Monday, December 25, 2006



I keep reading articles about the film by Mel Gibson, which I will NEVER see, "Apocolyto." From the sounds of all the reviews I've read, the movie is about the blood thirsty slaving Indians killing and committing human sacrifices and torturing and all sorts of bloody sick things while the hero is trying to save his enslaved wife and in the end, reach the shore in time to see the holy and beautiful Spaniards coming ashore to save the Western hemisphere.

Well, according to the evidence this story is based on, the Spaniards were not to arrive for hundreds of years yet.

Besides, the evidence this story is based on is as thin as Kennewick Man proving that whitey was indeed the first group of folks in this hemisphere.

And anyone who has read Bartolome de Las Casas or his contemporaries knows that the Catholic Spaniards were some of the cruelest mother-fucking pieces of colonialist imperialst shit ever to have come into existence. One example that always sticks atop of all the rest is how a Spaniard tore a mothers baby from her arms and fed it to his dog. But, of course, Mel will tell you it was the Red Niggers who were the violent and attrocious folks. Why? Because it helps him propogate the most horrific and bloody religion ever used as an excuse to slaughter millions, Christianity.

Mind you, not all Christians are like Mel, nor do all Christians like Mel. Some Christians actually behave in ways that are very respectable and Beautiful, for example, the Christians I know like Lisa and Father Jim. Excpetional people who live their lives to create peace in the world as best they can. (Some of my best friends are Christians...hardy har har har).

This film, by Mel Gibson, seems to be as institutionally racist as racist can be. The Red Niggers are bad becuase we didn't have Christ. The Whiteys from Europe are good because they have Christ. From the slaughters created in this hemisphere by the Spaniards, Dutch, English, French, and other imperialist colonialist nations who stole from others for the wealth of their few and created mass slaughter and death to get it and not just in the Western Hemisphere, one could understand that Christianity is one of the bloodiest religions ever. But the words always seem to blast into my skull, "Thou shalt not kill." But then again, Jesus forgives all sins therefore, all the killing Christians do is forgiven. Math, it's a wonderful thing.

Like I've said before, I believe Christ was a good guy. Mel, however, is a fucking piece of shit and so is his propagandist film, "apocolypto."

Personally, I believe killing is wrong, even if Christ would forgive me for doing it.

However, some of the most horrific killers in history and current are Christians. Many who have actively slaughtered indigenous peoples or installed policies in the imperialist colonialist occupying nation known as the United States Government that have slaughtered thousands including being complicit in criminal scalp bounties that slaughtered some 50,000 or more indigenous peoples, are therefore in heaven. My grandma and dad are in hell because they never would accept Christ as their personal savior especially since his followers were raping, murdering, torturing, and imprisoning indigenous peoples for being born Red Niggers. All Indians before 1492 by the simple mathematics are in hell. Guess where I'm gonna go when I die, folks. That's right...STRAIGHT TO HELL! I'd rather be there than playing harp to an arrogant God who so Loves his Indian Killing shitholes like Custer, Chivington, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Bush, Albright, Rice, etc.

I would rather be tortured for eternity than to spend a fraction of a second in Heaven with the likes of Christians like Mel Gibson.


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