Janeanne get a word in edgewise, started turning me off of the show.

Most of the other shows didn't interest me all that much, though I would listen to Randy Rhoades on the way home from work. Randy, a brash abrasive asshole, did some damned good radio from time to time. Then I started getting turned off by her, but the straw that broke the camel's back, as it were, was her coverage of the Democratic National Convention. You could almost hear the slurping when she met her GOD, Bill "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Clinton. "Bill..." (gobble gobble slurp slurp). "You are a god, Bill." (gobble gobble slurp slurp). Bill Clinton, by the way, is guilty of genocide and many other crimes (Iraq, East Timor, Kosovo, NAFTA, GATT, the continued genocide against Indians, etc.). I was surprised that I didn't hear something like, "Oh, Randy? Oh, Randy? Suck it! Suck it!"

I was also offended by her gobble gobble slurp slurp of Madeline Albright. Randy sounded like a school girl who was about to suck on her favorite rock guitarist that she had a long time crush on. Randy is a great admirer of genocidal criminal Madeline Albright and she let everyone in the audience know who much these criminals were infallible in her eyes for the simple fact that they are...democrats. Madeline is famous in my mind for her quote saying that 5000 dead Iraqi children was an acceptable loss. I have only listened to Air America when it is on in other peoples cars.

Have you ever noticed that KBOO is one of the few venues that will consistently remind you of the Iraqi dead as well as the dead U.S. military in the illegal war in Iraq. But, like the great Mei Lai Massacre covere upper, Colin Powell (another hero of Randy Rhoades) would say..."It is not a number we're concerned with." Thank you, KBOO, for being the great radio station you are.


Madeline "Kill 'em all" Albright

Madeline Albright is not speaking out against the war in Iraq (where was she when Bush started it). Yes, the same secretary of state who stated that 5,000 dead Iraqi children under the age of 5 a month in Iraq due directly to U.S. imposed sanctions (the UN is forced to go along by the U.S.). Yes, this complicitious asshole with a few degrees of separation for the mass slaughter she is in part responsible for, is now speaking out against the way Bush is killing those darkies. When someone said "will someone think of the children," Albright was thinking of killing them. So when I hear her, or Bill speaking out against the war, I know they are disingenuous lying sacks of shit.

Sunday, September 25, 2005


Don't shoot me, I'm just the keyboard puncher.

I speak out for Revolution constantly. I am almost always speaking out against the genocidal U.S. government. About once a month, people tell me they fear for me because who knows what could happen.

I had a meeting with a woman who wants to do an interview with me and David Liberty on November 15 for a community radio station in Bloomington, Illinois, I believe. After a bout of my fist pounding on the table politics, and a discussion of the subject in the first paragraph, she told me she fears I could be shot. I know.

I know many, but I'm sure not all, of the wonderful things this government is capable of doing to the voices of dissent. They could kill me. They could torture me. They could threaten and act upon doing things to my daughter. They could terrorize members of my family or the people I love. America has done all of this and more to us Indians. I made myself a promise not to be scared of something that isn't in my face. I do this work because I love the people. All of us deserve a better world. Each and every one of us deserve health care, housing, our basic human rights. I see human rights violations every fucking day in this country (read the UN Convention on Human Rights and realize that most of you do to). Who is thinking of the suffering that goes on right before our eyes? Who is thinking of the suffering that goes on to fill our gas tanks and give us petro-chemical products so common in our lives? Who is thinking of the slave labor that happens all around the world, some justified by being paid pennies a day? Are you? I hope so. I am. That is why I do this. And I know one thing for sure:

If they come knocking down my door, if they harm my daughter, they will always know one thing for absolute sure, they are criminals. They are acting to protect the wealth of the few. They are not delivering justice. They are criminals. They will always ALWAYS know that.

I remember watching I beleive "The Men Who Killed Kennedy." There was an interview with an FBI agent in that documentary and I remember what this Christian man said: "I'm going to hell. I know I'm going to hell for what I've done." Interesting comments from a man on the inside, don't you think?

PS I don't carry a gun. I hate guns. Guns have one purpose, to kill. I have no desire to kill anyone. I do have desire for justice, and I love the idea of bringing a special justice to the wealthy criminals of this country: To be stripped of all of the wealth and possessions and to have a G tatooed on their foreheads which will stand for "GENOCIDE." They are, afterall, all guilty. But these are just fanatsies. Let's see what reality will bring the world. Keep those mental surfboards waxed and ready.



Felicia and I participated in the candlelight vigil yesterday. We stood on the Burnside Bridge about where the bridge opens. We were given candles, but they just didn't work for either of us. Besides, I went armed with my usual sign, that is the Peace sign. I always carry the thing with me and don't be too surprised if you see me flipping you one. We ran into a few friends on the bridge which was nice. I stood on the edge of the sidewalk and flipped the peace sign to all of the passers by. We got many signs of support. I actually did not see any fingers flipping us off, no shaking of heads, everything I saw was actually supportive of peace. Peace. Pure and simple. What's wrong with Peace? Maybe we should ask the most horrific terrorist of all, George Bush.

KBOO interim PM News Director, Julie Sabitier showed up and was taking some interviews for the station. YEAH FOR JULIE!

Felicia and I took off and we drove across the bridge and Felicia honked in support of the people. Then we went across the Hawthorne and honked at all those people. Then the Morrison. Then back across the Burnside. I'd say at least 1500 people participated. Yeah for Peace.

Let's have ourselves a little...OK...A BIG Revolution, and make Peace the biggest platform. Followed closely by HUMAN RIGHTS FOR ALL! REVOLUTION NOW!


Armageddon on Hold

Thanks to the lesser impact of Hurricane Rita, Armageddon has been put on hold. The Republicans will be able to spin this current disaster well, contracts will be awarded to their friends for rebuilding, and millions of our tax dollars will go to already wealthy people who really won't do a whole lot to help because it will cut into their profits.

I found it most interesting that the disaster in New Orleans has Iraq written all over it. All the major players in the rebuild and in "security" are the same. I can't wait for the gentrification of the city because it will be nothing but rich whitey's who will be living there in the toxic cancer causing wasteland. New Orleans is about to become so white, you'd think it was snowing all year round.

Business as usual, folks. Soon it will be the wealthy, the assholes they pay to protect them, and us. The numbers I heard from Bruce Gagnon on his speech played on KBOO was 29,000 wealthy peices of crap, and 96,000,000 of the rest of us. This is what George Bush alleges to be "freedom."

These disasters are cutting into GW's plans for nuking Iran. We are still on the verge of economic collapse. It'll just be a few more years in waiting. The U.S. government is printing money for it's illegal war efforts. The U.S. government is indebted heavily, especially to China. The U.S. government's only tool in helping out in disasters is militarization and oppression of the poor. Wall Street is floated on drug money and inflated by at least a factor of two. The world is running out of oil and there aren't any plans on how to deal with that. Global warming is making weather patterns worse throughout the world. There is only talk of the cost of rebuilding Lousiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, but no talk of the millions it costs the U.S. ecomony as many cities in these states lay lifeless. Our ecomony is gone, but the spin masters can lie to beat the band and will continue to create that trust so they can keep their mistresses apartments up.

John Roberts is going to be the next head of the U.S. supreme court. Civil liberties will continue to be eroded. The rights of individuals, minorities, and ESPECIALLY women will be eroded. Wealthy white man owned corporations will be raised up higher and stronger and given more control over our world as most of the American public will lay on their backs.

The democrats will be of no help. Everything I read about the party, whenever they see a republican in the area, they drop their pants, bend over and spread their cheeks for maximum republican penetration. We, however, at the bottom, are the ones who are truly fucked. But, before I move onto other things, let me repeat those numbers again: 29,000 to 96,000,000. There is hope.

Saturday, September 24, 2005



We all have our comfort things. The storms are raging outside. Seems like the world may come to an end. Comfort food is important to maintain the mental strength to deal with these things. Comfort restaurants where you can chat or read and eat comfort food.

Skyline Cafe was that for me. It is a white normative space, yet a space that is comforting. It reminds us of things that never really were. It reminds us of fun times. It reminds us of times when we thought the end of the world as a concept, not a potential acuality. A place to take a breath from the crazy things going on in the world.

It is so white normative. White people interacting with other white people. Most of them elders. The food is good American comfort food. The weather is clear, bright, and crisp. Fall is coming. The waitresses are beautiful young women, just like in the good old days that never were for most of us. Is it denial, or is it comfort. The storms are raging outside, but the weather is bright and clear and crisp.

The energy always changes when I enter the world of white normativity. I'm somewhat safe because my daugther is with me. I'm not just some Indian stepping out of a cupboard and into their restaurant. I don't get the angry stares, the sideways glances, the looks of discomfort or pity that my all mighty and powerful skin that can draw that kind of attention. I'm an Indian in whitey's world...although I swear the waitress is Indian. She looks a little like a cousin of mine. Beautiful, beautiful dark eyes, brown shiny long hair, a smile that can warm the coldest of hearts, and an undeniable intelligence and humanity in her spirit. But I hesitate to ask the question. This is whitey's world, and one has to be careful and not draw too much attention to those who can fit in both worlds. Those who can pass. Hey, whitey, we walk among you.

So, I gain comfort knowing that I can make whitey uncomfortable in his own world. Why do you feel uncomfortable when I step outside the rez of my mind and walk into your white normative spaces? Do I connect you to the nightmare that created the world as we know it. You all know what happened to my people and all your religions tell you that it was wrong. But here I am, a reminder...kiksuye...remember.

When we go home, what other worlds do we enter?

Welcome, whitey, welcome to my country. It would seem more and more of you are learning or about to learn what it really means to be Indian. I wish it weren't true, it's tough, even for those of privilege like myself (job, health care (for what it's worth), house, most of my teeth, etc.). Welcome anyway. Wanna help me in getting it all back? There is already a bunch of us. C'mon, whattaya gotta lose? What you have, they just may take from you. Let's struggle together, one and all, for one and all.


Friday, September 23, 2005


One Last Thing

Oh yeah! One last thing before I move onto reading, which I'll hopefully be able to get to here soon, (interruptions) OK...I think I can finish now. Where was I? Oh Yeah! One last thing. Yesterday I purchased from my work at the William Temple House Thrift Store an interesting baord game called "Class Struggle." One document inside stated that it was created in or prior to 1978. It looks very intersting and wildly fun. I look forward to playing it with many of you.


Behind on everything!

I was so busy Monday through Wednesday this week that I am way behind on my news, I have lots to catch up on.

I read about Simon Weisenthal from the article about him in Truthout. An amazing man. Read the article if you get a chance. Besides surviving the attrocities of twelve concentration camps, the man was a great fighter for justice. He had an amazing and horrifying life. He kept the dead in his mind his whole life and always looked for justice. He had short comings in his support of Iraq and Kosovo. I believe if he and I had sat together for even just a few minutes, I would have turned his heart and opened his mind to the horrifying injustices enacted by the U.S. government. Of course, that is just speculation. I think the thing I am most amazed about him, and I didn't know this until I read the article, was when the Diary of Ann Frank came out in play form he was at the opening. Some Holocaust denier child told him if Ann Frank was true, he'd know who arrested her. The tenacious old coot found the man. It took him five years, but he found him. The Holocaust against us Indians is just as real.

Speaking of Indians, the National Archives was caught dumping boxes of Indian related documents, including BIA documents. This is not unusual, as the BIA here in Portland, at 911 NE 11th, was caught just a year or two ago trying to dump documents illegally. They were supposed to be shredded, but the employee in charge of that got a little lazy and just threw them in the dumpster. And this is not the first time this has happened, and this won't be the last time in the cover up of the continued genocide of the Indians by the U.S. government. (*sigh*)

I have so much to take care of and do this weekend and I will also have my daughter with me. I was hoping to go to a Native American Church ceremony this weekend, but I have so much other stuff going on that I just don't have the time. I was also hoping to have a party celebrating my year of singleness, but I just don't have the energy to do so. I'm hoping to top my weekend off with a massage, that I can't really afford, but I don't care. I'm gonna try to get one once a month. Treat myself good.

My room is a mess again, which is a personal sign of depression. But then again, I just don't have time to do everything as I'm priortizing catching up on the news above the rest, which will take a second seat to my daughter this weekend. I have a feeling there will be more fart jokes and talking about my last ex in the future. As well as a good breakfast as I plan to take Felicia to the Skyline Cafe on Saturday for Breakfast. It's at the intersection of Skyline and Cornell.

I got 7 hours of sleep last night, but man, I'm still fucking tired. Stupid tired. The kind of tired where I can't talk straight at times. Where sometimes it is so hard to grasp a familiar word or concept. But I know I'll catch up again. I'll make myself sleep to at least 6am tomorrow.

Where the hell am I? Oh yeah...I have no idea.

Hurricane Rita is supposed to hit shore tomorrow. I wonder how many blacks and poor are being left behind in the exodus of the area about to be hit. I worry for those who can't afford to escape. Then, what will they be escaping to. Is it safer to face the hurricane, or safer to be in a strange land with nothing and no help on the horizon, as the victims of Katrina.

Well, gotta go get coffee. I'm a junkie, and I enjoy the company at Grendel's. They are good people who make good coffee, and coffee is one of my favorite comfort foods.


Thursday, September 22, 2005


Chaos News Updates

The hurricane heading for Texas has been upgraded to a level five.

Bush and his administration are working hard on eliminating the Posse Comitatus (sp?) Act which means it may soon not be unusual to see armed military wandering the streets of our cities. This, of course is being eliminated in the disguise of using the military in helping out with natural disasters. But if you follow the Bush administration you should know that it is actually going to be used to keep the masses in line as their criminal activities become aware to more and more of the people. When your only tool is FORCE, it's best to FORCE everyone to kneel before the great "W."

In FEMA's complete failure to help the people in the states damaged by Hurricane Katrina, thousands upon thousands of pounds of donated food by the generosity of other nations is being destroyed as unusable. Can you say..."incompetence?" I knew that you could. So now, as stated in the above paragraph, the military will be a regular in the activities of "cleaning up the mess." That is, men with high powered guns who have been trained to kill, are going to go into areas of devastation and do...

Hang on tight, folks, I fear the world is about to go on a bumpy ride. I hope I'm wrong...


Simon Weisenthal has passed away.

I printed up an article that, at a glance, I thought was by Simon Weisenthal, only to find out later that he had passed away. Looking at the headline of the article I printed up this morning I discovered it is an article about Simon's passing.

Simon was a Holocaust survivor and famed Nazi hunter, bringing some 4000 Nazi War Criminals to justice.

Let's pray that someday we will be able to bring American War Criminals such as the whole Bush administration to justice. May the world fill with those who thirst for justice as Simon had.


Overdraft Charges

Upon checking my account on the internet on Monday, I noticed I had $34 in my account. I spent $24 of that throughout the day, then discovered I was $18 overdrawn the next morning. I deposited my check and the next day I discovered I had $81 in overdraft charges. I managed to get my money back, but I have a few things to say about this BULLSHIT!

I can't find information on the internet, but I was told by a former bank employee one time that it cost pennies, or less, to deal with overdrafts. Probably less since computer programs are the ones that deal with this and not humans, which you have to pay.

Basically, overdraft charges are a legal means for banks to rob the poor. I was charged $27 for each overdraft. That means at least $26.90 profit per overdraft. Basically, individuals are getting robbed by the bank when you get overdraft charges. It gives me a new respect for muggers because at least a mugger has enough honesty to put a gun to your head and demand your money. The theives in banks use a computer program. What that means is you don't have a face, a human, to discuss this with. You have a heartless machine that doesn't care what you do with your money. It doesn't care if you have to eat, feed a family, pay for daycare, and therefore, makes it much more difficult in getting your money back when you are robbed by a bank.

I love to give money to people, especially the homeless and those in need. I hate being FORCED to give money to a bank, however. It would be different if say each employee at that branch got, a $.50 bonus for every overdraft charge made. But we all know that the employees at the bank are not gonna benefit from the theivery instilled by their coroporate masters. The money, instead, will go to sponsor illegal bank activities, such as: funding illegal wars, making massive drug deals, laundering drug money, violating human rights, stealing the wealth of the poor in other nations, paying for the aparments of mistresses of the corporate execs, paying for prostitues and $100 bottles of champagne, etc.

I would think differently if, say, a good portion of the money went to charities like: homeless shelters, battered women's shelters, free daycare, free health care, free food, small business grants, school funding, etc. But it doesn't. The money the bankers ROB from the poor goes to the wealthy business men who, more often than not, don't really give a shit about the people because they are profitting off of the peoples suffering and making BILLIONS of dollars doing so.

They get you coming and going. In order to protect you, the poor asshole who occasionally has an overdraft charge from the bank, you can pay for overdraft protection, which, according to the many articles I discovered on the internet, really doesn't protect you at all. So, you GIVE money to fatass bankers to protect you from the RACKET they set up to ROB you with. But still, if you are overdrawn, it doesn't protect you, so the banks get the POOR coming and going and feed themselves on fatcat stuff while us at the BOTTOM suffer.

P.S. Don't forget the war profiteering that bankers do, as well. They not only rob us by our checking accounts, they also participate in encouraging the poor to kill their fellow poor for the profits of the FATASS BANKERS.

A Banker can be simply defined as nothing more than a THIEF with U.S. government protection.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Since then...

Since it was the anniversary of closing the doors on my last relationship, Love pops into mind.

Like I said, I've dated a few times, had a few crushes, but on my birthday, in January, I realized I was not ready for a relationship or dating.

Since then, I've grown a lot. I can do well on my own. I don't feel like I HAVE to be with someone. So, if my path should cross with a potential lover, I will be with her because I WANT to be.

I've been told that there are a lot of women interested in me. I don't really believe this because if there were, they would have come up to me, paid attention to me, wanted my attention. I could also be oblivious. Maybe it's happened and I am just incapable of telling because I have a hard time believing women are interested in me.

So, from my birthday until now, I have not felt like any woman was interested in me romantically, and I haven't felt romantically interested in anyone either. Perfect time for healing.

So, here I am, fat and happy. No love interest joyfully tearing at my soul. No love interest on the horizon. And here I am, fat and happy. Feels like the perfect place for a REVOLUTION!


John and Judi pt. 2

I informed my friend, Jim, about U.S. ambassador to the UN, John R. Bolton, paying a visit to jailed repoter, Judith Miller, in jail for refusing to reveal her source in her outing of Valerie Plame as a covert CIA operative.

Jim informed me that Judith Miller is a Bush loving right wing republican. He also added that there is a possibility that she had access to the document on her own credentials and outed Valerie Plame herself. If this administration has its way, the truth will never be known. This adds a new dimension to the potential discussion that John may have had with Judith.

Hey, Judith, are you taking one for the man in hopes of creating a career for yourself after you are released? Book deals? High level corporate or government appointments ripe for corruption and money on the side?

Hey John, is Judi playing on your team? Are you guys in collusion on something? Were you threatening her if she named you in your alleged criminal activities? C'mon, John. Tell us. We're curious. We want to know. What is it you and Judi talked about? Are you two up to something? Is this just a tiny peice in a puzzle of horrific proportions? What's going on, John?

Monday, September 19, 2005


Most Likely no party.

It's been a year and a day since I left my ex-wife. I was planning on having a party on Saturday, but the venue is exhausted already to the pledge drive just beginning. Maybe I'll have a little get together at my place Saturday, late AM, and then attend a ceremony out in Yamhill. Who ever is interested, please send me an e-mail or contact me. I'll put it out to a few people personally. Maybe an early potluck or something.


Violations of the U.S. Constitution in New Orleans!

The U.S. government and the local governments under its control, are violating the U.S. Constitution that most of the organizations are alleged to uphold. Seems they are violating the "freedom of the press," and using various arms of the thugs that protect the wealth of the nation from the poor which outnumbers them. The blatancy of the current attrocities in New Orleans and other hurricane devastated areas and the violations of the first ammendment seem to ring an old metaphor in my ears. "If a cop comes to your door and wants to search your house without a warrant, you should let him. What do you have to hide?" So, armed thugs for the wealthy who are currently mistreating and violating the human rights of the poor in the devastated areas by hurricane Katrina, what are you trying to hide? Bodies? Murders? Rapes? Illegal imprisonments? Complete chaos? Poor planning? Poorer planning? No planning at all? Lawlessness even on your parts...especially on your parts? What are you hiding from the pubic via this disaster to the public?

Check out the website and read about some of the violations the current U.S. government and its low level local arms are doing against the U.S. Constitution most Americans uphold as one of the greatest documents in the world, but have rarely read it. Can you say, IMPEACHMENT? Can you say, REVOLUTION? Don't give me that shit that the Democrats will save us. If you look around, you won't find them helping either. Look into the violations of the Constitution. Go have my permission.


John and Judi

Odd...Very odd...Odd indeed!

Seems that John R. Bolton, the U.S. governments ambastardor to the UN, was one of 99 visitors received by Judith Miller, the jailed reporter who refuses to relinquish her source for the outing of Valerie Plame as a CIA agent. (Many allege that Karl Rove, George Bush's brain, is the source of the leak). Why would the ambastardor to the UN, John R. Bolton, be visiting the jailed reporter? The Washington Post suggests John R. Bolton being a "vocal defender of administration claims in 2003 that Iraq was seeking weapons of mass destruction, he could have had access to a State Department memo, parts of which were classified, that detailed Wilson's trip to Niger to determine whether Iraq was seeking uranium there and identified his wife as a covert CIA operative. Who saw or discussed the memo has been a central question..."

As we now know, Wilson found there to be NO possiblity that Iraq was seeking uranium from Niger. Which adds premeditation to the war crimes being committed by the U.S. government against the people of Iraq.

Hey! Johnny Boy (as Georgie Porgie might call you), why did you visit jailed reporter Judith Miller? What are you hiding, Johnny Boy? Are your fingers rooted deep in the war crimes being committed and the genocide of the Iraqi people? What did you, John R. Bolton, U.S. ambastardor to the UN, and Judith Miller talk about? John R. Bolton, U.S. ambastardor to the UN, release the transcripts of your conversation with jailed reporter Judith Miller. What are you hiding, Johnny Boy? What skeletons do you have in your closet, John R. Bolton, forced upon the world community as U.S. ambassador to the UN by known war criminal George W. Bush. What's going on here, Johnny Boy?

Speak to the people you allege to represent, Johnny Boy? THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU UP BEHIND BARS FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!

John R. Bolton, U.S. governmental ambassador to the UN, one last question; do you really need a laxative or are you just pissed off about having the worlds smallest dick?

Sunday, September 18, 2005



George Bush, in a simple unexamined statement, stated racism had nothing to do with the disaster caused by Hurricane Katrina and his administrations lack of a response.

Bush isn't president because he is a member of an elite family. He got there under his own merit. How do I know? Because my fingers typed out the words.

In an article by Marilou Johanek titled "Poor Off the Radar of Rich, Powerful" for the Toledo Blade (Ohio), she stated "It wasn't racism that doomed the poor, mostly black population of New Orleans." She states in the article that it was elitism that caused the destruction of the poor in New Orleans. To not take in the whole picture in something like the disaster in New Orleans is a dangerous thing for when it happens again and in our preparedness in dealing with disasters in this country. There is a reason that when it comes to poverty, larger percentages of non-white races are more impoverished than whites.

Do not dismiss the role of race in this! Race is what makes most blacks poor. To look at disasters through narrow scopes like saying what happened is the problem of elitism and not racism is like saying that the reason women make less money than men in the same jobs around this country is due to merit, not sexism.

Do not take away ANY of the motivating factors in what happened in New Orleans: racism, eltism, corruption, unpreparedness, lack of motivation for being prepared, trying to fix the problem in the area by sending in mercenaries, lack of rebuilding, awarding no bid contracts to "friend of the government" corporations, sending in minorities to do the work of rebuilding in a heavily polluted area, war, global warming, etc. All of these are factors that created and further this disaster that is still continuing. To say that only one or a few of these things caused it and that the others were not a factor is a LIE not worth repeating. All of this has played and is playing a role in this disaster. Nothing good is gonna come from a rebuild. Most of the transplanted poor will not be returning. Most of them are black. New Orleans now has the potential to become one of the whitest cities of its kind in the South. So do not take a dangerous road and say that this, and not that, is the cause of the problem when ALL of it is the cause of the problem.

Hang on tight, folks. We may just be in for a bumpy road.


Dead Day

Yesterday was Dead Day at KBOO. Dead Day is the day of the Greatful Dead Marathon. 12 hours of Greatful Dead music and some really great energy in the station that happens twice annually during the pledge drives. We get an array of different folks arriving at the station during the day. Some have never been to KBOO, others are regulars in one form or another. It is our biggest money making day for the station, and it was fun.

I saw Christy there, a long time friend. Trout showed up all sparkly with lavender sparkles, but no Johnny. Andrew was there and did his section of the show. Robin, Alecia, Zale, Jill, and so many others. Ani was there and busy busy busy. I don't recall Ani sitting at all during my 8 hours of being there. Maybe she did, but I didn't see it.

If you ever get a chance to hang around KBOO during the year, Dead Day is a good day to do it. There is so much good energy there. LIFE IS GOOD! It's a good day to die! It's a good day to be alive.



Today marks the first anniversary of my singlness. I had informed my now ex-wife a year ago yesterday that I would be leaving. Saturday, September 18, 2004, I left.

Some people have really admired the fact that I was able to leave and set up uncrossable boundaries. It was completely over and there was no desire to return. I will never go back.

The last year has made me very happy. I lived with my sister for a while who became somewhat passive aggressive toward me.

In January, a cousin of mine was murdered on the Rez, which lead me to two very good friends, Julie and LA.

I moved in with a crazy woman, whom after a month or so of living with her, kicked me out because I had guests in my room. She became very passive aggressive to me the very next day, motivating me to leave the next day instead of waiting the two weeks notice she gave me as well as keeping a whole months rent for the few days I stayed there. I became suicidal in which I was given the feeling I will be alive into my 80's. Even then, I was happier than when I was married, either time.

Lisa Loving and her husband David Lichtenstein invited me to live at there house rent free. During this time I was so happy. I got to hang out with some very wonderful people. Lisa and David are fantastic human beings and so are their kids James and Lela (sp?). I loved waking up early in the mornings with them, drinking coffee, talking politics. I felt so at home, I didn't want to leave, but I did need a permanent place to stay.

My friend Heidi and I became contra dance partners. Her husband, Traian, was living in Norway at the time, and Heidi needed someone to move in. I decided it would be good for me, though I was still reluctant to leave my residence with Lisa and David and their whole family inculding animals.

I have since lived with Heidi in the Garden Home area and am very happy. I have four goats, six cats, two dogs, five rabbits, and an anti-social human being as well as the wonderful Heidi as roommates. Her hubby will be back from Romania in mid-October.

Heidi and I have since became really close friends.

During this last year, I lost one friend by choice, and three of my friends have died. OUCH!

I dated a little early on, but around my birthday, January 17, I came to the conclusion that I'm just not ready for anything. There hasn't been much interest expressed by women in my general direction, which has also given me time to heal and decide if I want to try love again, or at least know what I want so I don't get hurt like I have been in the past. Who ever I fall in Love with, should I choose to do so, I want to make me happier than I am now, and I want to make her happy as well. I want to create a good team to go through life. I will settle for nothing less and will be alone the rest of my life should I be incapable of finding said person. I feel more open toward a relationship now, but am still cautious. No one is coming forward, yet, and I'm not pursuing anyone, but I'm allowing myself to be open to anything.

Tomorrow will be a year and a day. For some reason that seems significant. More significant than today. Like a year since the beginning of my new life.

I still produce a radio program for KBOO and host a TV program for MCTV.

I'm making new friends all of the time.

I got a massage yesterday, the first time I've been touched intimately in over a year. I really enjoyed my hands and head being massaged, and think I became a junky. Once a month, I hope to be able to pay for a half hour. It was so good!

I still drink a lot of coffee. I still love all of my friends. Life is good! Life is really really good!

Saturday, September 17, 2005


Hugo Chavez

Hugo Chavez chastised George Bush and his crony white wealthy male owners in front of the UN especially for their illegal war in Iraq. The man has a lot of balls considering the U.S. government is looking to possibly slaughter thousands if not millions of his people to steal their wealth for oil billionaires. Commondation for your bravery, Hugo.

I especially enjoyed this. There is a 5 minute time limit for leaders of the various nations to speak. Bush, had taken 20 minutes. Chavez, when he was over his time, received a note saying as such. He crumpled up the note and satated that if Bush could get 20 minutes, then so could he.

Considering the fact that the U.S. government is considering pre-emptive nuclear strikes in order to steal the wealth of other nations considering they downsized the military and it is now stretched to the limits in two different occupations, it is mighty brave of Venezuela's leader to speak out in such a manner, but someone has to call out this horrible monster of a nation.


Saul Williams

One of my heroes, Saul Williams, and amazing poet and spoken word artist, will be in town on Saturday, November 5th, opening for My Morning Jacket at the Alladin Theater. If you have not heard of Saul, go out and buy his CD's. The man is amazing. I've heard from a man who is basically an athiest that he saw Saul a couple of years ago and that it was a "spiritual experience" for him. I can't want to see. I almost have his CD simply titled, "Saul Williams," memorized. Good stuff!

Friday, September 16, 2005


The War in Baghdad

The other day, Iraq faced it's biggest terrorist attack since the U.S. government operations were alleged to be over by the purveyor of non-truths, George Bush. Over 150 people were killed and over 500 injured.

I read an article in Truthout about this incident, and one perspective I didn't consider until some of the surviving victims mentioned it, they believe that the U.S. government was involved in the attacks. Their reasoning; The U.S. government would benefit greatly from the internal strife of the people of Iraq and could more easily steal the wealth of their nation.

Example: The U.S. government, in order to wipe Indians off of the face of the earth and not have to get their hands dirty, would encourage intertribal warfare, often selling arms to both sides (sound familiar, Iran Iraq War, Iran Contra). Even if it were insurgents and suicide bombers from Al Queda, which didn't exist in Iraq before the U.S. government started to steal thier oil via force. Would this have happened if the U.S. didn't get involved in Iraqi business? Even under Saddam, the people of Iraq haven't had to face such great suffering as they do now.

The victims of the bombings, however, say that it is the U.S. directly. Picture if you will. A deadly attack in a city our military occupies. Although it appears to be done from the "inside," the people wounded from the attack and in the community at large believe that the true force behind these attacks is the occupying force. That occupying force, of course, are the troops of the U.S. government. Young men and women being used to oppress a nation in order to steal their wealth for multi-millionaires and billionaires, mostly white males.

With these things in mind, what do you think might happen in that country now. Hatred and anger are deepening toward the occupying forces even when it seems internal strife is responsible for those deaths, if the occupiers weren't there, it would not have happened. The people of Iraq are figuring this out. What choice do they have?


Single Anniversary

Sunday marks one year since I have been single. This has been the best year of my life. Even in the hardest times (becoming suicidal), I was happier than when I was in the misery of either marriage I was involved in. I'm thinking of having a party next weekend on the 24th. I haven't made serious plans, but it will most likely happen.

Thursday, September 15, 2005


Red v. White

My sister is in finanacial hard times. People owe her money that aren't paying. She is currently unemployed. She has two teenage kids. My sister, like me, is a Redskin Nigger. But we're only half Red Nigger. The other half is white.

I have an Indian family and a white family. My mother is white, my father was the red nigger (he passed away in '81).

My sister is suffering. She needs money. Some members of our white family has money. They help out the white side with their generosity even when they don't pay it back, but us lowly red niggers, we don't get the same treatment. My white grandmother has some $2,000,000 last I heard. When asked by my Red Nigger sister to borrow some money, she said, "No." The white grand kids get to take advantage however.

My mother said she couldn't afford to loan my sister money. She is currently gambling with husband number three somewhere in Washginton state at an Indian casino. They do, however, help her husbands children financially and often with great generosity.

Like Bush states that what happened in Louisiana and Mississippi is not racist simply by the fact that he said it wasn't (being infallible and all), one can easily say this isn't racist even though it is.



I am so sick and fucking tired of hearing people say about the genocidal war in Iraq that "at least we got rid of Saddam." Oddly, the people of Iraq were saying conditions of life were better under Saddam than they are under the brutal and genocidal occupation by the United States.

Have you seen the movie, "Control Room," about the Al-Jazeera TV network? In there, most of the Arab reporters can be quoted as saying something like: The U.S. got rid of one Saddam, but there are at least 20 other Saddams running the Middle East.

If the U.S. was going after Saddam for being such a bad man, why aren't they going after the other Saddams? Why does the U.S. also uphold and support other Saddams in other nations? Since when has the U.S. given a shit about the people at the bottom?

So please, don't give me this fucking bullshit about "at least we got rid of Saddam." There's a bigger Saddam, and when he's not on vacation (which he seems to spend most of his time doing), he can be found in Washington DC where he plans great slaughters to benenfit his rich buddies.


One disaster after another

Hurricane Katrina is one of the greatest disasters in U.S. history. The reason the Hurricane was such a destructive force was not because of the winds and rains, but because of the United States government. Had our tax dollars actually gone to improving the levees instead of killing and oppressing the people of Iraq so oil billionaires can have more money, Hurricane Katrina would not have been the destructive force that it was. And still, the disaster that resulted in the death of New Orleans and thousands of our fellow human beings will be blamed on the hurricane and not government that failed the people who pay them for their protection.

If you haven't read it, please, I'm begging you, read, "War is a Racket" by Smedley Darlington Butler. This man was in the middle of it, and he should know.

Our tax dollars go to the wealthy. And the wealthy use our money to protect themselves from us as well as ride high on the hog while millions of people suffer. They also use our tax dollars to steal the wealth of other nations for their OWN gain.

On the heels of such horrific disaster, two other horrific disasters are happening. One is John Roberts getting softballed into the Supreme Court where he will erode the right to privacy and abortions (Roe v. Wade), he will erode the rights of U.S. citizens, and he will strengthen laws that will benefit corporations in their destruction of our world to create wealth for a few white men. Dems will just bend over and spread their cheeks. All of us at the bottom, however, will be the ones who are getting screwed.

Disaster number two is John Bolton. [Editorial comments here: Doesn't John Bolton always look like he needs a laxative. Like everything is so backed up in his bowels that not only is he figuratively but literally full of shit. He always looks like he has the worlds smallest dick and he is just pissed off about it and he is gonna make everyone pay.] John Bolton is doing his duty of fucking up the UN gathering in New York. I could go on at length about the things he wants to edit in the UN document on millenial goals. John wants to keep in place no international criminal court, no punishements for genocide, etc. In my high school and self-educated opinion, John has a purpose in mind. He is to disrupt and United Nations and make it ineffectual to stop the monster known as the United States. As stated previously in this blog, the U.S. has plans to go to war with Iran. Troop force is spread thin and the U.S. cannot afford using massive amounts of force. The best thing would be a pre-emptive nuclear strike. These ideas ARE on the drawing board, and with the UN out of the way, the U.S. government can do whatever the heck it wants to steal the wealth of other nations.

But, like the swift and relatively painless war in Iraq was supposed to be, this strategy, if enacted, will also backfire in the U.S. governtments genocidal face. Because of the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, the government caused disaster in Louisiana and Mississippi, because of the impending war with Iran, I believe our economy will collapse. What exactly that will mean to our way of life, I don't know.

I'd like to stop this whole monstrous system (it is not just Bush). How about you?

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


The Upcoming Radio Show.

Jim Craven will be on "Mitakuye Oyasin," from 1:30 to 3:00pm Thursday, September 15. Jim is the former co-host with Eugene Johnson (yours truly). Jim is the Blackfoot Solicitor General as well as the head of the economics department of Clark College in Vancouver, Washington.

We will be discussing many political issues. We will focus a lot on his recent work in China where he is creating political allies between the Chinese government and the Blackfoot Nation. Hold on tight, it's gonna be a wild ride.

Monday, September 12, 2005


The New Orleans War Zone

Since I couldn't sleep last night, I read about how Blackwater has unleashed their mercenaries on New Orleans. Some have been out of Iraq for 2 weeks. Yes, the killers in the Middle East are now setting up camp in New Orleans and other damged areas of Louisiana and Mississippi. These guys are killers and they love to kill. That is their job. Can you believe that there are actually corporations that send killers all over the world to create wealth for someone who will never fight side by side with these men.

Like I've been saying; when your only tool is force, you use it to fix everything. The Bush administration has no real idea how to deal with something like hurricane Katrina. They've used force in Iraq to steal their wealth, they can use force to rebuild New Orleans. just turns it into a war zone.

"Excuse me, old woman, I'm from Blackwater and I'm here to rebuild your home..." BAM!

It is also apparent that Bush's appointees are just as incompetent as he is. Michael Brown was the roommate to Bush's 2000 campaign manager, Joe Allbaugh, in college. No more qualification is needed. So, one has to wonder how many more important jobs, such as the head of FEMA have been given to complete incompetents because they were favors.

But you see, with the U.S. Government, it is more important to look good than to be good. I have met many Christians that think in this same manner. They look like good Christians, but when you do a little digging, you find out that they are not nice people at all.

So, with incompetents in the field of hurricane relief, and having only one tool at their disposal, force, New Orleans is now a war zone. Under the current conditions, the city will never be truly be rebuilt. For proof of this forecast, one only has to look at how well America is rebuilding Baghdad and the rest of Iraq. And these contractors are sucking away our tax dollars that could be helping people.

There were 66 chemical plants that have been damaged in Louisiana creating a toxicity that those that aren't high level incompetents, but actually understand this information, state that New Orleans will be unilveable for at least 10 years (Common Dreams article: Cover-Up: Toxic Waters 'Will make New Orleans Unsafe for a Decade' by Geoffrey Lean).

Contractors are already getting contracts to rebuild New Orleans, at least the Naval bases. I joked the several days before it happened that Halliburton would get rebuilding contracts, and wouldn't you know it, Kellogg Brown and Root, a Halliburton subsidiary, did indeed get contracts to rebuild, just like the horrible job they are doing of rebuilding Iraq. Honestly, they are just profiteers off of human suffering.

And speaking of contractors misappropriating funds, our tax dollars, to kill others so wealthy oil men can maintain and increase their status quo, here is a quote from Janis Karpinski, a former commander in Abu Ghraib and the highest level fall guy for the crimes, discussing how contractors are paid in cash: "You take a request - literally, you take a request to the Finance Office. If the Pay Officer recognized your face and you were asking for $450,000 to pay a contractor for work, they would pay you in cash: $450,000. Out of control." Read the whole article on Truthout: Abu Ghraib General Lambastes Bush Administration by Marjorie Cohn.

So, there are a few things to think about what your tax dollars are doing in Louisiana. Our money is rebuilding an area that is being treated like a war zone. I believe it was Mark Twain that said: "When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." When your only tool is force, everything looks like war. And to solve problems like the disaster in Louisiana and Mississippi, the Bush administration treats it like war. Afterall, they have some of their hired killer contractors working the streets of Baghdad and New Orleans.

And let's not forget the violations of the constitution in New Orleans as well as in Iraq, specifically, freedom of the press. But the rich white men in DC and that heads of corporations like Blackwater, will never see a day behind bars for their crimes. I mean, it's not like they are black men looting VCR's or something (see previous post for faceitiousness of the previous comment).


Jim Craven

Jim Craven is back in town, and wouldn't you know it, he hasn't changed one bit...WOO-HOO!

So he is gonna be on "Mitakuye Oyasin" this week, Thursday, September 15 from 1:30 to 3:00 pm on KBOO 90.7fm. David Liberty will unfortunately not be able to make it. It is our only pledge drive show, so call in and give KBOO a buncha money. There is no other station like her.


Fart Jokes

Felicia and I hung out with each other all weekend. The funnest of our activities involved laying in the hammock in the backyard and making fart jokes. It's the simple things in life, enit...

Sunday, September 11, 2005


Pre-emptive Nuclear (nuculer to GW) Strikes

I have been hearing that the United States Government has been considering using pre-emptive nuclear strikes under the guise of stopping future attacks against U.S. citizens from nations that may or may not be thinking of attacking U.S. citizens. Commond Dreams currently has an article about this:

First, let me discuss the idea of pre-emptive strikes. Pre-emptive strikes are ILLEGAL under international law. Why? Your neighbor could have a gun. Your neighbor could be thinking of turning that gun on you. Therefore you bust into their home as they are having dinner and kill every last one of those bastards. Afterall, even if they didn't have a gun, how were you to know that they didn't have any intentions of doing you harm and taking your stuff.

It has been proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that the war with Iraq, a pre-emptive war, was nothing more than oil business. So the above scenario, under a different light, could look like this: Your neighbor has some nice antique furniture, some expensive art pieces, and lots of cash that he keeps in his freezer. You want it. Therefore, you say your neighbor has a gun and was thinking of using it against you. You attack and kill everyone in the household, keep his wife alive long enough to gang rape her, then kill her. Then, by the simple act of conquest, all of their property now belongs to you. But, to protect you from prosecution, you just tell the world that it was a pre-emptive strike and lie and lie and lie.

Because the U.S. gov's military is currently stretched to the limits in two major occupations, the impending war with Iran to steal their oil isn't going to be easy. The U.S. government doesn't have enough forces to have another ground war. Therefore, the U.S. gov can say that the Iranians are considering attacking us with WMD's. No proof is necessary as the american public has been so dumbed down as to buy into whatever such stupid fucks like Bush says. Since an air and ground attack will not be easily created in order to steal the wealth of the Iranian nation, we have a bunch of unused nuclear (nuculer) weapons. Let's nuke a buncha Iranians until they SUBMIT to the will of the U.S. gov and it's oil business billionaire owners.

I have heard that the best case scenario in the U.S. stealing the wealth of Iran will involve pre-emptive nuclear strikes in order to bring them into submission. The U.S. gov just doesn't have the troop force to bring them into submission in any other manner. Not enough resources.

Louisiana and Mississippi lay in ruins. The Bush administration wants Iran's oil for oil business billionaires and has been sucking it's resources from social programs in this country in order to concentrate on the impending war with Iran. They will not easily, nor quickly, release any resources to the hurricane damaged cities in the South because it would take away from their current illegal occupations and their plans to steal Iran's wealth by force. It costs billions of dollars to take such actions, and why would the Bush adminstration consider helping the people of this country when they would much rather help oil business billionaires?

And let's not forget, Katrina was just the beginning of the hurricane season, so the rest of you poor mother-fuckers out their in the sights of hurricanes that may hit this country know what to expect as you helplessly watch the yuppies of this country drive to safety in their SUV's. Suffering and death are heading your way. The U.S. has no plans on helping your poor mostly black asses. You're the wrong race and class, and therfore, expendable.


Saturday, September 10, 2005


Stuff before life

Picking up my daughter at her mom's house yesterday, my former brother-in-law showed up. We got into a discussion about the hurricane, of course.

"I don't mind the people gathering food for themselves," he explained. "It's those people who steal 10 VCR's that should be killed..." Usually I'm really on top of these kinds of conversations, but considering my emotional state that accumulated in a breadown later that evening, I just didn't have the responses I usually do to such rediculous conversations.

Stuff. Killed for stealing other peoples stuff. Some stealing is OK, like stealing food, but stealing VCR's is a crime punishable by death to this man. No intake on the whole situation. He is unwilling to understand the racism and the conditions of poverty etc., that create such crimes of opportunity. What is the person's story that steals VCR's. Is there no food, but they figure they can sell these things later to get food? Have they been poor all their lives and are looking for some opportunities in this crime ridden nation that goes all the way to the top? But let's not ask any of these uncomfortable questions.

What about thieves of other peoples stuff, like George Bush. George is stealing Iraqi oil for his own gain, yet, I know I would never hear this man talk of killing George Bush, whose theivery of american tax money and resources of other nations such as Iraq result in the deaths of thousands of people world wide and in this country as well as the suffering of millions of people. No, being in the navy, he would never consider killing such horrific theives, but he would poor people finding opportunity in stealing some VCR's.

I remember talking with this man many times when I was with my ex. He would talk about how other people he knew killed other people. He would discuss it with relish and a hint of jealousy at the stories he would tell me like the cop who shot a black man in the back as he ran from a crime scene. The cop had some special round that did all sorts of damage and threw the mans body for quite a distance. I don't believe my former brother-in-law has killed anyone, but I do believe he is jealous of not having had the opportunity in his lifetime...thus far.

I've heard in the news of the orders to shoot to kill looters. Kill those who are taking other peoples stuff, which most likely belong to white men. But still, any excuse to kill people with dark skin is a good excuse in this country. Remember the lynchings? Remember the Indians being killed on the reservations in the '70's when the red niggers refused to let the Black Hills be a national SACRIFICE area? It is not unusual for americans to kill to steal, but damn, if they aren't willing to kill people who steal that aren't multi-millionaires. Killing poor thieves, especially people of color is OK. Killing rich thieves, that isn't even thought of especially since most rich theives are white.

While the american military (I include the national guard in the military) is given orders to kill looters, there has been NO desires or comments about killing the rapists that are raping men, women, and children. There is no desire to kill the thugs that are killing people because they know they can get away with it. No desire to kill those who are perpetuating all sorts of violent crimes in the area that will traumatize victims for the rest of their lives along with the hurricane. There isn't even comments about what happens to people, especially children, when they are raped. Americans just want to kill the thieves. Shit, those thugs and rapists are just doing what the american military is doing in Iraq, Afghanistan, America, Africa, etc. Why would they want to punish those who are working right beside them committing the same types of crimes. But if you're a poor civilian stealing a VCR, then you deserve to be killed.

Americans came here and stole all the Indians stuff and willingly and joyfully continue the oppression and slaughter via attrition of Indians and that's OK. But a black man stealing VCR's should be shot and killed.

Americans stealing the resources of so many nations which is how it has created its wealth is OK, but a black man stealing a VCR should be killed.

Stuff is more important to americans than human lives. In fact, try to take an american's stuff, and you'll be in trouble, and if you're a person of color, you'll most likely be killed.

The american motto should not be "freedom," it should be a little more honest than that. "STUFF BEFORE LIFE."

Friday, September 09, 2005



I have been writing here for a while now. There are many things on my mind right now, but I'm being distracted by a presence as I write this. I do plan on writing about how politicians dems and reps alike, hate the American people and are willing to make us suffer horribly so they can ride high on the hog. Louisiana and Mississippi are proof positive of that.

I've been working on healing from 13 and a half years in two different relationships. The first one I was told how bad I looked, smelled, and how everything I did was wrong. I worked hard for her, and she even would harass me while I was ill until I would do housework to her satisfaction. She hardly worked and my money disappeared, and I never questioned her like a fool. She would look at me in public to make it OBVIOUS she was embarassed to be seen with me. We adopted a child together, and that didn't help things either. It didn't make them worse, either. My daughter is one of the most awesome people I know. So, I worked hard, came home and worked, and got treated like shit for my efforts. I was completely unnattractive to my wife, whom you'd think that the person you marry would love how you looked. I'm a fool.

Finally, after becoming suicidal, I decided it was best to leave, and I went right into the arms of number two. She became verbally abusive, screaming at me to the point of spitting in my face. She created a war between my first wife and herself that made life so tense for ALL involved. I took a beating from her once. Threats of violence. Being told he hates me. Being told she wished we lived apart. Being told how inadequate I was. Being called stupid. She did tell me I looked nice and had a nice body, but to receive that and then receive the verbal abuse made me wonder. How could someone think I'm nice looking and treat me that way? I must truly be ugly inside and out.

Mind you, I do have my problems. I have a tendency to be submissive, but I don't think that will happen again if I ever allow myself to fall in love again. I will not, however, become agressive, either. I will not allow my daughter to be abused again, either. I strongly fear falling in love again. What if it happens again? I know it wasn't all me, now. I did everything I could to please. I did most everything I was asked to do in the first relationship. I cooked, cleaned, drove, worked, etc., in the second relationship. I gave all the love I could, thinking that if I just gave more love, maybe I could get what I need out of these relationships. Such is not the case. Things just don't happen that way, and even amateur therapists can tell you that my behavior was dysfunctional.

Like I said, I'm no box of candy. I'm hardcore political. I am a revolutionary. I read avidly. I smoke a lot of dope, which I don't consider a problem. Marijuana has helped me deal with my PTSD issues around my personal history. I don't dress well. I don't eat well, and lately, I've had problems with eating. It's not because I'm fat, I get hungry, I just have little desire to eat even though I am hungry. My housemate cooks some of the most wonderful meals when we eat together, but emotionally, I just sometimes can't handle the idea of eating. I am fat. I'm not particularly good to look at. I'm smart. I'm an Indian. I'm scared shitless and I'm one brave mother-fucker. I fall down, I get up, assess my damage, and move on if I'm capable, which, I'm usually capable.

Fall in love again? I don't know. I know people have good relationships. I see it all around me. Am I capable? Do I care? I have other fish to fry. I have an empire to bring down. I have to live my life as best as I can as well as try to create a situation where life can be good and healthy emotionally and physically for one and all.

Sunday, September 18, it will be one year since I have been on my own. I've gone through four different residences. I've created wonderful friendships and strengthened others. I've lost friendships and still I'm standing. Still I'm walking. And still, more than anything else, I want the HUMAN RIGHTS of one and all honored by ALL NATIONS, especially the most horrific and genocidal nation to have ever existed, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

I shake my fist in the face of the world. Let's stand up and take it all back because I LOVE THIS WORLD.

So, falling in love takes a backseat for the most part to Revolution. But it is also something I want for one and all. The ability to have PLEASURE in ones life. I do have pleasure in mine.

I have never been happier. NEVER. I have been so happy since I made myself single. IF I ever fall in love again, it will only be IF it makes me feel happier than I do right now. I have even been suicidal in this last year and I was even happier then than when I was married to either wife.

September 18, will have been a year. I'm thinking of holding a little celebration the following weekend as I don't get paid until the 20th. As wild and as hectic as it has been, this last year has been the best year of my life.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Free Speech

Unless otherwise directed by people in the authority to take away whatever privileges I have at KBOO, I wish to write about a little incident involving a member of the KBOO board and a member of the staff. All of what I am about to talk about should be in the public record as it was not a meeting done in executive session.

When I was on the board, Justin Miller, the underwriting coordinator, was asked by Don McIntosh to, what were fellow board members understanding, give a report on his work. Instead, Don started grilling Justin on his job. It became increasingly clear that Don had something personal against Justin and that this was. In my opinion and the opinion of other board members at the time, it was indeed a personal attack on Justin Miller by Don McIntosh. I came to this opinion by the fact that Don mentioned that he helped get a couple of union underwriting contracts and that Justin, as underwriting coordinator and handler of the contracts, got a commission for this underwriting. This seemed to make Don very unhappy and his behavior at the particular board meeting made it obvious.

Don has continued this attack in the following months. When we figured that the attack was over, he tried to attach a rider onto another vote to cut Justin's pay in a board meeting several months later. In a discussion after this in what I beleive to be another personal attack on Justin, Don came up to me and told me that it wasn't a personal attack. He asked how I came to this conclusion. Again, in my opinion, Don is upset over the fact that Justin received a commission on union contracts that he helped get.

I've had many discussion with Justin and his co-workers. Justin does a fantastic job. He has a complete understanding of what KBOO's mission means and uses it accordingly to bring us underwriting from businesses that he believes fit within KBOO's mission statement. If he was a greedy bastard, he could easily sell out this station and make thousands of dollars for himself, but Justin is a good human being and loves this station (though, under the attacks he's been under by Don, I'm surprised he still hangs on).

Don McIntosh has told me and expressed openly at board meetings during this attack that he beleives "all staff positions should be volunteer." Where will KBOO find volunteers to work the hours that our staff puts in to maintain this wonderful station? Don does the Monday evening Labor Show and alleges to be a supporter and friend of labor, and yet has perpetuated this attack against Justin for at least the last year.

The underwriting done at KBOO is not designed to make KBOO money directly. It is designed to reach out to the businesses that KBOO would support so that we, as a community, can search out those businesses that support the greatest radio station on earth.

I had believed that this attack against Justin had finally come to an end, but have since discovered that the attack on the staff is again on the board agenda. In my opinion, because of his past behavior, this attack is being perpetuated by none other than alleged pro labor board member and executive committee member, Don McIntosh.

This commentary may be forcibly removed from my blog via the KBOO board and may not remain for long, so those of you who read this, please spread the word. Labor seems to be going after the labor that works at KBOO. Why these attacks are continuing, I can only speculate, and my speculation is allegations that Don is not going to let Justin continue his good work at this wonderful station without being harrassed for gettin a commission on the union contracts he helped bring into this station.



Don't tell me what your gonna do....

George Bush is telling the American people that he is going to allocate $40 billion to help rebuild Louisiana and Mississippi. Since when has Bush told the truth?

A friend of mine said once: "Don't tell me what you're gonna do. Do it, then come back and tell me how you did it."

Bush has said he would help the people with education, and then cut millions out of his own programs. He said he was going to help the elderly, then cut millions out of their programs. He said he was going to help minorities, then cut millions out of their programs. He said he would bring peace and freedom to the people of Iraq, and continues to kill them. He said he would rebuild Iraq, and has given millions to Halliburton who does nothing but eat the money. He says we should support our troops as they continue to carry out his criminal activities, and has slashed millions from their health care.

Now Bush is saying he is going to allocate $40 billion for the rebuilding effort in Louisiana and Mississippi. IF he actually does allocate $40 billion for the rebuilding effort in the South, he would most likely allocate it to Halliburton, or a firm like Halliburton, who would then pocket the money and use some of it for propaganda to tell the world what a great job they're doing.

I heard rumor yesterday that there is a plan to rebuild New Orleans as a better, more fantastic city. Connected to this rumor is that since all the blacks are scattering to whatever other places, not Louisiana, will most likely NOT be a part of this process. Nawlins has the potential of becoming the whitest city in the South, now. Only time will tell.


A Gorry Tale

Al "here, let me suck on that, Mr. Bush," Gore was in town the other day. KBOO was not allowed to record the genocidal maniacs words (no incriminating evidence, please). To my understanding, no media was allowed. Let's see, a public speaker in a public forum who claims to represent the people in one form or another would not allow his words to be recorded in any form. The only people who got to hear his words is the audience. Hmmmmm! If you don't pay the price for the master, you don't get anything.

So, here are a few of my favorite Gore quotes:

When running against his good friend GW, Al was asked about the 5000 children dying every month in Iraq from preventable diseases. His answer to this question was a bout of laughter.

On the same campaign trail here in Oregon, Gore told the Future Farmers of America that they would be pretty much obsolete because he was going to try to make all of our food production come from out of the country.

My favorite quote about Gore was John Trudell who said that "Gore didn't write that book. If he had written that book [a book about ecology, "Earth in the Balance," I think] he would not have signed NAFTA and GATT."

Please don't try to convince me that things would be different if a dem was in office. The only difference is a dem would use lube and give us a little peck on the cheek after they are done fucking us. All the dems without millions of dollars, upon seeing the horrific actions of pieces of shit like Gore, and would simply say, "well, at least he's a democrat." How do I know this? I've seen the dems do this as apologists for the crimes of the Clinton/Gore administration.

Gore, was also the pivot man in selling arms to Indonesia in I believe the year was '93. Indonesia then slaughtered a mess of East Timorese again in their continued genocide of those peoples to control important ports and steal their resources. Business as usual for America.

And let's not forget about the '98 bombing of Iraq.

So, in my opinion, it doesn't matter which team you are on, reps or dems, they are all a bunch of genocidal maniacs who'll stop at nothing to steal everything from everybody.

Most reps think anyone opposing the pres has to be a dem. Sorry to disappoint. I hate all sides of the same coin. So I think it is funny when I am discussing the genocidal and other criminal activies of George Walker Bush, that many people will bring up that John "sign all pro-war laws" Kerry is just as equally a piece of shit. I whole heartedly agree. Kerry and Bush are members of the same team, the "Skull and Bones" society out of Yale. Of course, Kerry is smarter, and like a good dem, will use lube and give you a peck on the cheek after they're done raping you, but they are still rapists and genocidal maniacs, all of them.

During the theivery of the presidency in 2000, a friend of mine and I were predicting that it would be a competetion between the Bonesmen, Bush and Kerry in '04 and that Kerry would waffle before master Bush. Wouldn't you know it, our predictions came true.

In '08, vote dem or rep, and we all still get fucked, that is if there is an election in '08.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


New Orleans sounds like it is dead

I'm hearing many horrific stories coming out of New Orleans. YES! IT IS FUCKING RACIST WHAT IS HAPPENING DOWN THERE!

I've heard that Aaron Neville's daughter waded for five days through water with a small group of people. When they got to the edge of the water, a gang of thugs raped them all, including the children, boys and girls. A man had comandeered a bus and was using it to drive people to safety. Neville's daughter and the group she was with were amongst them. He rescued some fifty people. So the cops arrested the bus driver and he is in jail and will most likely face many years in prison.

ALL OF THIS IS RACIST, MOTHER FUCKERS. Common dreams reprinted an artcile after hurricane Ivan last year. It stated there was no evacuation plan for the poor and the black communities.

Bush has turned away the offer of a hundred or more doctors from Cuba. He has turned away the offer of oil from Iran. He has turned away the offer of 2 M*A*S*H units and a half a million gallons of water for the refugees in the south because he IS A RACIST MOTHER FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT. His mama and his whole fucking family is into eugenics, the master race. In fact, they probably consider themselves the masters of the master race.

So Bush is forcing more suffering upon these people because he is a racist and useless sack of fucking shit.

People are still dying down there, right now. Just like the women in Darfur, women and children are being raped down in Louisiana. Bush is a complete fuck-up, and will be doing an investigation into his own inaction and undoubtedly find himself without fault.


Send in the military, that's a good idea. People who love killing darkies for the man. Good idea. A bunch of darkies to crush and make suffer further. Maybe they'll send in some recruits who returned from Abu Graib.

Why the fuck aren't we rioting in the streets? Why the fuck aren't we having a Revolution RIGHT NOW!

America is the worst fucking country on earth. Our greatest export is FORCE. We love killing people, especially dark skinned people, and here we are doing it again.

C'mon George, say it like I know you want to. You're mama is pretty fucking close. C'mon George, juste be honest for a fucking change. Tell the world you don't really want to help the people of New Oreleans because they aint nothin' but a buncha niggers and poor folks. C'mon you heartless peice of fucking shit.

New Orleans, I'm sure, is dead. MAYBE in the next decade it may be at 50%, but I doubt even that. Bush needs that fucking money to go to war with Iran. They've been doing war games already. We need to continue to steal the rest of the worlds wealth.

Oh, and let's not forget global warming, which this fucking country is also responsible for. The forecast for this year: worst hurricane season ever. This was only the first one.


The only good thing I see coming from all of this horrific suffering is that this nation is now headed for an irreversible collapse. Wax those mental surfboards, folks, I'm almost positive that within my lifetime I'll be watching this country collapse. Hang on tight, hang on to one another, watch out for Americas military, they will undoubtedly be out there solving problems by killing, just like usual. Be safe, and take care of yourselves. I smell an end of a nation, THANK THE GODS AND GODDESSES. This has been the sickest and most brutal government ever. Hold on tight.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


First Day of School

Today is Felicia's first day of school. She is in fifth grade. She is 10. Holy cow! Where does the time go? I swear it was yesterday that she would wait for me at the top of the long driveway/road that lead to the house we rented in Oregon City way back when I was married to her mom. It seems like yesterday she was clearing my book shelves so she could rub her arm on the smooth fake wood finish. Holy cow! She reads, is intelligent, is amazing. Happy first day of school, sweetie! Don't forget, you won't learn everything you need to or should there. Don't forget, keep learning and digging until you find your own truth. You are awesome my little...well...not so little one.



I finished watching "The Trials of Henry Kissinger" yesterday.

It is not unbelievable to me to see such horrific genocidal maniacs be loved and praised by the populace. America loves its killers. Henry had his fingers in so many genocides around the world it is amazing. This man has participated politically in so much killing as to be nothing less than a god to many Americans. I mean fuck, afterall, this is the country that has people like Andy Jackson as the face represented on a piece of their god known as the $20 bill. That fucker loved killing, especially Indians.

Their is that little clause in the bible, that "thou shalt not kill" thing. But just like with nature, god is wrong. Killing is OK because Jesus forgives for killing as long as you accept him as your personal savior. You still get shot straight to heaven to play harp for eternity for an egotistical god. Play 'til your fingers bleed. Me...I'll be burning in hell, of course, and I'm damned proud of it.

Tim Wise has written an article about a god he is not familiar with. As people prayed for their food behind them and prayed for the shooting and killing of looters in New Orleans, Tim states it is a god he is not familiar with. It is a god I am all too familiar with, however. I am an Indian. This god supported his killer followers to slaughter us by the millions. A reduction in our populations of 98% or greater. Their god loves to kill and loves his killers. Killing is very god like.

So, Henry walks the world scott free in all of his privilege. He lies to the people he talks with. He is responsible for at least half of the U.S. casualties in Vietnam and hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese and Cambodian lives so we could pull out of this mass slaughter with some honor. So, in other words, to gain honor, one has to slaughter hundreds of thousands of people. He is also responsible for the slaughter of the East Timorese. He and that other heartless fucker Gerald Ford. Slaughter and carnage.

Slaughter and carnage. These are very Christian values. You see, I know the god Tim is talking about. I am all too familiar with that cold hearted piece of fucking shit. It is the god they pray to as they slaughter their fellow human beings. Why do they slaughter their fellow human beings? To steal from them that which they will not give freely.

You see, the reason there was so much carnage and slaughter in Vietnam and East Timor and Chile is because those civilians there would not just give freely of everything that is theirs to White Men in the United States. So, of course they had to be slaughtered. And of course, the slaughterers had to pray to the great brutal cold hearted piece of shit fucking god to help them maintain their course of carnage and thievery.

The idea men behind the carnage, those with the 7 degrees of separation but knowing full well what was going to and did happen, walk free and live lives free of ever having to face justice. But, just like Pat Robertson, another man that prays to this great heartless slaughtering god, has called for the assasination of Hugo Chavez, that red nigger loving man who is currently president of Venezula and refuses to freely give his countries resources to the white men of the United States, killing is not something these people are unfamiliar with. Pat is using his words as a weapon. Pat is using the bodies of others to kill for ideas he believes in. In fact, killing is a tool these men have used for centuries. If you don't just give them what is rightfully yours, they will take it from you, kill you if necessary, kill your family, kill your friends, and if any are left alive, they will oppress them with a ferocity that is unbelievable in its scope and carnage.

How do I know this, you ask? I am an Indian. I am a victim of one of their many brutal genocides. So I am not surprised that Henry prayed in the oval office with is war criminal buddy, Dick Nixon. "Pray with me Henry." Maybe they just weren't brutal and cruel enough. Maybe they should have slaughtered more people. Maybe then the Nixon administration would still be going strong and raping the world. is.

P.S. I have a friend who is listed in "Who's Who." He has tried to get delisted because that genocidal maniac Henry Kissinger, as well as other genocidal maniacs, are listed in the same book. The idea of being in the same book with such brutal and twisted criminals who have NO REMORSE for their criminal behavior and will never have to face justice bothers the fuck out of him. However, they refuse to de-list him.

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