Sunday, September 18, 2005



George Bush, in a simple unexamined statement, stated racism had nothing to do with the disaster caused by Hurricane Katrina and his administrations lack of a response.

Bush isn't president because he is a member of an elite family. He got there under his own merit. How do I know? Because my fingers typed out the words.

In an article by Marilou Johanek titled "Poor Off the Radar of Rich, Powerful" for the Toledo Blade (Ohio), she stated "It wasn't racism that doomed the poor, mostly black population of New Orleans." She states in the article that it was elitism that caused the destruction of the poor in New Orleans. To not take in the whole picture in something like the disaster in New Orleans is a dangerous thing for when it happens again and in our preparedness in dealing with disasters in this country. There is a reason that when it comes to poverty, larger percentages of non-white races are more impoverished than whites.

Do not dismiss the role of race in this! Race is what makes most blacks poor. To look at disasters through narrow scopes like saying what happened is the problem of elitism and not racism is like saying that the reason women make less money than men in the same jobs around this country is due to merit, not sexism.

Do not take away ANY of the motivating factors in what happened in New Orleans: racism, eltism, corruption, unpreparedness, lack of motivation for being prepared, trying to fix the problem in the area by sending in mercenaries, lack of rebuilding, awarding no bid contracts to "friend of the government" corporations, sending in minorities to do the work of rebuilding in a heavily polluted area, war, global warming, etc. All of these are factors that created and further this disaster that is still continuing. To say that only one or a few of these things caused it and that the others were not a factor is a LIE not worth repeating. All of this has played and is playing a role in this disaster. Nothing good is gonna come from a rebuild. Most of the transplanted poor will not be returning. Most of them are black. New Orleans now has the potential to become one of the whitest cities of its kind in the South. So do not take a dangerous road and say that this, and not that, is the cause of the problem when ALL of it is the cause of the problem.

Hang on tight, folks. We may just be in for a bumpy road.

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