Sunday, September 11, 2005


Pre-emptive Nuclear (nuculer to GW) Strikes

I have been hearing that the United States Government has been considering using pre-emptive nuclear strikes under the guise of stopping future attacks against U.S. citizens from nations that may or may not be thinking of attacking U.S. citizens. Commond Dreams currently has an article about this:

First, let me discuss the idea of pre-emptive strikes. Pre-emptive strikes are ILLEGAL under international law. Why? Your neighbor could have a gun. Your neighbor could be thinking of turning that gun on you. Therefore you bust into their home as they are having dinner and kill every last one of those bastards. Afterall, even if they didn't have a gun, how were you to know that they didn't have any intentions of doing you harm and taking your stuff.

It has been proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that the war with Iraq, a pre-emptive war, was nothing more than oil business. So the above scenario, under a different light, could look like this: Your neighbor has some nice antique furniture, some expensive art pieces, and lots of cash that he keeps in his freezer. You want it. Therefore, you say your neighbor has a gun and was thinking of using it against you. You attack and kill everyone in the household, keep his wife alive long enough to gang rape her, then kill her. Then, by the simple act of conquest, all of their property now belongs to you. But, to protect you from prosecution, you just tell the world that it was a pre-emptive strike and lie and lie and lie.

Because the U.S. gov's military is currently stretched to the limits in two major occupations, the impending war with Iran to steal their oil isn't going to be easy. The U.S. government doesn't have enough forces to have another ground war. Therefore, the U.S. gov can say that the Iranians are considering attacking us with WMD's. No proof is necessary as the american public has been so dumbed down as to buy into whatever such stupid fucks like Bush says. Since an air and ground attack will not be easily created in order to steal the wealth of the Iranian nation, we have a bunch of unused nuclear (nuculer) weapons. Let's nuke a buncha Iranians until they SUBMIT to the will of the U.S. gov and it's oil business billionaire owners.

I have heard that the best case scenario in the U.S. stealing the wealth of Iran will involve pre-emptive nuclear strikes in order to bring them into submission. The U.S. gov just doesn't have the troop force to bring them into submission in any other manner. Not enough resources.

Louisiana and Mississippi lay in ruins. The Bush administration wants Iran's oil for oil business billionaires and has been sucking it's resources from social programs in this country in order to concentrate on the impending war with Iran. They will not easily, nor quickly, release any resources to the hurricane damaged cities in the South because it would take away from their current illegal occupations and their plans to steal Iran's wealth by force. It costs billions of dollars to take such actions, and why would the Bush adminstration consider helping the people of this country when they would much rather help oil business billionaires?

And let's not forget, Katrina was just the beginning of the hurricane season, so the rest of you poor mother-fuckers out their in the sights of hurricanes that may hit this country know what to expect as you helplessly watch the yuppies of this country drive to safety in their SUV's. Suffering and death are heading your way. The U.S. has no plans on helping your poor mostly black asses. You're the wrong race and class, and therfore, expendable.


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