Wednesday, September 28, 2005
So much crazy shit!
There is so much crazy shit going on in the world. I can't believe it as I continue to read the news (I'm actually almost caught up). The most disturbing stuff that I have read has been how the U.S. is dealing with journalist. Their behavior is against the U.S. constitution, as well as violates international law.
Robert Fisk, a famed British war correspondent who has reported extensively on the Middle east and has been critical of the invasion and occupation of Iraq by the U.S. and Britain, was not allowed entry in the U.S. to speak in Santa Fe.
Here's another one I found. Abdul Amir Younes Hussein, a CBS cameraman who was arrested after filming the aftermath of a car bombing in Mosul on April 5th. He was freed, then arrested 3 days later under allegations of "anti-coalition activity." He has been in custoday of the U.S. and Iraq ever since, even doing some time in Abu Ghraib. The U.S. handed him over to the Iraqi authority, who reviewed his case and refused to prosecute. The U.S. government, however, refused to honor Iraqi sovereignty and decided to keep Abdul in custody stating they have access to confidential information. So do I. Here it is. The United States Government is filled with criminals and assholes who constantly violate their own constitution, laws, and international laws. Ooops! Just let that one slip.
An Al-Jazeera cameraman, Sami Muhyideen al-Hajj, has been held in Guantanamo for three and a half years. The U.S. says he is a terrorist, but the information released on his interrogations state that have been trying to coerce him into spying on al-Jazeera for the U.S. They've been offering him all sorts of goodies in the process; U.S. citinzenship, education, jornalistic career, book deals, etc. Don't forget, Sami, you can never trust the U.S. government. We Indians are still waiting for them to honor their treaties. Well, I aint waiting anymore, I'm going to try to get it all back and remove the U.S. government from my land and send all 29,000 assholes back to live with the queen in London.
In other news, I read that the American Red Cross sucks up a lot of money, in fact, hundreds of millions of dollars a year, but hardly uses any of it in releif aid to those they claim to help. DON'T GIVE TO THE RED CROSS, THEY COULD CARE LESS ABOUT THE VICTIMS OF KATRINA AND RITA AS MUCH AS THEY LOVE FILTERING THE MONEY THROUGH CORRUPTION.
Speaking of the queen, hey, queenie, what the hell are your people doing is Basra, trying to start a civil war? Assassination? Murder and mayhem? Oppression? Seems you Brits love killing and oppressing darkies just as much as Americans. You keep trying to distance yourself from American behavior, however, I'd just have to say that at least Americans are more honest about their behavior.
Quote of the day: "Pacifism Doesn't end wars, it causes wars." No information is offered as a basis for this assumption. It must have come from that commonly quoted web site, A bunch of people praying for peace have somehow managed to put guns in American soldiers hands and ordered them to murder military and civilian targets alike, as well as take a good aim at reporters. Does that mean if you take up a gun and start killing all sorts of people, war will end? I guess I'll check the website and see what it says.
Robert Fisk, a famed British war correspondent who has reported extensively on the Middle east and has been critical of the invasion and occupation of Iraq by the U.S. and Britain, was not allowed entry in the U.S. to speak in Santa Fe.
Here's another one I found. Abdul Amir Younes Hussein, a CBS cameraman who was arrested after filming the aftermath of a car bombing in Mosul on April 5th. He was freed, then arrested 3 days later under allegations of "anti-coalition activity." He has been in custoday of the U.S. and Iraq ever since, even doing some time in Abu Ghraib. The U.S. handed him over to the Iraqi authority, who reviewed his case and refused to prosecute. The U.S. government, however, refused to honor Iraqi sovereignty and decided to keep Abdul in custody stating they have access to confidential information. So do I. Here it is. The United States Government is filled with criminals and assholes who constantly violate their own constitution, laws, and international laws. Ooops! Just let that one slip.
An Al-Jazeera cameraman, Sami Muhyideen al-Hajj, has been held in Guantanamo for three and a half years. The U.S. says he is a terrorist, but the information released on his interrogations state that have been trying to coerce him into spying on al-Jazeera for the U.S. They've been offering him all sorts of goodies in the process; U.S. citinzenship, education, jornalistic career, book deals, etc. Don't forget, Sami, you can never trust the U.S. government. We Indians are still waiting for them to honor their treaties. Well, I aint waiting anymore, I'm going to try to get it all back and remove the U.S. government from my land and send all 29,000 assholes back to live with the queen in London.
In other news, I read that the American Red Cross sucks up a lot of money, in fact, hundreds of millions of dollars a year, but hardly uses any of it in releif aid to those they claim to help. DON'T GIVE TO THE RED CROSS, THEY COULD CARE LESS ABOUT THE VICTIMS OF KATRINA AND RITA AS MUCH AS THEY LOVE FILTERING THE MONEY THROUGH CORRUPTION.
Speaking of the queen, hey, queenie, what the hell are your people doing is Basra, trying to start a civil war? Assassination? Murder and mayhem? Oppression? Seems you Brits love killing and oppressing darkies just as much as Americans. You keep trying to distance yourself from American behavior, however, I'd just have to say that at least Americans are more honest about their behavior.
Quote of the day: "Pacifism Doesn't end wars, it causes wars." No information is offered as a basis for this assumption. It must have come from that commonly quoted web site, A bunch of people praying for peace have somehow managed to put guns in American soldiers hands and ordered them to murder military and civilian targets alike, as well as take a good aim at reporters. Does that mean if you take up a gun and start killing all sorts of people, war will end? I guess I'll check the website and see what it says.
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