Thursday, September 22, 2005


Overdraft Charges

Upon checking my account on the internet on Monday, I noticed I had $34 in my account. I spent $24 of that throughout the day, then discovered I was $18 overdrawn the next morning. I deposited my check and the next day I discovered I had $81 in overdraft charges. I managed to get my money back, but I have a few things to say about this BULLSHIT!

I can't find information on the internet, but I was told by a former bank employee one time that it cost pennies, or less, to deal with overdrafts. Probably less since computer programs are the ones that deal with this and not humans, which you have to pay.

Basically, overdraft charges are a legal means for banks to rob the poor. I was charged $27 for each overdraft. That means at least $26.90 profit per overdraft. Basically, individuals are getting robbed by the bank when you get overdraft charges. It gives me a new respect for muggers because at least a mugger has enough honesty to put a gun to your head and demand your money. The theives in banks use a computer program. What that means is you don't have a face, a human, to discuss this with. You have a heartless machine that doesn't care what you do with your money. It doesn't care if you have to eat, feed a family, pay for daycare, and therefore, makes it much more difficult in getting your money back when you are robbed by a bank.

I love to give money to people, especially the homeless and those in need. I hate being FORCED to give money to a bank, however. It would be different if say each employee at that branch got, a $.50 bonus for every overdraft charge made. But we all know that the employees at the bank are not gonna benefit from the theivery instilled by their coroporate masters. The money, instead, will go to sponsor illegal bank activities, such as: funding illegal wars, making massive drug deals, laundering drug money, violating human rights, stealing the wealth of the poor in other nations, paying for the aparments of mistresses of the corporate execs, paying for prostitues and $100 bottles of champagne, etc.

I would think differently if, say, a good portion of the money went to charities like: homeless shelters, battered women's shelters, free daycare, free health care, free food, small business grants, school funding, etc. But it doesn't. The money the bankers ROB from the poor goes to the wealthy business men who, more often than not, don't really give a shit about the people because they are profitting off of the peoples suffering and making BILLIONS of dollars doing so.

They get you coming and going. In order to protect you, the poor asshole who occasionally has an overdraft charge from the bank, you can pay for overdraft protection, which, according to the many articles I discovered on the internet, really doesn't protect you at all. So, you GIVE money to fatass bankers to protect you from the RACKET they set up to ROB you with. But still, if you are overdrawn, it doesn't protect you, so the banks get the POOR coming and going and feed themselves on fatcat stuff while us at the BOTTOM suffer.

P.S. Don't forget the war profiteering that bankers do, as well. They not only rob us by our checking accounts, they also participate in encouraging the poor to kill their fellow poor for the profits of the FATASS BANKERS.

A Banker can be simply defined as nothing more than a THIEF with U.S. government protection.

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