Saturday, September 10, 2005


Stuff before life

Picking up my daughter at her mom's house yesterday, my former brother-in-law showed up. We got into a discussion about the hurricane, of course.

"I don't mind the people gathering food for themselves," he explained. "It's those people who steal 10 VCR's that should be killed..." Usually I'm really on top of these kinds of conversations, but considering my emotional state that accumulated in a breadown later that evening, I just didn't have the responses I usually do to such rediculous conversations.

Stuff. Killed for stealing other peoples stuff. Some stealing is OK, like stealing food, but stealing VCR's is a crime punishable by death to this man. No intake on the whole situation. He is unwilling to understand the racism and the conditions of poverty etc., that create such crimes of opportunity. What is the person's story that steals VCR's. Is there no food, but they figure they can sell these things later to get food? Have they been poor all their lives and are looking for some opportunities in this crime ridden nation that goes all the way to the top? But let's not ask any of these uncomfortable questions.

What about thieves of other peoples stuff, like George Bush. George is stealing Iraqi oil for his own gain, yet, I know I would never hear this man talk of killing George Bush, whose theivery of american tax money and resources of other nations such as Iraq result in the deaths of thousands of people world wide and in this country as well as the suffering of millions of people. No, being in the navy, he would never consider killing such horrific theives, but he would poor people finding opportunity in stealing some VCR's.

I remember talking with this man many times when I was with my ex. He would talk about how other people he knew killed other people. He would discuss it with relish and a hint of jealousy at the stories he would tell me like the cop who shot a black man in the back as he ran from a crime scene. The cop had some special round that did all sorts of damage and threw the mans body for quite a distance. I don't believe my former brother-in-law has killed anyone, but I do believe he is jealous of not having had the opportunity in his lifetime...thus far.

I've heard in the news of the orders to shoot to kill looters. Kill those who are taking other peoples stuff, which most likely belong to white men. But still, any excuse to kill people with dark skin is a good excuse in this country. Remember the lynchings? Remember the Indians being killed on the reservations in the '70's when the red niggers refused to let the Black Hills be a national SACRIFICE area? It is not unusual for americans to kill to steal, but damn, if they aren't willing to kill people who steal that aren't multi-millionaires. Killing poor thieves, especially people of color is OK. Killing rich thieves, that isn't even thought of especially since most rich theives are white.

While the american military (I include the national guard in the military) is given orders to kill looters, there has been NO desires or comments about killing the rapists that are raping men, women, and children. There is no desire to kill the thugs that are killing people because they know they can get away with it. No desire to kill those who are perpetuating all sorts of violent crimes in the area that will traumatize victims for the rest of their lives along with the hurricane. There isn't even comments about what happens to people, especially children, when they are raped. Americans just want to kill the thieves. Shit, those thugs and rapists are just doing what the american military is doing in Iraq, Afghanistan, America, Africa, etc. Why would they want to punish those who are working right beside them committing the same types of crimes. But if you're a poor civilian stealing a VCR, then you deserve to be killed.

Americans came here and stole all the Indians stuff and willingly and joyfully continue the oppression and slaughter via attrition of Indians and that's OK. But a black man stealing VCR's should be shot and killed.

Americans stealing the resources of so many nations which is how it has created its wealth is OK, but a black man stealing a VCR should be killed.

Stuff is more important to americans than human lives. In fact, try to take an american's stuff, and you'll be in trouble, and if you're a person of color, you'll most likely be killed.

The american motto should not be "freedom," it should be a little more honest than that. "STUFF BEFORE LIFE."

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