Sunday, December 31, 2006
25 Years
Today is the 25th anniversary of my father's death. He drank his liver down to 5% and took two years to pass on after that. The journey was hard, troubling, amazing, and joyous. I Loved the man. He had a big heart, loved his family and kids.
I wish you all could have met him. I wish he could have met you all.
I wish you all could have met him. I wish he could have met you all.
1 Down, a Few Hundred Thousand To Go
Saddam Hussein was executed yesterday. Nothing has changed. Nothing is different. The U.S. administration that was complicit in his genocidal activities is not hanging beside him, as they should. The current administration, guilty of many acts of genocide is not hanging beside him.
There will be over 3000 dead U.S. soldiers soon, and I believe it is safe to say that around 750,000 Iraqi's, not counting those displaced or who suffer greatly from the destruction of the Iraqi infrastructure due to the U.S. Bush's Illegal war against that nation. But hey, the good news, billionaires are getting richer and richer while we at the bottom pay our taxes so they can kill more darkies and make lotsa money.
But if you've been reading the news and analyzing it honesly, you probably already know this.
There is no denying, this nation is heading for a crash. What for that will take we won't know until it actually happens.
There will be over 3000 dead U.S. soldiers soon, and I believe it is safe to say that around 750,000 Iraqi's, not counting those displaced or who suffer greatly from the destruction of the Iraqi infrastructure due to the U.S. Bush's Illegal war against that nation. But hey, the good news, billionaires are getting richer and richer while we at the bottom pay our taxes so they can kill more darkies and make lotsa money.
But if you've been reading the news and analyzing it honesly, you probably already know this.
There is no denying, this nation is heading for a crash. What for that will take we won't know until it actually happens.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
A Day That Will Live In Infamy
On December 7, 1975, the Indonesian Military lead a genocidal attack on the people of East Timor basically over the oil business and strategic portage and allegations of potential communism. I believe over 78,000 people were slaughtered under the initial attack. The most disturbing photo of the genocide for me (like photos of B-52's joyfully and safely dropping bombs on indiscrimate targets far below) is of the troop transport planes dropping Phillipino paratroopers into East Timor. My understanding is that it was one of the few photos that survived the initial horrific genocide. There is also the photo of the Phillipino soldiers joyfully standing behind the severed heads of some of the East Timorese they slaughtered for the Great White American Corporations the the U.S. Government that whores for them.
One of the ugliest whores for this slaughter, besides that most genocidal heartless piece of shit Henry Kissinger, was Gerald Ford, president of the U.S. Corporate Owned U.S. Government at the time. Yet another horrific war criminal and genocidal manaic has lived and long and at least financially successful life. Again, another one has slipped through the global justice fingers and we have failed to bring one more of the horrific genocidal criminals to justice before they lived out their lives in relative comfort into a nice old age, unlike so many of their victims from infant to elder.
"One of these days... ONE OF THESE DAYS...!"
OK, OK, let's face facts, aint nobody gonna do anything about these horrific criminals except heap great praise upon their souls after they have lived their long, successful lives in relative comfort in spite of all of their horrific crimes against humanity, the natural world, and the earth in general.
And please, don't give me that shit about Ford coming out against the draconian Bush policies. Let me point out that the genocidal fuck made sure that his opposition would be safely brought out after his long, successful life in relative comfort was over. He didn't have enough guts to come out publicly. And did Ford mention anything about the East Timorese that he was complicit in killing during these interviews? I doubt it.
One of the ugliest whores for this slaughter, besides that most genocidal heartless piece of shit Henry Kissinger, was Gerald Ford, president of the U.S. Corporate Owned U.S. Government at the time. Yet another horrific war criminal and genocidal manaic has lived and long and at least financially successful life. Again, another one has slipped through the global justice fingers and we have failed to bring one more of the horrific genocidal criminals to justice before they lived out their lives in relative comfort into a nice old age, unlike so many of their victims from infant to elder.
"One of these days... ONE OF THESE DAYS...!"
OK, OK, let's face facts, aint nobody gonna do anything about these horrific criminals except heap great praise upon their souls after they have lived their long, successful lives in relative comfort in spite of all of their horrific crimes against humanity, the natural world, and the earth in general.
And please, don't give me that shit about Ford coming out against the draconian Bush policies. Let me point out that the genocidal fuck made sure that his opposition would be safely brought out after his long, successful life in relative comfort was over. He didn't have enough guts to come out publicly. And did Ford mention anything about the East Timorese that he was complicit in killing during these interviews? I doubt it.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Damned Blog
I have tried today to no avail to upload photos from my computer to my blog. I don't know what the problem is, but I may attempt again tomorrow. It has indeed, been a real pain in the ass.
However, you all should tune in to my sweetie's blog, to read a wonderful story about our little Christmas journey with accompanying photos.
However, you all should tune in to my sweetie's blog, to read a wonderful story about our little Christmas journey with accompanying photos.
Monday, December 25, 2006
I keep reading articles about the film by Mel Gibson, which I will NEVER see, "Apocolyto." From the sounds of all the reviews I've read, the movie is about the blood thirsty slaving Indians killing and committing human sacrifices and torturing and all sorts of bloody sick things while the hero is trying to save his enslaved wife and in the end, reach the shore in time to see the holy and beautiful Spaniards coming ashore to save the Western hemisphere.
Well, according to the evidence this story is based on, the Spaniards were not to arrive for hundreds of years yet.
Besides, the evidence this story is based on is as thin as Kennewick Man proving that whitey was indeed the first group of folks in this hemisphere.
And anyone who has read Bartolome de Las Casas or his contemporaries knows that the Catholic Spaniards were some of the cruelest mother-fucking pieces of colonialist imperialst shit ever to have come into existence. One example that always sticks atop of all the rest is how a Spaniard tore a mothers baby from her arms and fed it to his dog. But, of course, Mel will tell you it was the Red Niggers who were the violent and attrocious folks. Why? Because it helps him propogate the most horrific and bloody religion ever used as an excuse to slaughter millions, Christianity.
Mind you, not all Christians are like Mel, nor do all Christians like Mel. Some Christians actually behave in ways that are very respectable and Beautiful, for example, the Christians I know like Lisa and Father Jim. Excpetional people who live their lives to create peace in the world as best they can. (Some of my best friends are Christians...hardy har har har).
This film, by Mel Gibson, seems to be as institutionally racist as racist can be. The Red Niggers are bad becuase we didn't have Christ. The Whiteys from Europe are good because they have Christ. From the slaughters created in this hemisphere by the Spaniards, Dutch, English, French, and other imperialist colonialist nations who stole from others for the wealth of their few and created mass slaughter and death to get it and not just in the Western Hemisphere, one could understand that Christianity is one of the bloodiest religions ever. But the words always seem to blast into my skull, "Thou shalt not kill." But then again, Jesus forgives all sins therefore, all the killing Christians do is forgiven. Math, it's a wonderful thing.
Like I've said before, I believe Christ was a good guy. Mel, however, is a fucking piece of shit and so is his propagandist film, "apocolypto."
Personally, I believe killing is wrong, even if Christ would forgive me for doing it.
However, some of the most horrific killers in history and current are Christians. Many who have actively slaughtered indigenous peoples or installed policies in the imperialist colonialist occupying nation known as the United States Government that have slaughtered thousands including being complicit in criminal scalp bounties that slaughtered some 50,000 or more indigenous peoples, are therefore in heaven. My grandma and dad are in hell because they never would accept Christ as their personal savior especially since his followers were raping, murdering, torturing, and imprisoning indigenous peoples for being born Red Niggers. All Indians before 1492 by the simple mathematics are in hell. Guess where I'm gonna go when I die, folks. That's right...STRAIGHT TO HELL! I'd rather be there than playing harp to an arrogant God who so Loves his Indian Killing shitholes like Custer, Chivington, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Bush, Albright, Rice, etc.
I would rather be tortured for eternity than to spend a fraction of a second in Heaven with the likes of Christians like Mel Gibson.
Well, according to the evidence this story is based on, the Spaniards were not to arrive for hundreds of years yet.
Besides, the evidence this story is based on is as thin as Kennewick Man proving that whitey was indeed the first group of folks in this hemisphere.
And anyone who has read Bartolome de Las Casas or his contemporaries knows that the Catholic Spaniards were some of the cruelest mother-fucking pieces of colonialist imperialst shit ever to have come into existence. One example that always sticks atop of all the rest is how a Spaniard tore a mothers baby from her arms and fed it to his dog. But, of course, Mel will tell you it was the Red Niggers who were the violent and attrocious folks. Why? Because it helps him propogate the most horrific and bloody religion ever used as an excuse to slaughter millions, Christianity.
Mind you, not all Christians are like Mel, nor do all Christians like Mel. Some Christians actually behave in ways that are very respectable and Beautiful, for example, the Christians I know like Lisa and Father Jim. Excpetional people who live their lives to create peace in the world as best they can. (Some of my best friends are Christians...hardy har har har).
This film, by Mel Gibson, seems to be as institutionally racist as racist can be. The Red Niggers are bad becuase we didn't have Christ. The Whiteys from Europe are good because they have Christ. From the slaughters created in this hemisphere by the Spaniards, Dutch, English, French, and other imperialist colonialist nations who stole from others for the wealth of their few and created mass slaughter and death to get it and not just in the Western Hemisphere, one could understand that Christianity is one of the bloodiest religions ever. But the words always seem to blast into my skull, "Thou shalt not kill." But then again, Jesus forgives all sins therefore, all the killing Christians do is forgiven. Math, it's a wonderful thing.
Like I've said before, I believe Christ was a good guy. Mel, however, is a fucking piece of shit and so is his propagandist film, "apocolypto."
Personally, I believe killing is wrong, even if Christ would forgive me for doing it.
However, some of the most horrific killers in history and current are Christians. Many who have actively slaughtered indigenous peoples or installed policies in the imperialist colonialist occupying nation known as the United States Government that have slaughtered thousands including being complicit in criminal scalp bounties that slaughtered some 50,000 or more indigenous peoples, are therefore in heaven. My grandma and dad are in hell because they never would accept Christ as their personal savior especially since his followers were raping, murdering, torturing, and imprisoning indigenous peoples for being born Red Niggers. All Indians before 1492 by the simple mathematics are in hell. Guess where I'm gonna go when I die, folks. That's right...STRAIGHT TO HELL! I'd rather be there than playing harp to an arrogant God who so Loves his Indian Killing shitholes like Custer, Chivington, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Bush, Albright, Rice, etc.
I would rather be tortured for eternity than to spend a fraction of a second in Heaven with the likes of Christians like Mel Gibson.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Merry Christmas, but How Much More Can the World Take, Especially The World's Women?
Merry Christmas, and more on that after this.
The following is an article about what pregnant women have to go through in Bethlehem. You would think Christians worldwide would be upset by this, but I hear no word from any of them. These people may be the descendants of those who actually heard the word of Christ, but Christians seem to show little or no concern for these people.
I am grateful for those Christians I know who actually are concerned for these people. Joy is one person who comes to mind and I am so thankful for her and the work she does to help the people of Palestine.
When you read this article, please take into consideration that article 2d of the UN Convention...[on] Genocide states one of the conditions of genocide is preventing births within the group. This condition happens to fall under that article, as well as 2c, imposing conditions upon life to bring about the destruction of a people in whole or in part.
Besides all of that, I still wish you all a Merry Christmas. I am not a Christian, but I think Christ was a cool kinda fellow, but I don't believe all of what the bible says about him considering the numerous editing processes done to the book throughout the centuries to suit the few who would benefit from such editing processes.
But this is a good holiday. A day of general generosity. A day of giving. I could do without a lot of the Chrismas Carols, but I do enjoy the Christmas songs and stories, such as William S. Burroughs, "A Junkies Christmas," which I heard yesterday morning on an extended version of Daniel Flessas' show, "Outside World," on KBOO. Where else are you going to hear such wonderful stuff as all that?
When I was with my former, I received a rather harsh verbal beating for calling the "solstice lights" "Christmas lights" in a slip of the tongue. I was reminded of this for months to come. So, in a way, telling you all MERRY CHRISTMAS is a way of rebelling to me. A [though very minute on the scale of things] personal Revolutionary act.
Now, life is treating me well. Even after buying a car, I had the opportunity to be generous to my sweetie and our kids. If I had more finances or a greater sense of creativity, like my sweetie, I would have been more generous. But there is plenty of time for that and not only around this time of year but as often as possible without driving myself into poverty and still having much to have fun with.
And in the midst of all of this celebrating, I will do all I can to struggle to bring down this system known as civilization because it is creating the conditions upon which the women of Bethlehem and women the world over and children and men as well have to live under. It is time to change the world, and I am not sure how to do that. It is time to take it all back, and I'm not sure how to do that. Gotta do something though, the whole world deserves better than what we're getting.
The following is an article about what pregnant women have to go through in Bethlehem. You would think Christians worldwide would be upset by this, but I hear no word from any of them. These people may be the descendants of those who actually heard the word of Christ, but Christians seem to show little or no concern for these people.
I am grateful for those Christians I know who actually are concerned for these people. Joy is one person who comes to mind and I am so thankful for her and the work she does to help the people of Palestine.
When you read this article, please take into consideration that article 2d of the UN Convention...[on] Genocide states one of the conditions of genocide is preventing births within the group. This condition happens to fall under that article, as well as 2c, imposing conditions upon life to bring about the destruction of a people in whole or in part.
Besides all of that, I still wish you all a Merry Christmas. I am not a Christian, but I think Christ was a cool kinda fellow, but I don't believe all of what the bible says about him considering the numerous editing processes done to the book throughout the centuries to suit the few who would benefit from such editing processes.
But this is a good holiday. A day of general generosity. A day of giving. I could do without a lot of the Chrismas Carols, but I do enjoy the Christmas songs and stories, such as William S. Burroughs, "A Junkies Christmas," which I heard yesterday morning on an extended version of Daniel Flessas' show, "Outside World," on KBOO. Where else are you going to hear such wonderful stuff as all that?
When I was with my former, I received a rather harsh verbal beating for calling the "solstice lights" "Christmas lights" in a slip of the tongue. I was reminded of this for months to come. So, in a way, telling you all MERRY CHRISTMAS is a way of rebelling to me. A [though very minute on the scale of things] personal Revolutionary act.
Now, life is treating me well. Even after buying a car, I had the opportunity to be generous to my sweetie and our kids. If I had more finances or a greater sense of creativity, like my sweetie, I would have been more generous. But there is plenty of time for that and not only around this time of year but as often as possible without driving myself into poverty and still having much to have fun with.
And in the midst of all of this celebrating, I will do all I can to struggle to bring down this system known as civilization because it is creating the conditions upon which the women of Bethlehem and women the world over and children and men as well have to live under. It is time to change the world, and I am not sure how to do that. It is time to take it all back, and I'm not sure how to do that. Gotta do something though, the whole world deserves better than what we're getting.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Follow Me!
To whom I believe to be feds that followed me some two weeks ago:
I know you are capable of unspeakable cruelties like the military personell in Iraq that torture prisoners in that nation. I have read and heard of some of the horrific activities you get involved in to protect the wealthy of this nation because you really don't care about the people, otherwise you would help stop eco terrorists like Monsanto, Enron, Halliburton, the meat industry, fast food, etc. But you don't care.
So to all of you people who are capable of great forms of cruelty in order to protect the wealth of this nation at the expense of the people:
I am no leader. No one follows me and I don't give people orders. Like Leonard Peltier, whose saying you stole for military uses (go figure), be an "army of one." All of you, including you capable of great or lesser forms of cruelty to protect the criminal wealthy and their deadly and terrorist behaviors from us who want them to stop, BE AN ARMY OF ONE! and do what you can to effectively put a stop to this horrific monster that currently occupies my land and the land of many indigenous nations here and around the world known as the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT!
All of you armies of one, join in with me when and tell these monsters NO MORE!
I know you are capable of unspeakable cruelties like the military personell in Iraq that torture prisoners in that nation. I have read and heard of some of the horrific activities you get involved in to protect the wealthy of this nation because you really don't care about the people, otherwise you would help stop eco terrorists like Monsanto, Enron, Halliburton, the meat industry, fast food, etc. But you don't care.
So to all of you people who are capable of great forms of cruelty in order to protect the wealth of this nation at the expense of the people:
I am no leader. No one follows me and I don't give people orders. Like Leonard Peltier, whose saying you stole for military uses (go figure), be an "army of one." All of you, including you capable of great or lesser forms of cruelty to protect the criminal wealthy and their deadly and terrorist behaviors from us who want them to stop, BE AN ARMY OF ONE! and do what you can to effectively put a stop to this horrific monster that currently occupies my land and the land of many indigenous nations here and around the world known as the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT!
All of you armies of one, join in with me when and tell these monsters NO MORE!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
I'm still alive
Hey folks, sorry I haven't written in a while. Life is good. Still struggling against all the genocidal bullcrap and hearing a lot of things going on out in the world. I'll post more tomorrow.
I just got an e-mail and found out Corbin Harney from the Shundahai has prostate cancer and isn't doing too well. The Dine are having problems with more power plants possibly being built on their land. And I'm reading Derrick Jensen's "Endgame," a good argument for violence, as it were. A must read!
I just got an e-mail and found out Corbin Harney from the Shundahai has prostate cancer and isn't doing too well. The Dine are having problems with more power plants possibly being built on their land. And I'm reading Derrick Jensen's "Endgame," a good argument for violence, as it were. A must read!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Jerry Mander
Rhonda and I went to see Jerry Mander read from a compilation book he co-edited about indigenous rights all over the world. The book is titled "Paradigm Wars." It looks like a good book. Rhonda bought a copy and I'll probably read hers as I'm currently spending a mass of my money on a car today.
Jerry, good man who has done good work, I must admit (sorry Jerry), about made me fall asleep. He's not the best lecturer I've heard, not the worst, but there were times when Rhonda and I would poke each other to keep each other awake.
The most interesting part was the conversation afterward. There was discussion of indigenous peoples doing eco-tourism, which also brings about various forms of racism as well as cultural destruction with some benefit, mostly cash. However:
As Rhonda pointed out in the conversation there was very little discussion of genocide not just historically, but today as well. She brought up the fact that when Indiegnous peoples try to create their own economy, they are destroyed by the U.S. government. The genocide continues to this day, she pointed out, and it needs to stop.
I followed up with the fact that almost all indigenous perspective now comes from the point of occupation. The U.S. IS an occupational government and occupations ARE KEPT BY FORCE! Indigenous perspective comes from occupation and survival of genocide.
By the way, yes, I'll be posting more pictures. It just takes time because I have to use a different computer using somewhat time consuming methods.
Jerry, good man who has done good work, I must admit (sorry Jerry), about made me fall asleep. He's not the best lecturer I've heard, not the worst, but there were times when Rhonda and I would poke each other to keep each other awake.
The most interesting part was the conversation afterward. There was discussion of indigenous peoples doing eco-tourism, which also brings about various forms of racism as well as cultural destruction with some benefit, mostly cash. However:
As Rhonda pointed out in the conversation there was very little discussion of genocide not just historically, but today as well. She brought up the fact that when Indiegnous peoples try to create their own economy, they are destroyed by the U.S. government. The genocide continues to this day, she pointed out, and it needs to stop.
I followed up with the fact that almost all indigenous perspective now comes from the point of occupation. The U.S. IS an occupational government and occupations ARE KEPT BY FORCE! Indigenous perspective comes from occupation and survival of genocide.
By the way, yes, I'll be posting more pictures. It just takes time because I have to use a different computer using somewhat time consuming methods.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
American's are Not Quitters.
I have tried, and failed, to find a direct quote from George Bush saying this, but there is a lot of references to Patton. Patton I'm told by one of his soldiers who hated the horrible piece of shit and served under the monster, would sacrifice the lives of 50 men in order to save a piece of machinery.
Anyway, I've become fascinated with that "American's are not quitters" slogan.
Yeah they are! They haven't finished off us Indians yet. That makes Americans quitters.
What about ending rape in this nation? But American's don't want to be seen as quitters.
What about ending domestic abuse in this nation? But American's don't want to be seen as quitters.
What about ending child abuse? But American's don't want to be seen as quitters.
What about ending the destruction of the lives of our fellow human beings in iraq using the U.S. military who are whored by the U.S. government to the highest bidders (major corporations like Halliburton)? What about ending U.S. lead environmental destruction in Iraq? What about ending U.S. lead genocide in Iraq? What about ending U.S. committed war crimes in Iraq? What about ending the horrific amounts of childhood death to to U.S. lead destruction of infrastructure? What about ending torture in Iraq? What about ending unjust imprisonments in Iraq? Etc.
Please. American's just don't want to look beyond their own lives to realize that the lives of others have validity and that the purposeful U.S. lead destruction of the nation of Iraq is CRIMINAL! And pelase, don't give me that we got rid of Saddam BULLSHIT! The CIA put Saddam into power in the first place. It was because Saddam leaned to nationalizing the oil industry and thus possibly taking money out of wealthy oil billionaire pockets that lead us to the BUSH 1 war with Iraq (Bush 1 was convicted of 19 war crimes, crimes against peace, and crimes against humanity, but simply chooses to ignore this). The U.S. government didn't give a RATS ASS about the kurds when Saddam gassed thousands of them. They considered it an internal problem. But take away the ruthless business practices that make oil billionaires rich, and face GENOCIDE!
But, American's don't want to be seen as quitters, so thousands upon thousands, maybe soon into the millions, of people will have to lose their lives and be forced to live under horrific conditions.
But at least American's aren't quitters; like they won't quit raping, child abusing, sexism, racism, misoginy, polluting our waterways, polluting our land, creating the conditions of poverty...There are so many things that American's just don't quit doing. They certainly aren't quitters, but wait, they quit trying to slaughter every last Indian. Why is that OK but to stop slaughtering Iraqi's is not? Just asking.
Anyway, I've become fascinated with that "American's are not quitters" slogan.
Yeah they are! They haven't finished off us Indians yet. That makes Americans quitters.
What about ending rape in this nation? But American's don't want to be seen as quitters.
What about ending domestic abuse in this nation? But American's don't want to be seen as quitters.
What about ending child abuse? But American's don't want to be seen as quitters.
What about ending the destruction of the lives of our fellow human beings in iraq using the U.S. military who are whored by the U.S. government to the highest bidders (major corporations like Halliburton)? What about ending U.S. lead environmental destruction in Iraq? What about ending U.S. lead genocide in Iraq? What about ending U.S. committed war crimes in Iraq? What about ending the horrific amounts of childhood death to to U.S. lead destruction of infrastructure? What about ending torture in Iraq? What about ending unjust imprisonments in Iraq? Etc.
Please. American's just don't want to look beyond their own lives to realize that the lives of others have validity and that the purposeful U.S. lead destruction of the nation of Iraq is CRIMINAL! And pelase, don't give me that we got rid of Saddam BULLSHIT! The CIA put Saddam into power in the first place. It was because Saddam leaned to nationalizing the oil industry and thus possibly taking money out of wealthy oil billionaire pockets that lead us to the BUSH 1 war with Iraq (Bush 1 was convicted of 19 war crimes, crimes against peace, and crimes against humanity, but simply chooses to ignore this). The U.S. government didn't give a RATS ASS about the kurds when Saddam gassed thousands of them. They considered it an internal problem. But take away the ruthless business practices that make oil billionaires rich, and face GENOCIDE!
But, American's don't want to be seen as quitters, so thousands upon thousands, maybe soon into the millions, of people will have to lose their lives and be forced to live under horrific conditions.
But at least American's aren't quitters; like they won't quit raping, child abusing, sexism, racism, misoginy, polluting our waterways, polluting our land, creating the conditions of poverty...There are so many things that American's just don't quit doing. They certainly aren't quitters, but wait, they quit trying to slaughter every last Indian. Why is that OK but to stop slaughtering Iraqi's is not? Just asking.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Friends are Always Good for Suggestions
I've been told by a friend that last Fridays following incident could be a prelude to a set up. Possible. There are so many possible scenarios it's funny.
I sometimes think that it was a fan or possibly my former bosses wife who had a crush on me, or so I was lead to believe.
Eh! Who knows.
Hey! Did you hear Pinochet died? It is both a glroious and sad event. Glorious to know that he is now getting visited by all those whose lives he destroyed and sad because I would have rather seen him go on the gallows.
I still see beauty everywhere.
Reflections in a puddle send my mind whirling
the last roses reaching for life
and the sun
hiding behind the clouds
Rhonda's beautiful face, smile, and Revolutionary attitude.
And, oddly for me,
I've given myself
as a Revolutionary act
to see the Beauty within myself
which doesn't mean I've become arrogant
because everyone
should reach in and find the Beauty within themselves
and use that energy to strive
to get everything back!
Did I tell you what I bought for dinner?
Collard greens which I'm gonna cook in
olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
A beet to cook up.
Some "Forbidden Rice."
A Free Range Chicken Breast.
And while I eat this wonderful meal,
I'm gonna continue to try to think
of a way
to bring down
the horrifying occuping force
that is sucking the life out of my land
out of our land.
I have no intent of kicking you all off of my land
it is your land, too
it is all of our earth.
Treat this land like it is yours.
Love it like it is yours.
Why are we letting
major corporations poison it
and everything?
Let's dance
and get it all back.
since you
my friends
have been good for suggestions...
how about suggestions
on taking it all back?
I sometimes think that it was a fan or possibly my former bosses wife who had a crush on me, or so I was lead to believe.
Eh! Who knows.
Hey! Did you hear Pinochet died? It is both a glroious and sad event. Glorious to know that he is now getting visited by all those whose lives he destroyed and sad because I would have rather seen him go on the gallows.
I still see beauty everywhere.
Reflections in a puddle send my mind whirling
the last roses reaching for life
and the sun
hiding behind the clouds
Rhonda's beautiful face, smile, and Revolutionary attitude.
And, oddly for me,
I've given myself
as a Revolutionary act
to see the Beauty within myself
which doesn't mean I've become arrogant
because everyone
should reach in and find the Beauty within themselves
and use that energy to strive
to get everything back!
Did I tell you what I bought for dinner?
Collard greens which I'm gonna cook in
olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
A beet to cook up.
Some "Forbidden Rice."
A Free Range Chicken Breast.
And while I eat this wonderful meal,
I'm gonna continue to try to think
of a way
to bring down
the horrifying occuping force
that is sucking the life out of my land
out of our land.
I have no intent of kicking you all off of my land
it is your land, too
it is all of our earth.
Treat this land like it is yours.
Love it like it is yours.
Why are we letting
major corporations poison it
and everything?
Let's dance
and get it all back.
since you
my friends
have been good for suggestions...
how about suggestions
on taking it all back?
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Complicity, It's a Crime
As I continue to read the news as my honey is out on a call, I found this article about Joe Darby, Abu Ghraib whistle blower.
Colin Engelbach, commander of the local VFW, agrees with all the threats heading Darby's way because, as he puts it, he put the lives of those soldiers in danger. This makes that fucking piece of shit Colin complicit in WAR CRIMES! and proud of it. Fuck you! Colin.
Using Colin's logic, it is not the fault of those that committed the WAR CRIME of torture that has put their lives in danger (news sources have mentioned the fact that the word was getting out into the community of U.S. military actions at Abu Ghraib long before it came to our attention here in the states), it is the fault of the whistleblower, according to piece of shit Colin Engelbach, commander of the VFW chapter in Cumberland, MD.
Also, it is readily apparent, that piece of shit Colin does not consider his fellow human beings of the Iraqi persuasion enough of human beings to have their rights considered. The FACT that Iraqi lives are in far more danger than EVER BEFORE even under U.S. supported Saddam Hussein doesn't count. It doesn't matter if his fellow soldiers are torturing illegally innocent or guilty Iraqi's. This should be protected by the world at large according to pieces of shit like Colin Engelbach. Fuck the Iraqi lives, Engelbach seems to insinuate. There lives aren't as important as white and white identified soldiers who commit war crimes and crimes against humanity. Are Nazi's that turned evidence against their fellow Nazi's looked down upon. Probably, by people like Engelbach and many citizens, as it turns out, of Cumberland, Maryland.
FUCK YOU! Cumberland, Maryland.
Joe Darby, you are a hero. You probably have done more to bring attention to the illegal actions of this nation that has done nothing but make the situation worse for the Iraqi people, which then encourages them to fight back as they watch their families being tortured and murdered by the illegal U.S. lead assault on their people. The people who should be behind bars are pretty much the whole Bush 2 administration because, anyone who knows anything, torture was supported by Donald Rumsfeld, war criminal.
I am very outspoken about the American actions in Iraq, because you see, I am indigenous to this nation currently known as the United States. The actions against the Iraqi people the U.S. has done to mine as well. This is no coincidence. It offends me that Indians participate in the slaughter along with the same government that STILL works on finishing off their people back home. But I understand and know why they join, I'd understand more if they walked away from fighting for the monster.
Again, Joe Darby, you are a hero! I doubt you were unaware that your actions could bring this type of reaction back home, so it is obvious that you did this at great personal risk. You have a big heart and an obvious Love for your fellow human beings. The world is blessed with people like you in it.
People like that fucking piece of shit, Colin Engelbach, do nothing but support global criminals in their actions that create their benefit of privilege by taking away the lives, land, resources, culuture, sovereignty, etc., of others worldwide. People like Colin who are incapable or unwilling to see beyond thier personal boxes are nothing but dregs in this society. May Colin see the light of his ways and turn coat against the monster, because if Colin were an Iraqi, his views would be much different. Hey, Colin, how about a little empathy for your fellow human beings you piece of fucking shit. Or are you to SUPERIOR to fell such an emotion?
Colin Engelbach, commander of the local VFW, agrees with all the threats heading Darby's way because, as he puts it, he put the lives of those soldiers in danger. This makes that fucking piece of shit Colin complicit in WAR CRIMES! and proud of it. Fuck you! Colin.
Using Colin's logic, it is not the fault of those that committed the WAR CRIME of torture that has put their lives in danger (news sources have mentioned the fact that the word was getting out into the community of U.S. military actions at Abu Ghraib long before it came to our attention here in the states), it is the fault of the whistleblower, according to piece of shit Colin Engelbach, commander of the VFW chapter in Cumberland, MD.
Also, it is readily apparent, that piece of shit Colin does not consider his fellow human beings of the Iraqi persuasion enough of human beings to have their rights considered. The FACT that Iraqi lives are in far more danger than EVER BEFORE even under U.S. supported Saddam Hussein doesn't count. It doesn't matter if his fellow soldiers are torturing illegally innocent or guilty Iraqi's. This should be protected by the world at large according to pieces of shit like Colin Engelbach. Fuck the Iraqi lives, Engelbach seems to insinuate. There lives aren't as important as white and white identified soldiers who commit war crimes and crimes against humanity. Are Nazi's that turned evidence against their fellow Nazi's looked down upon. Probably, by people like Engelbach and many citizens, as it turns out, of Cumberland, Maryland.
FUCK YOU! Cumberland, Maryland.
Joe Darby, you are a hero. You probably have done more to bring attention to the illegal actions of this nation that has done nothing but make the situation worse for the Iraqi people, which then encourages them to fight back as they watch their families being tortured and murdered by the illegal U.S. lead assault on their people. The people who should be behind bars are pretty much the whole Bush 2 administration because, anyone who knows anything, torture was supported by Donald Rumsfeld, war criminal.
I am very outspoken about the American actions in Iraq, because you see, I am indigenous to this nation currently known as the United States. The actions against the Iraqi people the U.S. has done to mine as well. This is no coincidence. It offends me that Indians participate in the slaughter along with the same government that STILL works on finishing off their people back home. But I understand and know why they join, I'd understand more if they walked away from fighting for the monster.
Again, Joe Darby, you are a hero! I doubt you were unaware that your actions could bring this type of reaction back home, so it is obvious that you did this at great personal risk. You have a big heart and an obvious Love for your fellow human beings. The world is blessed with people like you in it.
People like that fucking piece of shit, Colin Engelbach, do nothing but support global criminals in their actions that create their benefit of privilege by taking away the lives, land, resources, culuture, sovereignty, etc., of others worldwide. People like Colin who are incapable or unwilling to see beyond thier personal boxes are nothing but dregs in this society. May Colin see the light of his ways and turn coat against the monster, because if Colin were an Iraqi, his views would be much different. Hey, Colin, how about a little empathy for your fellow human beings you piece of fucking shit. Or are you to SUPERIOR to fell such an emotion?
Sorry, Science is NOT Infallible...
Here is an article about a famous scientist named Richard Doll, who passed away last year. His research helped in creating the link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer.
Richard Doll also stated that there is no link between Agent Orange, a defoliant used in Vietnam, and cancer. Turns out that Doll was on the Monsanto payroll at that time (Monsanto was the manufacturer of Agent Orange) and sometimes being paid $1500 a day.
Other non-corporate owned scientists have, however, found many connections between Agent Orange, created by Monsanto, and at least six different types of cancer.
I have heard many conversations about the infallability of science. How science is the one true god of this world. Here is a case where science is pretty fallible. The people who inform me science is infallible narrow the scope of the argument. I usually bring up Kennewick Man and the lack of science that Jamie Chatters used, and there is a sudden hush that seems to whisper that I have an inferior mind and am emotionally tainted when it comes to the one true god of science. No, I just don't narrow the frame of the discussion to the "infallability of science."
Apologists for Doll say that he did great work with the lung cancer issues and saved many lives. Well, Nazi doctors who vivisected Jews and Sinti and Romani made discoveries that saved many lives as well. Are their horrific actions considered fine because they created many advances in the science of medicine? If a man saved the lives of 37 people, does that make it OK that he raped and murdered 8?
So, Doll, because I know many people effected by agent orange created by MONSANTO and have heard of the deaths via cancer by many people effected by the shit, you have earned a great big unFCCregulated FUCK YOU from me! People say I shouldn't speak ill of the dead, well then, I guess we should all sing praise to the great works of Columbus, Chivington, Custer, Reagan, Hitler, and so many others.
Read the article. It's time to change the world!
Richard Doll also stated that there is no link between Agent Orange, a defoliant used in Vietnam, and cancer. Turns out that Doll was on the Monsanto payroll at that time (Monsanto was the manufacturer of Agent Orange) and sometimes being paid $1500 a day.
Other non-corporate owned scientists have, however, found many connections between Agent Orange, created by Monsanto, and at least six different types of cancer.
I have heard many conversations about the infallability of science. How science is the one true god of this world. Here is a case where science is pretty fallible. The people who inform me science is infallible narrow the scope of the argument. I usually bring up Kennewick Man and the lack of science that Jamie Chatters used, and there is a sudden hush that seems to whisper that I have an inferior mind and am emotionally tainted when it comes to the one true god of science. No, I just don't narrow the frame of the discussion to the "infallability of science."
Apologists for Doll say that he did great work with the lung cancer issues and saved many lives. Well, Nazi doctors who vivisected Jews and Sinti and Romani made discoveries that saved many lives as well. Are their horrific actions considered fine because they created many advances in the science of medicine? If a man saved the lives of 37 people, does that make it OK that he raped and murdered 8?
So, Doll, because I know many people effected by agent orange created by MONSANTO and have heard of the deaths via cancer by many people effected by the shit, you have earned a great big unFCCregulated FUCK YOU from me! People say I shouldn't speak ill of the dead, well then, I guess we should all sing praise to the great works of Columbus, Chivington, Custer, Reagan, Hitler, and so many others.
Read the article. It's time to change the world!
Big Sandwich
At the vigil last Tuesday, a man came up and talked with us saying he had been a Lieutenant in the military and involved in various military actions and was proud of what we were doing in our efforts to end war. He said he may join us sometime and mentioned how he used to buy his men a big sandwich to keep up their morale, as it were. The next thing I knew, I saw Rhonda holding a big giant sandwich. It was so funny.
I always tell people that if I won the lottery, I would buy a big sandwich. Or if I hear of someone aquiring a lot of money I say something like, "That'll buy a big sandwich." And there you have it, we are the wealthiest people in the world...we received a big sandwich. Thank you Lieutenant whose name I can't remember and who probably wouldn't want it mentioned anyway.
I always tell people that if I won the lottery, I would buy a big sandwich. Or if I hear of someone aquiring a lot of money I say something like, "That'll buy a big sandwich." And there you have it, we are the wealthiest people in the world...we received a big sandwich. Thank you Lieutenant whose name I can't remember and who probably wouldn't want it mentioned anyway.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Forward Base Falcon
Check this article out about Forward Base Falcon. It is quite horrifying especially since the Dept. of Defense says no one got killed and only a few minorly injured, but hospital reports say 300 American Soldiers, 120 Iraqi soldiers, as well as interpreters and contractors were killed in this attack. Read, then pressure the government to tell us the whole story.
Friday, December 08, 2006
I Think I Was Followed
I think I was followed this morning while at work for a little bit. Nothing happened so it was possibly nothing at all. Then again...? I started speculating, but have come up with some many different scenarios, innocent and guilty, that speculation really isn't worth the effort, so I'll just tell you exactly what happened.
I was driving my work truck Southbound on I-5. I took the Terwilliger Exit to go to the Burlingame Fred Meyer. I turned South onto 99W and the car behind me got in the right lane like me. I thought that was kind of weird, afterall it was 4:50 in the morning with very little traffic out. There are three driveways leading into this particular Fred Meyer. I took the middle one, and the car seemed to be following me at first, then I noticed it driving on, but slowly and cautiously. I thought that was weird, again, considering the time and the lack of traffic. I headed to the South side of the building to go around back as I noticed the black four door sedan, possibly a late model Plymouth (I don't know my cars that well) pulled into the South driveway.
The driveway forks. The right side goes down to the lower South side parking lot and the alley way to the back West side dock. The car pulled in kind of cautiously. I usually pause before I head down the alleyway and write in my times, check for other trucks and early morning employees, but this was too weird to me. I headed right in, and it looked like the car was heading into the lower parking lot, possibly an employee or something.
I got to the back dock area where I turned the truck around and face South down the backside alleyway toward the parking lots. Pulling up onto the upper parking lot was the black sedan, driver side toward me. It had tinted windows, so I couldn't see inside. It was dark out too, so that probably wouldn't even have mattered. He parked there with a good view of the
West side alley. I laughed to myself because I am no threat to anyone. If it was the government, I thought to myself, there coming after a guy who can't get people to help out with the radio and TV shows, let along organize something worthy of them following me. Again...That's speculation, but that was what was running through my head. I had to laugh because in the greater sense of things, I am not effective enough of an activist to warrant a following. Feh!
I saw that their was somebody getting unloaded early, so I hand trucked my 11 boxes to the back dock. I had to wait about 10 minutes before the door was officially open so I could bring my stuff in. I went and locked my truck and they were still there. I smiled up at them because, like I said, it is completely rediculous that they follow me if, indeed, they actually were. I kept checking as I had to wait about half an hour for the receiver to help me as she was busy. I noticed at about 5:15 the car was gone.
There was no suspicious activities the rest of the day. Pretty weird, though, and I figure I should say something just in case.
If I was being followed, it was by someone who wanted me to know it. They were quite obvious and there was no mystery that they were at least looking at what I was doing.
I was driving my work truck Southbound on I-5. I took the Terwilliger Exit to go to the Burlingame Fred Meyer. I turned South onto 99W and the car behind me got in the right lane like me. I thought that was kind of weird, afterall it was 4:50 in the morning with very little traffic out. There are three driveways leading into this particular Fred Meyer. I took the middle one, and the car seemed to be following me at first, then I noticed it driving on, but slowly and cautiously. I thought that was weird, again, considering the time and the lack of traffic. I headed to the South side of the building to go around back as I noticed the black four door sedan, possibly a late model Plymouth (I don't know my cars that well) pulled into the South driveway.
The driveway forks. The right side goes down to the lower South side parking lot and the alley way to the back West side dock. The car pulled in kind of cautiously. I usually pause before I head down the alleyway and write in my times, check for other trucks and early morning employees, but this was too weird to me. I headed right in, and it looked like the car was heading into the lower parking lot, possibly an employee or something.
I got to the back dock area where I turned the truck around and face South down the backside alleyway toward the parking lots. Pulling up onto the upper parking lot was the black sedan, driver side toward me. It had tinted windows, so I couldn't see inside. It was dark out too, so that probably wouldn't even have mattered. He parked there with a good view of the
West side alley. I laughed to myself because I am no threat to anyone. If it was the government, I thought to myself, there coming after a guy who can't get people to help out with the radio and TV shows, let along organize something worthy of them following me. Again...That's speculation, but that was what was running through my head. I had to laugh because in the greater sense of things, I am not effective enough of an activist to warrant a following. Feh!
I saw that their was somebody getting unloaded early, so I hand trucked my 11 boxes to the back dock. I had to wait about 10 minutes before the door was officially open so I could bring my stuff in. I went and locked my truck and they were still there. I smiled up at them because, like I said, it is completely rediculous that they follow me if, indeed, they actually were. I kept checking as I had to wait about half an hour for the receiver to help me as she was busy. I noticed at about 5:15 the car was gone.
There was no suspicious activities the rest of the day. Pretty weird, though, and I figure I should say something just in case.
If I was being followed, it was by someone who wanted me to know it. They were quite obvious and there was no mystery that they were at least looking at what I was doing.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
The Two Most Horrifying Words to Hear
After taking the FCC class at KBOO, I came to the realization that there is lots of music I can no longer play as well as lots of poems I can no longer read. This, many people, will tell me this is "freedom of speech."
We can no longer even make references to certain acts of pleasure or possibly face a $350,000 dollar fine for each incident. We can no longer make references to what have been termed as "excrementalisms" without the potential of facing a $350,000 fine. We cannot mention certain human body parts without facing a $350,000 fine. There are more unmentionable female body parts than male which is a strong statment as to what this arrogant and imperialist society currently known as the United States things of its women. With each allegation comes the potential of a $350,000 fine.
But here is the GREAT news! The burden of proof lies with the accused! In otherwords, if someone accuses me of saying one of the deadliest words in alleged American Society, we would have to PROVE that I didn't say it. If we couldn't prove anything, if there was no proof one way or the other, we could STILL face a $350,000 fine. That means, of course, we are guilty until proven innocent. So not only is it deadly for me to play or say one or more of the deadly words, insinuate acts of pleasure, mention an excrementalism, or mention certain human body parts, it is simply deadly to this station for me to even be on the air now because someone could simply accuse me of having said one thing or another and we could be fined $350,000 no matter if we can or cannot prove otherwise. Isn't that GREAT! You feeling "free" yet? I knew that you were.
Here is a sweet example of what you will never hear on this station; "Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones. If we played that song on the air, we could face a $350,000 fine if someone complained. You might still hear the song on a station like KGON, but KGON is owned by media conglomerate, Entercom Communications Inc., who can afford the lawyers and the time to fight such stupid and senseless actions by the FCC. Since KBOO is a non-capitalist station whose recources come mainly from the listen/supporters, we honestly wouldn't have a chance in the courts of the nation that have been working hard on crushing "free speech" in this nation. Now don't forget, a simple unprovable accusation can land us a $350,000 fine. With the lack of speed and efficiency that the FCC works with, we may not even find out about the accusation for 3 months to 2 years. If we don't have copies of the show, we would face the FCC with an unprovable accusation and possibly lose our license and be off the air. Isn't that great!
Freedom of speech my...!
There seem to be three categories of things we can't mention on the air: reference to acts of pleasure, reference to excrementalisms, references to body parts. And don't forget, we don't even have to mention these things to receive a $350,000 fine because if we can't prove that we didn't, we may lose the case and our license. However, we can mention the two most horrificly lethal words ever uttered in this nation: "freedom" and "democracy." Let's take an example here:
"Freedome and democracy" the United States has brought the indigenous populations, the rightful owners of this land. They slaughtered us down in general to approximately 2% of our original population. They kidnapped our children and beat, raped, and tortured our languages and cultures out of them in order to secure their position of DOMINANCE on OUR LAND for future white generations to come with the absolute privilege of this position going to the wealthiest of white folks. More often than not, the "freedom and democracy" applied to Indians applies to poor white folks and other peoples of color. Freedom and democracy also means no health care for the poorest populations in the U.S.; no housing rights for the homeless; fewer rights for people of color; even fewer rights for women; freedom of unions to be destroyed or brought into the folds of corruption to become useless (not all, of course); etc.
Let's take one more example of the lethal activities that the two most lethal words in the world are doing, say, in Iraq: from 150,000 to 700,000 Iraqi civilians have been slaughtered bringing them "freedom and democracy;" their environment his peppered with depleted uranium; their health care is virtually non-existant for the poor and because of the illegal U.S. invasion, there are more people in NEED of health care in that nation; there has been an exodus of their population into other nations in hopes of fleeing the violence but instead, they wind up in insecurity as refugees; the infrastructure has been virtually destroyed; capitalists take advantage of the situation and create further suffering to create greater wealth for the few; and the list goes on and on.
So, you can say the two most lethal and dealdly words ever uttered, "freedom" and "democracy," but you can't mention acts of pleasure, excrementalisms, or certain body parts on the air without the potential of facing a $350,000 fine.
Heck [I can still say far]...Heck, we Indians are still waiting for freedom and democracy to get its oppressive boot off of the neck of our economies so we can become self-sustainable by doing things like growing and selling hemp. Instead, freedom and democracy comes onto the sovereign nation of the Oglala Lakota and stomps out their attempts at self-sustaining activities because that might bring them out from under the boot of oppression, and the U.S. government can't have that. So they go onto the reservation and chop down the hemp in an act of "freedom" and "democracy" so the Lakota peoples will still be the poorest of the poor in this nation and therefore easier to control by the master.
So here is a message to all of you soldiers out there. I request that you no longer mention that you are killing darkies overseas so I can have the freedom of speech. It is only obvious to those who are willing to look beyond their box that what there is of "free speech" in this nation is being crushed even further. Hate speech my Sean Hannity is legal because he is stirring up hateful support for you all to murder darkies half way across the world so he can sit back in his oppulance and privilege and not have to do any of the killing himself. You are killing darkies for people like Sean Hannity because they can use that to give themselves bigger bank accounts. People like us at the bottom, especially truth speakers, are now in the position of being more easily crushed by things such as "freedom" and "democracy." I have a simple request for all of you soldiers who are out there doing the killing and raping of darkies in order to protect my "freedom" of speech: Please stop! It's not working! Our freedom of speech is being crushed back home. However, you are helping create bigger bank accounts for the Bush's, Rumsfeld's, Hannity's, Rice's, Cheney's, etc., of this world.
It is more legal for male soldiers to rape their female counterparts, and as I've recently heard, even their male counterparts, than it is for me to mention reference to one or more of the three alleged by the FCC deadly categories of indecent speech. Suzanne Swift faces court martial for not doing her role as a woman in the military and continuing to put up with being raped by her male counterparts who have gotten away with it. If you are a man and like to rape women as well as other men, you have a better chance of getting away with it if you wear a U.S. military uniform. If you are a woman thinking of joining, I think it is safe to say that your chances of being raped greatly increase if you do so not by the enemy, but by your male military counterparts.
I also think of Janis Karpinski talking about how several women had died at Abu Ghriab because they greatly reduced their intake of liquids because they didn't want to have to go to the bathroom at night and face the great potential of being raped NOT by Iraqi insurgents, but by their male U.S. military coutnerparts. And, like mentioned, Suzanne Swift is facing courtmarial for not putting up with being raped by her fellow military personell. The men that raped her, however, face not charges at all whatsoever.
There are still some songs I can play on this radio show, "Mitakuye Oyasin." I asked about this particular one because of its content. I was told it was OK. So this song goes out in support of "Suzanne Swift" and in a great desire that the men that raped her receive their karma and that all rapists especially in the military receive their karma. Before I play this song, however, ask much longer before the FCC makes it illegal for me or others to play this one?
How to Contact the FCC
To Contact the Commissioners via E-mail
Chairman Kevin J. Martin:
Commissioner Michael J. Copps:
Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein:
Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate:
Commissioner Robert McDowell:
To Obtain Information via E-mail
General information, inquiries & complaints:
Freedom of Information Act requests:
Comments on FCC Internet services:
Elections & political candidate matters:
To Obtain Information via Telephone
1-888-225-5322 (1-888-CALL FCC) Voice: toll-free
1-888-835-5322 (1-888-TELL FCC) TTY: toll-free
1-866-418-0232 FAX: toll-free
(202) 418-2830 FAX on Demand
(202) 418-1440 Elections & political candidate matters
FCC Phone Directory
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Hand-Delivered or Messenger-Delivered Documents
For more complete information on filings, please see our Filing Location Public Notice, our Rulemaking Process page, and the Office of the Secretary web site.
Hand-delivered or messenger-delivered paper filings for the Commission's Secretary:
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Suite 110
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(8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.)
Other Messenger-Delivered Documents,
Including Documents Sent by Overnight Mail
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Federal Communications Commission
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(8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.)
Internet Address
Freedom of Information Act Requests
The Freedom of Information Act, commonly known as the FOIA, was enacted by Congress in 1966 to give the American public greater access to the Federal Government's records. You do not have to file a FOIA request to obtain information which is routinely available for public inspection, including records from docketed cases, broadcast applications and related files, petitions for rulemakings, various legal and technical publications, legislative history compilations, etc. Much of this information is already available on the FCC website, but if you would still like to file a FOIA request, follow the instructions on our FOIA web page.
FCC's Duplicating Contractor
Copies of Commission documents in paper format and alternative media, including large print/type; digital disk; and audio tape.
Best Copy and Printing, Inc.
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Washington DC 20554
We can no longer even make references to certain acts of pleasure or possibly face a $350,000 dollar fine for each incident. We can no longer make references to what have been termed as "excrementalisms" without the potential of facing a $350,000 fine. We cannot mention certain human body parts without facing a $350,000 fine. There are more unmentionable female body parts than male which is a strong statment as to what this arrogant and imperialist society currently known as the United States things of its women. With each allegation comes the potential of a $350,000 fine.
But here is the GREAT news! The burden of proof lies with the accused! In otherwords, if someone accuses me of saying one of the deadliest words in alleged American Society, we would have to PROVE that I didn't say it. If we couldn't prove anything, if there was no proof one way or the other, we could STILL face a $350,000 fine. That means, of course, we are guilty until proven innocent. So not only is it deadly for me to play or say one or more of the deadly words, insinuate acts of pleasure, mention an excrementalism, or mention certain human body parts, it is simply deadly to this station for me to even be on the air now because someone could simply accuse me of having said one thing or another and we could be fined $350,000 no matter if we can or cannot prove otherwise. Isn't that GREAT! You feeling "free" yet? I knew that you were.
Here is a sweet example of what you will never hear on this station; "Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones. If we played that song on the air, we could face a $350,000 fine if someone complained. You might still hear the song on a station like KGON, but KGON is owned by media conglomerate, Entercom Communications Inc., who can afford the lawyers and the time to fight such stupid and senseless actions by the FCC. Since KBOO is a non-capitalist station whose recources come mainly from the listen/supporters, we honestly wouldn't have a chance in the courts of the nation that have been working hard on crushing "free speech" in this nation. Now don't forget, a simple unprovable accusation can land us a $350,000 fine. With the lack of speed and efficiency that the FCC works with, we may not even find out about the accusation for 3 months to 2 years. If we don't have copies of the show, we would face the FCC with an unprovable accusation and possibly lose our license and be off the air. Isn't that great!
Freedom of speech my...!
There seem to be three categories of things we can't mention on the air: reference to acts of pleasure, reference to excrementalisms, references to body parts. And don't forget, we don't even have to mention these things to receive a $350,000 fine because if we can't prove that we didn't, we may lose the case and our license. However, we can mention the two most horrificly lethal words ever uttered in this nation: "freedom" and "democracy." Let's take an example here:
"Freedome and democracy" the United States has brought the indigenous populations, the rightful owners of this land. They slaughtered us down in general to approximately 2% of our original population. They kidnapped our children and beat, raped, and tortured our languages and cultures out of them in order to secure their position of DOMINANCE on OUR LAND for future white generations to come with the absolute privilege of this position going to the wealthiest of white folks. More often than not, the "freedom and democracy" applied to Indians applies to poor white folks and other peoples of color. Freedom and democracy also means no health care for the poorest populations in the U.S.; no housing rights for the homeless; fewer rights for people of color; even fewer rights for women; freedom of unions to be destroyed or brought into the folds of corruption to become useless (not all, of course); etc.
Let's take one more example of the lethal activities that the two most lethal words in the world are doing, say, in Iraq: from 150,000 to 700,000 Iraqi civilians have been slaughtered bringing them "freedom and democracy;" their environment his peppered with depleted uranium; their health care is virtually non-existant for the poor and because of the illegal U.S. invasion, there are more people in NEED of health care in that nation; there has been an exodus of their population into other nations in hopes of fleeing the violence but instead, they wind up in insecurity as refugees; the infrastructure has been virtually destroyed; capitalists take advantage of the situation and create further suffering to create greater wealth for the few; and the list goes on and on.
So, you can say the two most lethal and dealdly words ever uttered, "freedom" and "democracy," but you can't mention acts of pleasure, excrementalisms, or certain body parts on the air without the potential of facing a $350,000 fine.
Heck [I can still say far]...Heck, we Indians are still waiting for freedom and democracy to get its oppressive boot off of the neck of our economies so we can become self-sustainable by doing things like growing and selling hemp. Instead, freedom and democracy comes onto the sovereign nation of the Oglala Lakota and stomps out their attempts at self-sustaining activities because that might bring them out from under the boot of oppression, and the U.S. government can't have that. So they go onto the reservation and chop down the hemp in an act of "freedom" and "democracy" so the Lakota peoples will still be the poorest of the poor in this nation and therefore easier to control by the master.
So here is a message to all of you soldiers out there. I request that you no longer mention that you are killing darkies overseas so I can have the freedom of speech. It is only obvious to those who are willing to look beyond their box that what there is of "free speech" in this nation is being crushed even further. Hate speech my Sean Hannity is legal because he is stirring up hateful support for you all to murder darkies half way across the world so he can sit back in his oppulance and privilege and not have to do any of the killing himself. You are killing darkies for people like Sean Hannity because they can use that to give themselves bigger bank accounts. People like us at the bottom, especially truth speakers, are now in the position of being more easily crushed by things such as "freedom" and "democracy." I have a simple request for all of you soldiers who are out there doing the killing and raping of darkies in order to protect my "freedom" of speech: Please stop! It's not working! Our freedom of speech is being crushed back home. However, you are helping create bigger bank accounts for the Bush's, Rumsfeld's, Hannity's, Rice's, Cheney's, etc., of this world.
It is more legal for male soldiers to rape their female counterparts, and as I've recently heard, even their male counterparts, than it is for me to mention reference to one or more of the three alleged by the FCC deadly categories of indecent speech. Suzanne Swift faces court martial for not doing her role as a woman in the military and continuing to put up with being raped by her male counterparts who have gotten away with it. If you are a man and like to rape women as well as other men, you have a better chance of getting away with it if you wear a U.S. military uniform. If you are a woman thinking of joining, I think it is safe to say that your chances of being raped greatly increase if you do so not by the enemy, but by your male military counterparts.
I also think of Janis Karpinski talking about how several women had died at Abu Ghriab because they greatly reduced their intake of liquids because they didn't want to have to go to the bathroom at night and face the great potential of being raped NOT by Iraqi insurgents, but by their male U.S. military coutnerparts. And, like mentioned, Suzanne Swift is facing courtmarial for not putting up with being raped by her fellow military personell. The men that raped her, however, face not charges at all whatsoever.
There are still some songs I can play on this radio show, "Mitakuye Oyasin." I asked about this particular one because of its content. I was told it was OK. So this song goes out in support of "Suzanne Swift" and in a great desire that the men that raped her receive their karma and that all rapists especially in the military receive their karma. Before I play this song, however, ask much longer before the FCC makes it illegal for me or others to play this one?
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Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Vigil 12-5-06 set 1
I took inspiration from Rhonda's action last week of walking inside the office and giving a man signing up anti-recruiting literature. I went up to Bob (the old man) and asked if he had a copy of "War is a Racket," by Smedley Butler. Sure enough did. I then walked into the recruiting office and up to one of the Marine recruiters. I asked if he knew who Smedley Butler was. He sure enough did. I asked if he heard of the book, he said no. So I gave him the copy.
As we were leaving yesterday, I saw the recruiter leaving with the book in his hand.
I thank all the people who showed up but especially Rhonda for her inspiration.





As we were leaving yesterday, I saw the recruiter leaving with the book in his hand.
I thank all the people who showed up but especially Rhonda for her inspiration.





Vigil 12-5-06 set 2
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Free Speech is Getting Mighty Expensive
Hey, soldiers! What was that I heard you say a few times? You are murdering darkies overseas so I can have freedom of speech.
But wait! You can NOW stop lying to yourself. Yesterday I attented an FCC class for KBOO where I volunteer, and free speech is becoming more limited, NOT less limited, and therefore, not really making it "Free Speech." Isn't that funny! You all have murdered some 650,000 Iraqi's and destroyed the lives of millions more so the "Free Speech" you told me you were killing my fellow darkies for can be crushed by the government that pays you to kill them.
If you don't know by now, you are really murdering and oppressing darkies for the wealth of already wealthy white men.
Blacks murder darkies for the same people who enslaved them, raped their women, lynched them, segregated them, stole their votes, and continues to oppress their people.
Indians murder darkies for the same people who crush thier people on the reservations, continue to violate their sovereignty, raped their women and children, committed genocide against them, and most Indians who have been in the military are quite proud of having done so.
The list goes on and on.
I can't say fuck on the air or any of the other dirty words. I can't play music with sexually suggestive lyrics. I can no longer read my half breed poem on the air where I suggest that since I'm a half breed, woud the priest have only stuck it half way in. Even to "insinuate" a sex act, KBOO could get a $350,000 fine which, would kill the station. And America would Love to kill this station because we speak out against the attrocities and crimes they commit. We don't parlay the propoganda like the major media.
So, Soldier boys, it doesn't seem to matter how many darkies you murder overseas, our free speech is getting crushed over here. I guess it doesn't even really matter how many of your fellow service women you rape either, or little girl civilians, or other forced sexual activities on others you all rarely have to pay for. No matter what you do, our freedom here is being destroyed by the same people you murder darkies for. Go figure, huh?
But wait! You can NOW stop lying to yourself. Yesterday I attented an FCC class for KBOO where I volunteer, and free speech is becoming more limited, NOT less limited, and therefore, not really making it "Free Speech." Isn't that funny! You all have murdered some 650,000 Iraqi's and destroyed the lives of millions more so the "Free Speech" you told me you were killing my fellow darkies for can be crushed by the government that pays you to kill them.
If you don't know by now, you are really murdering and oppressing darkies for the wealth of already wealthy white men.
Blacks murder darkies for the same people who enslaved them, raped their women, lynched them, segregated them, stole their votes, and continues to oppress their people.
Indians murder darkies for the same people who crush thier people on the reservations, continue to violate their sovereignty, raped their women and children, committed genocide against them, and most Indians who have been in the military are quite proud of having done so.
The list goes on and on.
I can't say fuck on the air or any of the other dirty words. I can't play music with sexually suggestive lyrics. I can no longer read my half breed poem on the air where I suggest that since I'm a half breed, woud the priest have only stuck it half way in. Even to "insinuate" a sex act, KBOO could get a $350,000 fine which, would kill the station. And America would Love to kill this station because we speak out against the attrocities and crimes they commit. We don't parlay the propoganda like the major media.
So, Soldier boys, it doesn't seem to matter how many darkies you murder overseas, our free speech is getting crushed over here. I guess it doesn't even really matter how many of your fellow service women you rape either, or little girl civilians, or other forced sexual activities on others you all rarely have to pay for. No matter what you do, our freedom here is being destroyed by the same people you murder darkies for. Go figure, huh?
Monday, December 04, 2006
Michael Richards and the Word "Nigger"
Cecile and Celeste on "More Talk Radio" this morning on KBOO hosted a conversation about Michael Richards calling a heckler "NIGGER" and joking about lynching him. I just watched the video, though very blurry on this computer, one could hear his ferocity and racism as clear as a bell.
It was brought up by a caller, a white guy of course, that people like Chris Rock call white people "cracker" so why can't white people call blacks nigger? Well, there is an important difference in these uses of racial epithets in my opinion, so let's open this up to discussion.
I am of a darky race myself which has been referred to as: Red Nigger, Prarie Nigger, Blanket Ass, Redskin, Chief, Squaw, etc. We continue to have to put up with SERIOUS institutionalized racism in this nation. Today, at the airport I visited a store that was selling a feather bonnet in a Western style store. If I watched sports, I'd face it most everyday. Just the shit I get walking down the street is too much.
Let's take a quick look at the dynamics of society concrerning blacks and whites. When whites use the word "nigger," it is from a space where the word historically was used by them as a derogatory term in order to dehumanize blacks and exercise white dominance through the use of force which also comes in the form of words. When a white man calls a black man "nigger," in general it is a term used to exercise the mainstream white dominance and privilege over a race they consider less than the white race. In my opinion, when a black person calls another black person "nigger" or "nigga" it is a reclaiming of the word that was used as a tool of the oppressor.
When a black person calls a white person "cracker" or "peckerwood," it is done so in self-defense. Those words used by a black person do not carry the horrific force that a white using the word "nigger" on a black has. Think about it. There is a significant unbalance. In otherwords, "look how it feels, whitey." But whitey will never feel it like a black person will feel the word "nigger." Dominance, force, brutality, genocide, slavery, etc., were not excercised by black people in general against the whites. The black race has had to defend themselves from the white folks. Same in Indian Country. We Indians spend every fucking day trying to defend ourselves from Whitey, the dominator culture.
When Michael Richards calls a black man "nigger," he does so from WHITE MALE PRIVILEGE which exercised much cruelty over the black race. Michael uses the word to excercise white mainstream dominance. When Chris Rock uses the word "cracker" to describe whitey, he does so from a place of self-defense. Defending his right to be who he is as a black man in a white dominated society. It's a "get your boot off of our fucking necks, whitey!" statement. Folks, racism is still dominant in this society.
I was told by a friend, a black woman from Chicago, that I hate whitey more than any black person she has ever met. I am a racist, but I don't "hate" whitey, I hate the fact that a race of people exercises dominance over my people in order to steal EVERYTHING from us. When I tell white folks I want everything back, they start talking deportation. There is only a minute real chance that we Indians will get everything back that is RIGHTFULLY ours and stolen through the various acts of genocide. Do those white folks ever ask why? What happened to my people? FUCK NO! They don't care. They worry about the UNREALISTIC loss of their personal privilege in a nation that has stolen everything from us Red Niggers by use of force and horrific genocide and cruelty. friends, is what we need to deal with. How about doing what's right?
And don't think I hate white people. Some of my best friends are white.
It was brought up by a caller, a white guy of course, that people like Chris Rock call white people "cracker" so why can't white people call blacks nigger? Well, there is an important difference in these uses of racial epithets in my opinion, so let's open this up to discussion.
I am of a darky race myself which has been referred to as: Red Nigger, Prarie Nigger, Blanket Ass, Redskin, Chief, Squaw, etc. We continue to have to put up with SERIOUS institutionalized racism in this nation. Today, at the airport I visited a store that was selling a feather bonnet in a Western style store. If I watched sports, I'd face it most everyday. Just the shit I get walking down the street is too much.
Let's take a quick look at the dynamics of society concrerning blacks and whites. When whites use the word "nigger," it is from a space where the word historically was used by them as a derogatory term in order to dehumanize blacks and exercise white dominance through the use of force which also comes in the form of words. When a white man calls a black man "nigger," in general it is a term used to exercise the mainstream white dominance and privilege over a race they consider less than the white race. In my opinion, when a black person calls another black person "nigger" or "nigga" it is a reclaiming of the word that was used as a tool of the oppressor.
When a black person calls a white person "cracker" or "peckerwood," it is done so in self-defense. Those words used by a black person do not carry the horrific force that a white using the word "nigger" on a black has. Think about it. There is a significant unbalance. In otherwords, "look how it feels, whitey." But whitey will never feel it like a black person will feel the word "nigger." Dominance, force, brutality, genocide, slavery, etc., were not excercised by black people in general against the whites. The black race has had to defend themselves from the white folks. Same in Indian Country. We Indians spend every fucking day trying to defend ourselves from Whitey, the dominator culture.
When Michael Richards calls a black man "nigger," he does so from WHITE MALE PRIVILEGE which exercised much cruelty over the black race. Michael uses the word to excercise white mainstream dominance. When Chris Rock uses the word "cracker" to describe whitey, he does so from a place of self-defense. Defending his right to be who he is as a black man in a white dominated society. It's a "get your boot off of our fucking necks, whitey!" statement. Folks, racism is still dominant in this society.
I was told by a friend, a black woman from Chicago, that I hate whitey more than any black person she has ever met. I am a racist, but I don't "hate" whitey, I hate the fact that a race of people exercises dominance over my people in order to steal EVERYTHING from us. When I tell white folks I want everything back, they start talking deportation. There is only a minute real chance that we Indians will get everything back that is RIGHTFULLY ours and stolen through the various acts of genocide. Do those white folks ever ask why? What happened to my people? FUCK NO! They don't care. They worry about the UNREALISTIC loss of their personal privilege in a nation that has stolen everything from us Red Niggers by use of force and horrific genocide and cruelty. friends, is what we need to deal with. How about doing what's right?
And don't think I hate white people. Some of my best friends are white.

I carried beauty in a cup,
but like seagul and the sun
such gifts are not mine
to hoard
and I pour beauty
accross the asphalt streets
concrete sidewalks
houses of the people
and homeless
over hills and trees
through streams
rivers oceans and across the sky.
Driving down Marine Drive
I remembered my dad
during a particularly cold winter
driving me out there
and we stood on the banks
of our river
Che Wana
Dad, without a coat
four fingers of each hand
shoved into the respective pockets
of his blue jeans
thumbs jutting into the cold air
as we stood on the levee
protecting the airport
on the flood plain.
Huge chunks of ice
mini icebergs
were floating silently down the river.
I don't remember any words of wisdom
pouring from my dad's lips... just don't need words.
I splashed beauty across the mirror
and ran away laughing.


Friday, December 01, 2006
Last night, Portland became the 273rd city in the U.S. signing on to a resolution to bring the troops home. Although this is mostly symbolic, I pray that it may inspire many into action to make the resolution a reality. Rhonda and I were both in attendance and celebrated with a wonderful burrito dinner and a hot chocolate following.
Bless all who attended and made this possible.
Bless all who attended and made this possible.

Here is a photo that is supposed to go with a poem I wrote a while back. Unfortunately, I can't bring that up on this computer as it won't let me view my whole blog. It was a poem about poetry and leaves blowing in the wind like words.
Here's a couple of mushroom pictures I took as well.


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