Thursday, December 07, 2006
The Two Most Horrifying Words to Hear
After taking the FCC class at KBOO, I came to the realization that there is lots of music I can no longer play as well as lots of poems I can no longer read. This, many people, will tell me this is "freedom of speech."
We can no longer even make references to certain acts of pleasure or possibly face a $350,000 dollar fine for each incident. We can no longer make references to what have been termed as "excrementalisms" without the potential of facing a $350,000 fine. We cannot mention certain human body parts without facing a $350,000 fine. There are more unmentionable female body parts than male which is a strong statment as to what this arrogant and imperialist society currently known as the United States things of its women. With each allegation comes the potential of a $350,000 fine.
But here is the GREAT news! The burden of proof lies with the accused! In otherwords, if someone accuses me of saying one of the deadliest words in alleged American Society, we would have to PROVE that I didn't say it. If we couldn't prove anything, if there was no proof one way or the other, we could STILL face a $350,000 fine. That means, of course, we are guilty until proven innocent. So not only is it deadly for me to play or say one or more of the deadly words, insinuate acts of pleasure, mention an excrementalism, or mention certain human body parts, it is simply deadly to this station for me to even be on the air now because someone could simply accuse me of having said one thing or another and we could be fined $350,000 no matter if we can or cannot prove otherwise. Isn't that GREAT! You feeling "free" yet? I knew that you were.
Here is a sweet example of what you will never hear on this station; "Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones. If we played that song on the air, we could face a $350,000 fine if someone complained. You might still hear the song on a station like KGON, but KGON is owned by media conglomerate, Entercom Communications Inc., who can afford the lawyers and the time to fight such stupid and senseless actions by the FCC. Since KBOO is a non-capitalist station whose recources come mainly from the listen/supporters, we honestly wouldn't have a chance in the courts of the nation that have been working hard on crushing "free speech" in this nation. Now don't forget, a simple unprovable accusation can land us a $350,000 fine. With the lack of speed and efficiency that the FCC works with, we may not even find out about the accusation for 3 months to 2 years. If we don't have copies of the show, we would face the FCC with an unprovable accusation and possibly lose our license and be off the air. Isn't that great!
Freedom of speech my...!
There seem to be three categories of things we can't mention on the air: reference to acts of pleasure, reference to excrementalisms, references to body parts. And don't forget, we don't even have to mention these things to receive a $350,000 fine because if we can't prove that we didn't, we may lose the case and our license. However, we can mention the two most horrificly lethal words ever uttered in this nation: "freedom" and "democracy." Let's take an example here:
"Freedome and democracy" the United States has brought the indigenous populations, the rightful owners of this land. They slaughtered us down in general to approximately 2% of our original population. They kidnapped our children and beat, raped, and tortured our languages and cultures out of them in order to secure their position of DOMINANCE on OUR LAND for future white generations to come with the absolute privilege of this position going to the wealthiest of white folks. More often than not, the "freedom and democracy" applied to Indians applies to poor white folks and other peoples of color. Freedom and democracy also means no health care for the poorest populations in the U.S.; no housing rights for the homeless; fewer rights for people of color; even fewer rights for women; freedom of unions to be destroyed or brought into the folds of corruption to become useless (not all, of course); etc.
Let's take one more example of the lethal activities that the two most lethal words in the world are doing, say, in Iraq: from 150,000 to 700,000 Iraqi civilians have been slaughtered bringing them "freedom and democracy;" their environment his peppered with depleted uranium; their health care is virtually non-existant for the poor and because of the illegal U.S. invasion, there are more people in NEED of health care in that nation; there has been an exodus of their population into other nations in hopes of fleeing the violence but instead, they wind up in insecurity as refugees; the infrastructure has been virtually destroyed; capitalists take advantage of the situation and create further suffering to create greater wealth for the few; and the list goes on and on.
So, you can say the two most lethal and dealdly words ever uttered, "freedom" and "democracy," but you can't mention acts of pleasure, excrementalisms, or certain body parts on the air without the potential of facing a $350,000 fine.
Heck [I can still say far]...Heck, we Indians are still waiting for freedom and democracy to get its oppressive boot off of the neck of our economies so we can become self-sustainable by doing things like growing and selling hemp. Instead, freedom and democracy comes onto the sovereign nation of the Oglala Lakota and stomps out their attempts at self-sustaining activities because that might bring them out from under the boot of oppression, and the U.S. government can't have that. So they go onto the reservation and chop down the hemp in an act of "freedom" and "democracy" so the Lakota peoples will still be the poorest of the poor in this nation and therefore easier to control by the master.
So here is a message to all of you soldiers out there. I request that you no longer mention that you are killing darkies overseas so I can have the freedom of speech. It is only obvious to those who are willing to look beyond their box that what there is of "free speech" in this nation is being crushed even further. Hate speech my Sean Hannity is legal because he is stirring up hateful support for you all to murder darkies half way across the world so he can sit back in his oppulance and privilege and not have to do any of the killing himself. You are killing darkies for people like Sean Hannity because they can use that to give themselves bigger bank accounts. People like us at the bottom, especially truth speakers, are now in the position of being more easily crushed by things such as "freedom" and "democracy." I have a simple request for all of you soldiers who are out there doing the killing and raping of darkies in order to protect my "freedom" of speech: Please stop! It's not working! Our freedom of speech is being crushed back home. However, you are helping create bigger bank accounts for the Bush's, Rumsfeld's, Hannity's, Rice's, Cheney's, etc., of this world.
It is more legal for male soldiers to rape their female counterparts, and as I've recently heard, even their male counterparts, than it is for me to mention reference to one or more of the three alleged by the FCC deadly categories of indecent speech. Suzanne Swift faces court martial for not doing her role as a woman in the military and continuing to put up with being raped by her male counterparts who have gotten away with it. If you are a man and like to rape women as well as other men, you have a better chance of getting away with it if you wear a U.S. military uniform. If you are a woman thinking of joining, I think it is safe to say that your chances of being raped greatly increase if you do so not by the enemy, but by your male military counterparts.
I also think of Janis Karpinski talking about how several women had died at Abu Ghriab because they greatly reduced their intake of liquids because they didn't want to have to go to the bathroom at night and face the great potential of being raped NOT by Iraqi insurgents, but by their male U.S. military coutnerparts. And, like mentioned, Suzanne Swift is facing courtmarial for not putting up with being raped by her fellow military personell. The men that raped her, however, face not charges at all whatsoever.
There are still some songs I can play on this radio show, "Mitakuye Oyasin." I asked about this particular one because of its content. I was told it was OK. So this song goes out in support of "Suzanne Swift" and in a great desire that the men that raped her receive their karma and that all rapists especially in the military receive their karma. Before I play this song, however, ask much longer before the FCC makes it illegal for me or others to play this one?
How to Contact the FCC
To Contact the Commissioners via E-mail
Chairman Kevin J. Martin:
Commissioner Michael J. Copps:
Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein:
Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate:
Commissioner Robert McDowell:
To Obtain Information via E-mail
General information, inquiries & complaints:
Freedom of Information Act requests:
Comments on FCC Internet services:
Elections & political candidate matters:
To Obtain Information via Telephone
1-888-225-5322 (1-888-CALL FCC) Voice: toll-free
1-888-835-5322 (1-888-TELL FCC) TTY: toll-free
1-866-418-0232 FAX: toll-free
(202) 418-2830 FAX on Demand
(202) 418-1440 Elections & political candidate matters
FCC Phone Directory
United States Postal Service First-Class Mail, Express Mail & Priority Mail
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554
Hand-Delivered or Messenger-Delivered Documents
For more complete information on filings, please see our Filing Location Public Notice, our Rulemaking Process page, and the Office of the Secretary web site.
Hand-delivered or messenger-delivered paper filings for the Commission's Secretary:
Federal Communications Commission
Office of the Secretary
c/o Natek, Inc.
236 Massachusetts Avenue, NE
Suite 110
Washington, DC 20002
(8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.)
Other Messenger-Delivered Documents,
Including Documents Sent by Overnight Mail
(other than United States Postal Service Express Mail and Priority Mail):
Federal Communications Commission
Office of the Secretary
9300 East Hampton Drive
Capitol Heights, MD 20743
(8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.)
Internet Address
Freedom of Information Act Requests
The Freedom of Information Act, commonly known as the FOIA, was enacted by Congress in 1966 to give the American public greater access to the Federal Government's records. You do not have to file a FOIA request to obtain information which is routinely available for public inspection, including records from docketed cases, broadcast applications and related files, petitions for rulemakings, various legal and technical publications, legislative history compilations, etc. Much of this information is already available on the FCC website, but if you would still like to file a FOIA request, follow the instructions on our FOIA web page.
FCC's Duplicating Contractor
Copies of Commission documents in paper format and alternative media, including large print/type; digital disk; and audio tape.
Best Copy and Printing, Inc.
Portals II
445 12th St. S.W.
Room CY-B402
Washington DC 20554
We can no longer even make references to certain acts of pleasure or possibly face a $350,000 dollar fine for each incident. We can no longer make references to what have been termed as "excrementalisms" without the potential of facing a $350,000 fine. We cannot mention certain human body parts without facing a $350,000 fine. There are more unmentionable female body parts than male which is a strong statment as to what this arrogant and imperialist society currently known as the United States things of its women. With each allegation comes the potential of a $350,000 fine.
But here is the GREAT news! The burden of proof lies with the accused! In otherwords, if someone accuses me of saying one of the deadliest words in alleged American Society, we would have to PROVE that I didn't say it. If we couldn't prove anything, if there was no proof one way or the other, we could STILL face a $350,000 fine. That means, of course, we are guilty until proven innocent. So not only is it deadly for me to play or say one or more of the deadly words, insinuate acts of pleasure, mention an excrementalism, or mention certain human body parts, it is simply deadly to this station for me to even be on the air now because someone could simply accuse me of having said one thing or another and we could be fined $350,000 no matter if we can or cannot prove otherwise. Isn't that GREAT! You feeling "free" yet? I knew that you were.
Here is a sweet example of what you will never hear on this station; "Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones. If we played that song on the air, we could face a $350,000 fine if someone complained. You might still hear the song on a station like KGON, but KGON is owned by media conglomerate, Entercom Communications Inc., who can afford the lawyers and the time to fight such stupid and senseless actions by the FCC. Since KBOO is a non-capitalist station whose recources come mainly from the listen/supporters, we honestly wouldn't have a chance in the courts of the nation that have been working hard on crushing "free speech" in this nation. Now don't forget, a simple unprovable accusation can land us a $350,000 fine. With the lack of speed and efficiency that the FCC works with, we may not even find out about the accusation for 3 months to 2 years. If we don't have copies of the show, we would face the FCC with an unprovable accusation and possibly lose our license and be off the air. Isn't that great!
Freedom of speech my...!
There seem to be three categories of things we can't mention on the air: reference to acts of pleasure, reference to excrementalisms, references to body parts. And don't forget, we don't even have to mention these things to receive a $350,000 fine because if we can't prove that we didn't, we may lose the case and our license. However, we can mention the two most horrificly lethal words ever uttered in this nation: "freedom" and "democracy." Let's take an example here:
"Freedome and democracy" the United States has brought the indigenous populations, the rightful owners of this land. They slaughtered us down in general to approximately 2% of our original population. They kidnapped our children and beat, raped, and tortured our languages and cultures out of them in order to secure their position of DOMINANCE on OUR LAND for future white generations to come with the absolute privilege of this position going to the wealthiest of white folks. More often than not, the "freedom and democracy" applied to Indians applies to poor white folks and other peoples of color. Freedom and democracy also means no health care for the poorest populations in the U.S.; no housing rights for the homeless; fewer rights for people of color; even fewer rights for women; freedom of unions to be destroyed or brought into the folds of corruption to become useless (not all, of course); etc.
Let's take one more example of the lethal activities that the two most lethal words in the world are doing, say, in Iraq: from 150,000 to 700,000 Iraqi civilians have been slaughtered bringing them "freedom and democracy;" their environment his peppered with depleted uranium; their health care is virtually non-existant for the poor and because of the illegal U.S. invasion, there are more people in NEED of health care in that nation; there has been an exodus of their population into other nations in hopes of fleeing the violence but instead, they wind up in insecurity as refugees; the infrastructure has been virtually destroyed; capitalists take advantage of the situation and create further suffering to create greater wealth for the few; and the list goes on and on.
So, you can say the two most lethal and dealdly words ever uttered, "freedom" and "democracy," but you can't mention acts of pleasure, excrementalisms, or certain body parts on the air without the potential of facing a $350,000 fine.
Heck [I can still say far]...Heck, we Indians are still waiting for freedom and democracy to get its oppressive boot off of the neck of our economies so we can become self-sustainable by doing things like growing and selling hemp. Instead, freedom and democracy comes onto the sovereign nation of the Oglala Lakota and stomps out their attempts at self-sustaining activities because that might bring them out from under the boot of oppression, and the U.S. government can't have that. So they go onto the reservation and chop down the hemp in an act of "freedom" and "democracy" so the Lakota peoples will still be the poorest of the poor in this nation and therefore easier to control by the master.
So here is a message to all of you soldiers out there. I request that you no longer mention that you are killing darkies overseas so I can have the freedom of speech. It is only obvious to those who are willing to look beyond their box that what there is of "free speech" in this nation is being crushed even further. Hate speech my Sean Hannity is legal because he is stirring up hateful support for you all to murder darkies half way across the world so he can sit back in his oppulance and privilege and not have to do any of the killing himself. You are killing darkies for people like Sean Hannity because they can use that to give themselves bigger bank accounts. People like us at the bottom, especially truth speakers, are now in the position of being more easily crushed by things such as "freedom" and "democracy." I have a simple request for all of you soldiers who are out there doing the killing and raping of darkies in order to protect my "freedom" of speech: Please stop! It's not working! Our freedom of speech is being crushed back home. However, you are helping create bigger bank accounts for the Bush's, Rumsfeld's, Hannity's, Rice's, Cheney's, etc., of this world.
It is more legal for male soldiers to rape their female counterparts, and as I've recently heard, even their male counterparts, than it is for me to mention reference to one or more of the three alleged by the FCC deadly categories of indecent speech. Suzanne Swift faces court martial for not doing her role as a woman in the military and continuing to put up with being raped by her male counterparts who have gotten away with it. If you are a man and like to rape women as well as other men, you have a better chance of getting away with it if you wear a U.S. military uniform. If you are a woman thinking of joining, I think it is safe to say that your chances of being raped greatly increase if you do so not by the enemy, but by your male military counterparts.
I also think of Janis Karpinski talking about how several women had died at Abu Ghriab because they greatly reduced their intake of liquids because they didn't want to have to go to the bathroom at night and face the great potential of being raped NOT by Iraqi insurgents, but by their male U.S. military coutnerparts. And, like mentioned, Suzanne Swift is facing courtmarial for not putting up with being raped by her fellow military personell. The men that raped her, however, face not charges at all whatsoever.
There are still some songs I can play on this radio show, "Mitakuye Oyasin." I asked about this particular one because of its content. I was told it was OK. So this song goes out in support of "Suzanne Swift" and in a great desire that the men that raped her receive their karma and that all rapists especially in the military receive their karma. Before I play this song, however, ask much longer before the FCC makes it illegal for me or others to play this one?
How to Contact the FCC
To Contact the Commissioners via E-mail
Chairman Kevin J. Martin:
Commissioner Michael J. Copps:
Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein:
Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate:
Commissioner Robert McDowell:
To Obtain Information via E-mail
General information, inquiries & complaints:
Freedom of Information Act requests:
Comments on FCC Internet services:
Elections & political candidate matters:
To Obtain Information via Telephone
1-888-225-5322 (1-888-CALL FCC) Voice: toll-free
1-888-835-5322 (1-888-TELL FCC) TTY: toll-free
1-866-418-0232 FAX: toll-free
(202) 418-2830 FAX on Demand
(202) 418-1440 Elections & political candidate matters
FCC Phone Directory
United States Postal Service First-Class Mail, Express Mail & Priority Mail
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554
Hand-Delivered or Messenger-Delivered Documents
For more complete information on filings, please see our Filing Location Public Notice, our Rulemaking Process page, and the Office of the Secretary web site.
Hand-delivered or messenger-delivered paper filings for the Commission's Secretary:
Federal Communications Commission
Office of the Secretary
c/o Natek, Inc.
236 Massachusetts Avenue, NE
Suite 110
Washington, DC 20002
(8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.)
Other Messenger-Delivered Documents,
Including Documents Sent by Overnight Mail
(other than United States Postal Service Express Mail and Priority Mail):
Federal Communications Commission
Office of the Secretary
9300 East Hampton Drive
Capitol Heights, MD 20743
(8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.)
Internet Address
Freedom of Information Act Requests
The Freedom of Information Act, commonly known as the FOIA, was enacted by Congress in 1966 to give the American public greater access to the Federal Government's records. You do not have to file a FOIA request to obtain information which is routinely available for public inspection, including records from docketed cases, broadcast applications and related files, petitions for rulemakings, various legal and technical publications, legislative history compilations, etc. Much of this information is already available on the FCC website, but if you would still like to file a FOIA request, follow the instructions on our FOIA web page.
FCC's Duplicating Contractor
Copies of Commission documents in paper format and alternative media, including large print/type; digital disk; and audio tape.
Best Copy and Printing, Inc.
Portals II
445 12th St. S.W.
Room CY-B402
Washington DC 20554
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