Friday, September 16, 2005


The War in Baghdad

The other day, Iraq faced it's biggest terrorist attack since the U.S. government operations were alleged to be over by the purveyor of non-truths, George Bush. Over 150 people were killed and over 500 injured.

I read an article in Truthout about this incident, and one perspective I didn't consider until some of the surviving victims mentioned it, they believe that the U.S. government was involved in the attacks. Their reasoning; The U.S. government would benefit greatly from the internal strife of the people of Iraq and could more easily steal the wealth of their nation.

Example: The U.S. government, in order to wipe Indians off of the face of the earth and not have to get their hands dirty, would encourage intertribal warfare, often selling arms to both sides (sound familiar, Iran Iraq War, Iran Contra). Even if it were insurgents and suicide bombers from Al Queda, which didn't exist in Iraq before the U.S. government started to steal thier oil via force. Would this have happened if the U.S. didn't get involved in Iraqi business? Even under Saddam, the people of Iraq haven't had to face such great suffering as they do now.

The victims of the bombings, however, say that it is the U.S. directly. Picture if you will. A deadly attack in a city our military occupies. Although it appears to be done from the "inside," the people wounded from the attack and in the community at large believe that the true force behind these attacks is the occupying force. That occupying force, of course, are the troops of the U.S. government. Young men and women being used to oppress a nation in order to steal their wealth for multi-millionaires and billionaires, mostly white males.

With these things in mind, what do you think might happen in that country now. Hatred and anger are deepening toward the occupying forces even when it seems internal strife is responsible for those deaths, if the occupiers weren't there, it would not have happened. The people of Iraq are figuring this out. What choice do they have?

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