Monday, September 19, 2005


John and Judi

Odd...Very odd...Odd indeed!

Seems that John R. Bolton, the U.S. governments ambastardor to the UN, was one of 99 visitors received by Judith Miller, the jailed reporter who refuses to relinquish her source for the outing of Valerie Plame as a CIA agent. (Many allege that Karl Rove, George Bush's brain, is the source of the leak). Why would the ambastardor to the UN, John R. Bolton, be visiting the jailed reporter? The Washington Post suggests John R. Bolton being a "vocal defender of administration claims in 2003 that Iraq was seeking weapons of mass destruction, he could have had access to a State Department memo, parts of which were classified, that detailed Wilson's trip to Niger to determine whether Iraq was seeking uranium there and identified his wife as a covert CIA operative. Who saw or discussed the memo has been a central question..."

As we now know, Wilson found there to be NO possiblity that Iraq was seeking uranium from Niger. Which adds premeditation to the war crimes being committed by the U.S. government against the people of Iraq.

Hey! Johnny Boy (as Georgie Porgie might call you), why did you visit jailed reporter Judith Miller? What are you hiding, Johnny Boy? Are your fingers rooted deep in the war crimes being committed and the genocide of the Iraqi people? What did you, John R. Bolton, U.S. ambastardor to the UN, and Judith Miller talk about? John R. Bolton, U.S. ambastardor to the UN, release the transcripts of your conversation with jailed reporter Judith Miller. What are you hiding, Johnny Boy? What skeletons do you have in your closet, John R. Bolton, forced upon the world community as U.S. ambassador to the UN by known war criminal George W. Bush. What's going on here, Johnny Boy?

Speak to the people you allege to represent, Johnny Boy? THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU UP BEHIND BARS FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!

John R. Bolton, U.S. governmental ambassador to the UN, one last question; do you really need a laxative or are you just pissed off about having the worlds smallest dick?

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