Thursday, December 28, 2006


A Day That Will Live In Infamy

On December 7, 1975, the Indonesian Military lead a genocidal attack on the people of East Timor basically over the oil business and strategic portage and allegations of potential communism. I believe over 78,000 people were slaughtered under the initial attack. The most disturbing photo of the genocide for me (like photos of B-52's joyfully and safely dropping bombs on indiscrimate targets far below) is of the troop transport planes dropping Phillipino paratroopers into East Timor. My understanding is that it was one of the few photos that survived the initial horrific genocide. There is also the photo of the Phillipino soldiers joyfully standing behind the severed heads of some of the East Timorese they slaughtered for the Great White American Corporations the the U.S. Government that whores for them.

One of the ugliest whores for this slaughter, besides that most genocidal heartless piece of shit Henry Kissinger, was Gerald Ford, president of the U.S. Corporate Owned U.S. Government at the time. Yet another horrific war criminal and genocidal manaic has lived and long and at least financially successful life. Again, another one has slipped through the global justice fingers and we have failed to bring one more of the horrific genocidal criminals to justice before they lived out their lives in relative comfort into a nice old age, unlike so many of their victims from infant to elder.

"One of these days... ONE OF THESE DAYS...!"

OK, OK, let's face facts, aint nobody gonna do anything about these horrific criminals except heap great praise upon their souls after they have lived their long, successful lives in relative comfort in spite of all of their horrific crimes against humanity, the natural world, and the earth in general.

And please, don't give me that shit about Ford coming out against the draconian Bush policies. Let me point out that the genocidal fuck made sure that his opposition would be safely brought out after his long, successful life in relative comfort was over. He didn't have enough guts to come out publicly. And did Ford mention anything about the East Timorese that he was complicit in killing during these interviews? I doubt it.

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