Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Howard Lyman

I saw Howard Lyman yesterday. He is a good man and a revolutionary. He is asking that people look at what they eat. Where does it come from? How was it treated? What was put on/in it? Good thing to do. I still eat meat, less, however, than I have in the past. He showed a video, 36 minutes of an 80 minute documentary he had made. It showed some of the factory farming. I pray for those animals. I pray for everything when I eat. In case I forget, I do pre-emptive prayers. If I forgot, I say retroactive prayers. I honor that which goes into my body. I send good energy in it's direction. This goes for plant and animal alike. To all the life that gives its life or has its life taken so that I can live, I say thank you and send much good energy to all of those that will follow you. THANK YOU ALL YOU GIVERS OF LIFE! Knowing what I know, I will do my best to try and change your conditions as I work to gain human rights for all human beings.

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