Sunday, September 25, 2005


Don't shoot me, I'm just the keyboard puncher.

I speak out for Revolution constantly. I am almost always speaking out against the genocidal U.S. government. About once a month, people tell me they fear for me because who knows what could happen.

I had a meeting with a woman who wants to do an interview with me and David Liberty on November 15 for a community radio station in Bloomington, Illinois, I believe. After a bout of my fist pounding on the table politics, and a discussion of the subject in the first paragraph, she told me she fears I could be shot. I know.

I know many, but I'm sure not all, of the wonderful things this government is capable of doing to the voices of dissent. They could kill me. They could torture me. They could threaten and act upon doing things to my daughter. They could terrorize members of my family or the people I love. America has done all of this and more to us Indians. I made myself a promise not to be scared of something that isn't in my face. I do this work because I love the people. All of us deserve a better world. Each and every one of us deserve health care, housing, our basic human rights. I see human rights violations every fucking day in this country (read the UN Convention on Human Rights and realize that most of you do to). Who is thinking of the suffering that goes on right before our eyes? Who is thinking of the suffering that goes on to fill our gas tanks and give us petro-chemical products so common in our lives? Who is thinking of the slave labor that happens all around the world, some justified by being paid pennies a day? Are you? I hope so. I am. That is why I do this. And I know one thing for sure:

If they come knocking down my door, if they harm my daughter, they will always know one thing for absolute sure, they are criminals. They are acting to protect the wealth of the few. They are not delivering justice. They are criminals. They will always ALWAYS know that.

I remember watching I beleive "The Men Who Killed Kennedy." There was an interview with an FBI agent in that documentary and I remember what this Christian man said: "I'm going to hell. I know I'm going to hell for what I've done." Interesting comments from a man on the inside, don't you think?

PS I don't carry a gun. I hate guns. Guns have one purpose, to kill. I have no desire to kill anyone. I do have desire for justice, and I love the idea of bringing a special justice to the wealthy criminals of this country: To be stripped of all of the wealth and possessions and to have a G tatooed on their foreheads which will stand for "GENOCIDE." They are, afterall, all guilty. But these are just fanatsies. Let's see what reality will bring the world. Keep those mental surfboards waxed and ready.

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