Sunday, July 30, 2006


My World Is Weird

Life is interesting, especially as I learn to function within a healthy and beautiful relationship. There are some challenges, however.

Let's see, I'm trying to find a job. Prospects are looking well and hopefully by the end of next week, I'll have one. And therein comes a few complications.

I'm supposed to have Felicia five weeks during the summer. This is tough concerning my situation last summer was one of a lack of transportation. This summer, it is one of needing to find a job. I have a new relationship. I am living in a new place. I'm learning to figure out where everything fits. I don't think this summer it is realistic for me to try to have Felicia for my five weeks, but I believe next summer will prove different.

Work will also present a challenge to the media in which I work within. The radio show, "Mitakuye Oyasin," may become a challenge for me to host. I have a few interviews that I'm lining up, and I'd like to be there. I'm sure David could handle it, but still. And then there is the fact that so few Indians want to get involved in the radio, let alone the program. I think many are scared of me and the radical ideas I put forth. I have no real idea, however, why no one wants to participate. "Mitakuye Oyasin" will be fine, however.

Then there is the ironic world at large. There are legislators that say Israeli killing of babies is OK. Israel is an imperialist nation supported by the U.S. because they keep a level of control in the Middle East so the U.S. doesn't have to do their own dirty work to maintain control over the oil business. Israel states that Hezbollah has made an unprovoked attack on their nation and kidnapped two of their soldiers, therefore, it is OK for Israel to slaughter and kill as many Lebanese, especially civilians, and call it self-defense. Americans, being so fucking stupid, don't even question the motivations of Hezbollah because they are told that Hezbollah is terrorist. Hezbollah, however, has stated it wants a prisoner exchange. Who are the prisoners that Israel is holding? What are the conditions of life for the Lebanese that it motivates them to take such actions as kidnapping Israeli soldiers? Why is Israel trying to block an investigation into its brutal murders of 4 UN observers? Why does Israel want the UN observers out of Lebanon?

And what of Hamas? Hamas kidnapped a soldier in Gaza, and Israel is slaughtering people there as well. Again, it is for a prisoner exchange. Who are these prisoners? Etc.? But there again, Americans are just too fucking stupid to question anything.

Have you all seen "Why We Fight," a documentary that came out last year. In it is a man who never questioned his government. He was taught not to. His son was killed in the WTC on 9-11. He believe King George the Stupid when George told him that Iraq was responsible. After the U.S. started slaughtering Iraqi's, George said that Iraq had nothing to do with the WTC on 9-11. The man had his sons name put on a bomb. Now he realized it was all a lie. If King George the Stupid is good for anything it is the fact that even the most adamant of unquestioning followers are beginning to wonder what the fuck is going on.

There are, however, plenty of stupid fucks like the religious right who want this shit with Israel going on because, well, it feeds into their end of the world ideals. Somehow, they don't believe in their god's word because they support the slaughter of their fellow human beings. I believe their god said something like, "Thou Shalt Not Kill," enit? Feh! What the fuck does their god know? Obviously nothing compared to the humans he created that Love to kill for the profits of the few.

Then there is the U.S. baby killing in Iraq. The soldiers and their massacres of civilian Iraqi's because they are easier to kill than militants. Hidatha. That young woman the soldiers I'm told to support that was raped by our boys in camo, as it were, and her whole family murdered. The $150 million given to Bechtel to not build a childrens hospital in Baghdad. Fuck! I'm out of work and I didn't build anything in Baghdad. Where the fuck is my $150 million?

Today, Rhonda and I will be taking Felicia to a protest downtown to call for a cease fire in the Middle East. To call for peace in a world that finds peace offensive.

Yesterday, I planted the white sage Heidi gave Rhonda and I as a house warming gift. I planted it out front, by the gate leading to our front door. It will get the most sun there.

Felicia got a magazine with a buncha boys in it yesterday. She is growing up. Her and Rhonda get along great, and Felicia is a good kid.

I may be working soon, and the killing and murdering and raping and oppressing will still be going on.


Thursday, July 27, 2006


Sicko Oregon Legislatures

All of Oregon's members of Congress and the governor of the state of Oregon had statements read by pro-Israeli protesters yesterday in support of Israel defending itself, AKA killing women and children. As my buddy Jim would tell me, "Never support a war you are not willing to take up arms and fight yourself because you are asking others to go out an do your killing for you." In other words, all of Oregon's congressional members and the governor are willing to support the killing of babies and women and some men, mostly civilians, but are too chicken shit to get out there and do it themselves. Complicity in a crime is a crime, and all of Oregon's congressional members and our governor are indeed criminals. They are probably anti-abortion as well, but have no problem with other peoples children being murdered. Sick fucking bunch. The above is a Portland Indymedia report on it.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Israeli Bombs Kills 4 UN Observers

Israeli Bombs Kills 4 UN Observers

This is not an unusual type of war crime for Israel to commit. During the 6 Days War in '67, Israel brutally murdered 14 unarmed Indian (India) Peace keepers. The decapitated several by shoving a tank turret through the windsheield of one of their cars then finished the rest in the car off by raising the vehicle up with the turret and slamming it to the ground several times. Read James Bamfords book, "Body of Secrets." The U.S.S. Liberty, a U.S. spyship was off the coast of Israel, stationed their by the U.S. to keep an eye on what was going on. Upon identifying it as the spyship and knowing their illegal activities, such as killing UN peacekeepers and forcing Palestinians to dig their own graves and then shooting them in the back of the head Nazi style, torpedoed the ship killing 34 American sailors. I did mention the fact that they did indeed identify the ship as the U.S. spyship, The U.S.S. Liberty. We then sent 4 nuclear armed jets into the air, which were recalled before nuking Israel. President Johnson was quoted as saying that he could care less if all the sailors aboard the Liberty were killed, as long as our boys in Israel were protected from the war crimes they committed.

Monday, July 24, 2006


Indian In a Cupboard Store

"Come on down and buy some Indianess. Yes, you too, can have your own little piece of Indian identity and alleviate whatever guilt you may feel for the actions your nation has taken against the Indians here. Purchase yourself a little piece of Indian warriorness with a club or poorly made bows and arrows. Maybe a little Indian spirituality with a book written by whites or wannabees or mass produced dream catchers. Dream of being Indian with the many representations of Indianess we carry. Yes! All you have to do is hand us some cash or your credit card and *POOF* you have an instant Indian connection. Just add money and stir..."
When Rhonda and I were on a little Revolutionary journey, we wandered through the Jantzen Beach Mall, also called something like Super Center. One of the stores is a little Indian In a Cupboard type of store called H.B. Trading Post: Native American Art. Undoubtedly some of their art is produced by Indians, but most is just commercial representation designed to make profits for those who exploit the "western movie" represtation of what it means to be Indian.
There were many representations of warrior men with painted faces and various headresses. There were many representations of maiden women, mostly sitting submissively and playing with their hair, to give rise to fantasies non-Indians have about Indian femininity. There were many prints of nature and eagles and Doolittle. No representations of Indians today. No powwow dancers. No Indian college graduates. No Indian created modern art. No Indians wearing glasses. No Indians with some weight on them. No, few, representations of elders. Etc.
There were books about Indian spirituality and arts and crafts. Nothing by, say, Vine Deloria, Jr., Ward Churchill, Winona Laduke, Joy Harjo, Andrea Smith, etc. Nothing about Native American genocide, boarding schools, economic and environmental violence enacted against Indians, diseases, mining, holocaust, poetry, Love, fears, joys. Nothing of modern and real indigenous peoples.
Rhonda suggested I tell the woman behind the counter I have 4,000,000 acres of land to trade for a few strands of beads. To purposefully stereotype our Indianess to bring attention to the fact that the store is stereotyping our Indianess. We wandered throughout the store and Rhonda suggested we hang out until we get some help. We got no attention and we could feel the tension from the woman behind the counter. We openly talked of genocide, rape in boarding schools, social and environmental injustice, no modern representations of Indians in this store, etc. Much to the discomfort of even those patronizing this racist display.
It was the oddest and craziest shop we've seen, although not the first. In Arizona, there are shops that exploit the Indian race. Heck, there are other stores in town that do the same. They put us Indians in a tiny little box to be sold to non-Indians who are too scared to talk with us directly. I think of those Indians starving on the Pine Ridge Reservation as the end of the month comes closer and times become harder. Why don't they go out there and buy many of these actual Indian made goods to sell in these stores? Why don't they take their pictures and make representations of them to sell to non-Indians? Why aren't they helping out actual Indians? These are not the types of Indians they are looking for. Just like Rhonda and I are not the type of Indians that are being sought out for diversity events in the area. We aren't the racist representations of what it means to be Indian to the society at large. We are not John Wayne's Indians. We are not the TV Western images of Indian. We are not the Indian In the Cupboard.
Wanna know a secret that isn't so secret...Rhonda and I aren't going to go away. And we are as Indian as Crazy Horse, Geronimo, Joy Harjo, Wilma Mankiller, etc., and you aint gonna stuff us in any box and sell us to tourists. And our voice is just as valid as any.
Where are the whitey stores? We could sell white sheets, crosses, baseball bats...oops! I'm being racist. Let's not upset whitey.
So get out there and purchase some Indianess today at whatever store where you'll get racist representations of who we are and feel safe in your home that aint none of us gonna come riding to your house with spears in our hands as you enjoy fantasies of imaginary warriors and submissive maidens playing with their long black hair. Rhonda and I...You'll find us on the streets being more Indian than those raicst fucking representations.

Saturday, July 22, 2006


A Moment Without Fear

Here, in a moment without fear,
Safe place,
No one coming through my door.

Words pour
from pen to page
birthing ideas
from my
silent rage.

Lands of death
and life
and Beauty

Fear in my words
give life to a bird
to fly
a life I did not give
I do not give
Life is not mine
to give.

A moment without fear

words upon the page
aching in my rage
safety is privilege
no one is knocking
down my door...

A moment without fear

Torture?! Death will they bring me?!
Like raw meat on a plate
my daughters head
a gift from the state

A moment without fear

not happening to me
I slide a note under your door
signed anonymous...
Anonymous Johnson
any Johnson
sits on a couch
giving birth to ideas
pen to page
I give birth to my rage

More bombs...More bombs
they're rushing them more bombs
to give birth
to fathers
who'll carry their dead daughters
from the rubble

a moment without fear

sometimes I shed tears
a privileged man
for those...
for those...
for those...

A moment without fear

I no longer face attacks
no knife in my front
no knife in my back

A few try to pull me back
I use my strength to drag them with.
Stand beside, walk beside
walk with...
Let's all lead the charge

A moment without fear

I'll touch your tear
carry courage
from your mouth
to my ear

I aint the one
watching tanks roll down my street
or looking down the barrel of a gun.

Hey you!
Come with me!
Let me hear your voice
hear you sing
this aint kareoke
don't sing
in other peoples words
cause you are god
you are goddess
you are everyone in the whole universe

walk with me
I'll walk with you
we'll walk together
the we'll run
cause we aint lookin'
down the barrel of a gun
They're not gonna kill our kids...yet.
But they'll kill someone else's
I guarantee need to bet

But they're rushing more bombs
to feed the killing machine
so let's lock arms
to stop those
who are so mean

I'm not livin' in fear
no tanks rolling down my
No one's gonna turn my daughter
into a hunk of bloody lifeless meat
But they will someone elses

The monster is alive
and devouring
all in its path
Let's lock arms
stop the monster
and not fear the math.



Rhonda and I watched "V for Vendetta" last night.

In the end, in the poem, we've all been Revolutionaries all along.

Today, I think of those buildings like parliament where decisions that slaughtered millions and caused great suffering to bring imbalance to privilege.

And V opened the door to an idea. We don't have to cary fear like an appendage our blood runs through. Awaken to the truth.

The truth of waking next to you, Rhonda, on the concrete floor in our cooler basement. Your beautiful smiling face as you reawaken into our world. The beauty of your naked body sitting at the computer. The beauty of your Revolutionary ideas. The beauty of sharing souls with you. Lovers in a troubled time.

And I think of buildings like the white house where decisions that slaughtered us Indians and so many others and they constantly carry that energy that needs to be cleansed. But the buildings didn't make the decisions. They came into the minds of cruel humans.

And V danced at his Revolution and Rhonda and I dance at our Revolution.

And yesterday, at a rally for Peace in the Middle East, a woman and I shake hands. We have common histories. As we speak those words to each other, acknowledge for a brief moment. She tells me that the suffering of her people is much worse. I say nothing as it is not a competition I want to be in...but I understand.

And yesterday...

Yesterday, Rhonda and I watched "V for Vendetta," and V spoke of living without fear.

And we drove home, squeezing between two squad cars on MLK with lights a flashin' in front of Billy Reeds and we don't ask questions, just move along and discuss actions, conditions, conditioning...

And V spoke...of living without fear, and I remember.

I remember my day without fear that I call on often. I remember living in constant fear of attack like living with a feirce animal you Love and live in fear of...And one day, in the trees, magic led me to a place of fearlessness. Don't know what's on the otherside, can't be as bad as watching Lebanese fathers carrying ther murdered babies from bombed rubble.

V...and V...lived and died without fear and with Love for the people in his heart.

What if we all were fearless enough to live in a world without another father ever having to carry their dead babies from the rubble of bombed buildings? What if we were fearless enough to live in a world without fear? What if we were fearless enough to live in a world of peace and Love?

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Most Complaints Ever

I have received the most complaints about a "Mitakuye Oyasin" show after todays...ever. This is, of course, because I had Jim Craven on the air who gave some historical context around the historical activities of the Israeli government, such as irradiation 100,000 Sephardic Jews, that is, the darky Jews, not the white Jews. He discussed some of Victor Ostrovsky's expose work on the Mosaad and the Israeli government considering the fact that he was a Mosaad agent. There is a documentary that came out about these darky Jews and the medical experiments that the Israeli government has done to them last year. The Israeli government also performed medical experiments on blacks in South Africa for the pharmaceutical industry. This is all done in the context of the current illegal and geocidal wars and oppression of the Lebanese and Palestinians. Currently, Israel is MURDERING children and calling it protecting themselves.

Did I ever tell you about cluster bombs. You see, Jim was on the inside and told me about the development of cluster bombs. Cluster bombs were not designed to kill people. They were designed to maim people. They were used in the U.S. ILLEGAL war in Vietnam. Turns out, the U.S. government hired a couple of physchologists to find out what were the colors most attractive to children. Turns out that they were flourescent orange and flourescent green. The bombs would be dropped and a 100 or so bomblets would go flying. They were designed not to explode on cotact. That way, children would come along, and being attracted to the colors, would pick up these little bomblets and play with them, at which time, then the bomb would go off, blowing off the kids arm. Or maybe the kid would stomp on it to see what was inside, and it would blow the kids leg off. What would then happen is that military personell would be taken up taking care of this wounded child and use up medical resources and time that would otherwise be used to stop America's ILLEGAL and IMPERIALIST war against the people of Vietnam.

But wait! There's more! Now that this child had their arm or leg blown off, they would be a drain on the social structures of the enemy's system. They would need help and be a drain on resources of the government the U.S. was ILLEGALLY trying to overthrow whether or not the U.S. actually won the war. As well, these children would not grow up and take up arms against the imperialist oppressors known as THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT and its military might.

So maiming and murdering children is NOTHING UNUSUAL in America, and considering Israel is the U.S. pitbull in the Middle East, they are nothing different. Their actions against Hamas and Hezbullah as well as the are not only illegal, but unfounded. Israel has created the situation so they could enact their wars of terror, like GW ILLEGALLY used his lies about Iraq and the WTC buildings being attacked as an excuse to commit genocide against Iraqis. Now the U.S. is supporting Israel's baby killing actions because the U.S. government has been baby killing SINCE ITS INCEPTION.

Folks, the killing has to stop, pure and simple. If you support the killing in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Gaza, etc., then get your ass down to the nearest recruiting center and sign up because you are asking others to do you killing for you. Never support a war you are not willing to take up arms and fight yourself.

Like I said, got the most complaints EVER about one of my shows. We Indians are interested in what goes on around the world, and we support our brothers who have to stand down as best as possible the military might of genocidal nations. Been there, done that, don't like it, NO ONE should have to do it. It never had to be this way, but it is, and it has to stop.


George McGovern

My honey, Rhonda, turned me on to a little piece about George McGovern on Democracy Now that aired yesterday. The documentary showed George McGovern standing up many times during his stint in Congress calling for an end to the illegal actions of the U.S. in Vietnam in what is commonly known as the Vietnam War. There is a politician I could get behind. But there aren't ANY like him in the current form of Congress in the illegally occupied territories currently known as the United States. For all the illegal actions of the Congress, they should all be arrested and put on trial. I know some of them are innocent and try to help, but most of them would be found guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity including all of Oregon's members as well as that piece of crap Hillary "Kill 'em All" Clinton and her Republican Loving intern fuckin' hubby, Bill "It's Not Sex" Clinton. Complicity is a crime.

We need some George McGovern's in there. Someone who is willing to say something as horrific as "hey, killin' is wrong." But there are no such creatures in the current form of Congress. Just a bunch of assholes who want to, as Mel Brooks might say "protect [their] phony balogne jobs."


Happy Birthday and a day, George.

For some reason, it's a little hard for me to take, lately. Maybe it's the videos I've seen of the Lebanese father's carrying their recently murdered by the Israeli military daughters. I don't know. Little hard for me to keep up my boundaries with this shit lately. Usually I can eat and look at photos of Iraqi children mutilated by depleted uranium. Today, it isn't so easy. I don't feel like I'm making sense, but what the FUCK ELSE AM I GONNA DO?

It's a little much for me lately. But I aint gonna let it get to me too bad. I'm in a place of privilege. Aint no tanks running up and down my streets murdering my wife or daughter or neighbors. I aint facing those attrocities. I mean, shit does happen in my hood and shit happens on the rez, but I'm relatively safe and so is my family. So the LEAST I can do is speak up. Those are fathers I see carrying off their dead babies. I have a baby. She is 11. I inherited to babies...well...not babies, but two children from Rhonda. They're 20 and 23. I don't have to worry that the military is going to kill them...currently. So...the LEAST I can do is speak out. So I do.

Today, I feel a useless in my efforts. As I write these words, I know Iraqi and Lebanese and Palestinian and Afghan fathers will be carrying there dead babies to fresh graves and there isn't a whole lot I can do about it.

Fucking assholes will tell me abortion is wrong while they support the actions in the Middle East and not give a fuck about children who are breathing on their own here in the U.S., especially darky children. Pro-Life my fucking ass. Pro-Birth at best. Pro-Life NOT AT ALL!

And where the Fuck are the George McGovern's standing up in Congress saying baby killing is wrong. Why aren't they talking about the rapist marines and that little girl they raped and her and her family being murdered by these troops I'm supposed to support.

OK, I guess this is enough venting for now. I'm just overwhelmed by what is going on. Why is it OK to murder other peoples children? Why do people support this genocidal behavior? Fuck!



Currently, the Israeli army is murdering hundreds of civilians in Lebanon and Gaza. this action is illegal under many of the international laws, only a few of which are being discussed on alternative media.

I've heard a few people say it is just because of the actions of Hezbullah and Hamas. Let's me make something clear here, Hezbullah and Hamas are defending themselves. Israel is an oppresive nation. They oppress many peoples such as those in Lebanon and especially the Palestinians whose land the OCCUPY. They set up the situations with various forms of state and U.S. sanctioned terrorism until they get a reaction out of various groups from those nations which they use as an excuse to slaughter as many people as they can, men, women and children.

Let me quote that a great American, I believe Phil Sheridan, in dealing with the Indians: "Kill the women and children first. They're easier to kill and it strikes terror into the heart of the men." This quote, if I recall correctly, an American called out in a battle in Iraq. The Israeli actions in Lebanon and Gaza are nothing different.

Lebanon and Gaza have been and are being oppressed by the nation of Israel. Israel has broken so many laws since its founding it can be compared to the criminal nation currently known as the United States. In fact, Israel can be described as America's pitbull in the Middle East since they wouldn't have the military might to enact their genocidal activities were it not for the backing of the worlds worst genocidal nation ever, the United States.

Again, Israel is NOT defending themselves. They are illegally invading two nations. Lebanon and Gaza are defending themselves in fighting back. The destruction of the infrasctructure in those nations by the ILLEGAL actions of Israel will lead to more deaths than the direct killing by their genocidal military.

And Bush and Hillary BOTH support the murdering of babies in Lebanon and Gaza. Both sides of the same coin SUPPORT the illegal genocidal actions of Israel and they murder civilians which includes women and children. What if it was Felicia? Are you capable of empathy for these people? Few people are speaking out about these illegal actions in this nation. I find it so offensive.

Let me make a comparison for you of indigenous descent or those of you who truly support indigenous issues in this nation, let's compare this to Wounded Knee. At Wounded Knee, most of the Indians were unarmed. When Black Coyote's gun went off when he was attacked by two soldiers when trying to surrender his rabbit rifle. The 7th cavalry fired upon the unarmed Indians. But wait:

Some of the Indians fought back. A few of the Indians managed to get a rifle or two and fight back. Yes, most of the U.S. miltary killed in their genocidal action were indeed killed by friendly fire, but a few weren't. Does that make the U.S. action justified? Does that make the genocidal murders created by the 7th Cavalry at Wounded Knee just because a few Indians fought back? Why is it OK for Israel to brutally slaughter civilian women and children when the militarists fight back? Why is it OK for Israel to illegal oppress the peoples of other nations? Why is it OK for the U.S. to oppress indigenous nations here within their boundaries? Why does no one stand up against the murder of women and children enacted by Isareal in Lebanon and Gaza and the U.S. in Iraq and Afghanistan? Because it's not our children. It's someone else's children. They're darkie children. Israel is considered on the moral high ground because of what happened to them under the Nazi's, but much to MY surprise, many Israeli's HATE the people who survived the death camps. Much to my surprise, many of the Israeli's at the top historically, got their by selling out their fellow Jews to the Nazi's. Just a few things to think about.

And still, I watch the murders of women and children on the internet with my wife, Rhonda, who somehow manages to find these things. Link TV's, "Mosaic," is a good program in which we watched video's of Lebanese men carrying their murdered daughters away from the rubble of a genocidal air attack by the Israeli's. I see the photos of their murdered children and women as well as men. I watch video's of America's genocidal activities in Fallujah because the people defended themselves against U.S. contractors.

And George, King George the Bush, gave Israel the green light for one more week of their illegal mass slaughter in Lebanon. George is a genocidal maniac, and the U.S. military carries out many more Wounded Knee's all over Iraq, one known as Haditha, another the rape of a little girl by U.S. MARINES and the murder of her whole family by said Marines. Marines, many U.S. citizens will tell me I should support. I should support them like L. Frank Baum, author of "The Wizard of Oz" supported the actions of the genocidal 7th at Wounded Knee. I don't support our troops. I don't support our genocidal U.S. government. The troops our bound by Nuremburg not to take part in illegal activities of their state sponsors. They may be brainwashed, but they are still CRIMINALS. And George, who vetoed a stem cell research on moral grounds alleging all life is sacred doesn't think the lives of those darky children in Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq, and Afghanistan are valid. Could be because they are already born. Could be because they are an invalid dark race that a eugenicist like George thinks of as too inferior to have a soul.

And nobody here stands up for those children. Nobody seems to care. Not our kids. Just darkies in a dark land that most of us are unfamiliar with and buy into the propaganda that they are some sort of enemy to the criminal organization known as the United States. Nobody here stands up for those kids. We're too busy enjoying our "freedom." Like our freedom to enjoy 120 channels with nothing to watch. Or our freedom to choose between various video games for our new game system. We're busy, man. No time to give a fuck about some darky ass women and children being illegally murdered by a nation for reasons were to lazy and stupid to attempt to understand. Not our kids. Not our parents. Not interrupting my ability to watch my TV or play my video games.

And the other day, I went to a meeting of a peace group. Not world peace, just peace in Iraq. A desire to end the war there and bring the troops home from that nation. No mention of the murders and genocide going on by Israel in Lebanon. And no mention of taking action say...right now. They are waiting until September for some reason. And during that whole time, the U.S. military will be raping and murdering more Iraqi civilian women and children and men. Israel will continue to murder civilian women and children and men in Lebanon and Gaza. And most American will support it from the safety of their easy chairs as they thumb gets sore from channel surfing or pushing buttons on the game control.

And me...what the fuck to I do. I just come down here to the BOO and write to all of you and nothing gets done from what I say. I can't stop speaking out. I feel absolutely useless in my activities, but I have to try. I have to do something. I feel morally obligated to my fellow human beings. And in the meantime, the peace groups are waiting until September to put pressure on various members of congress who are not going to rock the boat to "protect [their] phony balogne jobs." And still, children will be murdered by the U.S. and Israel in the Middle East during that long wait where they do nothing but conduct meetings. And still, the genocidal authority of the United States Government will go unchallenged in any real form. They will still continue the genocide even if they pull out of Iraq which, by the way, they NEVER will. It doesn't matter if you have a stupid asshole like George Bush, an intelligent asshole like Bill Clinton, a democatic asshole or republican asshole they are still going to murder and oppress to protect the interests of the few, give a few alleged concessions to get the Peace Movement off of their backs so they can continue their illegal activities in Peace, and still, NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE!

I feel so useless. I feel much empathy for those humans in Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, Gaza, etc., as I see them carry away their dead and dying babies. I think of the lies the alleged Pro-Life people speak as they support and are complicit in the baby killing done in the Middle East and the suffering of children in this nation after they leave the womb. But LIKE FUCK! if I won't go out at least shaking my fist in the face of this demon. I'm not the only one. There are many of us. We take on many forms.

I'm glad the peace movement is doing something, which is more than a majority of Americans, but I find them useless, elitist, exclusivist, and narrow minded. I'll stand side by side with them because at least they're doing something, unlike most.

I don't know what to do anymore. Yesterday, it finally got to me. It is getting to me a little today. I usually don't allow it to get to me because it is tough to continue the struggle through tears and crying, but sometimes I just can't keep up that boundary especially when I see children burned to death by phosphorus in Fallujah, and the father carrying his dead baby away in Lebanon. I sometimes can't take it. But I live in a place of privilege where the military might is no longer used to slaughter the darkies of this nation. We've been pretty well pacified and internally pacify ourselves as well. The likelyhood I'll be carrying my daughter or my new children from the rubble of bombed buildings as pretty minimal. But I know fathers have to because of the illegal actions of the U.S. and Israeli military and their respective governments. So I sit around, writing these useless words. But it is a lot better than just sitting around with my thumb getting tired pushing the channel button on the remote.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Opposition in NZ to UNDDIR

New Zealand Herald - 01/07/06

The United Nations has endorsed a declaration to protect the rights of indigenous peoples over New Zealand objections that sections of it are unworkable, potentially discriminatory and could see separate minorities break up countries.

The Maori Party has condemned New Zealand's opposition to the vote, calling the idea that Aotearoa (NZ) could go on record as having opposed the rights of indigenous people "deeply troubling".

The declaration was passed by a vote of 30-2 at the UN's Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva. New Zealand is not a member of the council and could not vote but, with fellow no-members Australia and the United States, issued a joint statement that said more time was needed to find a wording to suit all countries.

"The current text is confusing," it said. "Indigenous peoples are not defined. This means separatist or minority groups with traditional connections to the territory where they live could exploit this declaration to claim the right to self-determination, including exclusive control of territorial resources."

A spokeman for NZ Prime Minister Helen Clark, said New Zealand was one of the most respectful of nations regarding indigenous people, with an internationally acknowledged system of looking at issues of reparation and apologies.

[comments from my Maori Sister on the above article]

(This little piece of damage control was hidden away at the tail-end of our largest national daily newspaper. The only reference to the UN's declaration by other media probably received about 30 seconds airtime. The last paragraph is especially insulting to indigenous Aotearoa (NZ). Reparation and apologies only happened because the tribes fought. In the streets, in Parliament and in the Courts. AND, the fight has only just begun.)


[a response I have sent to my Maori Sister to pass on to Helen Clark, Prime Minister of the occupational government of the Aotearoa also known incorrectly as New Zealand]

Dear Helen Clark and appropriate spokespeople,

I can understand your objections to the UN Draft Declaration on Indgenous Rights. Afterall, yours is currently a colonialist nation who illegally occupies the land of other peoples. You are afraid of losing property or rights to property and any amount of the vast wealth you have stolen from the indigenous nations of the islands currently known as New Zealand by you and as Aotearoa by it's rightful inhabitants known as the Maori. If this document gets past the general assembly, you just might have to give back some of the vast amounts of wealth and property you have stolen from the Maori people, historically and currently, as well as have to pay for the crimes your government has committed against them such as genocide. So, I can understand your fear, but you should do what is right and sign on and pay your debts honestly to the people whose wealth you have stolen.

As an indigenous person in the United States, I am fond of telling everyone I meet that "I want it all back." The immediate reaction I get from non-Indians is a fear of deportation and possible retribution for crimes committed against my people historically and current. However, that would allege that I see the world like they do. Their ultimate fear is that I would treat them in a manner similar to the manner they treated me and my people. If I did that, that would make me like them, and honestly, I find their behavior reprehensible and a good example of how NOT to behave. However, this also shows their arrogance in only thinking of themselves.

They, like you, seem to refuse to think of the issues the indigenous populations of our respective nations. They refuse to think of the crimes current and historical. They refuse to acknowledge the suffering of our respective indigenous peoples. Like you, they think only of themselves and fear any possibility of having to give back any of the stolen wealth or the land back to its rightful owners (I don't like the term "owner" but I believe that is the only way you could understand what I am saying).

You also allege to be very respectful of the Maori of your nation. The Maori I know tell me that they had to FIGHT to get that respect from your occupational colonialist government. The stories I've read about the Maori current events would seem that they must still have to fight for respect from your government at every turn. The stories I've read about your colonialist occupational government seems to only have respect when the Maori demand it and then only with a fight, but NEVER an honest full respect.

So I can understand your fears, Helen and appropriate spokespeople. But let's look at reality.

Reality dictates that even if this document passes, you WILL choose to ignore it. That the Maori will have to fight for every detail in that document. You will try to change the wording in order to protect your stolen wealth and property and not because it is the right thing to do. Like ALL colonialist governments, you will want to protect your stolen goodies and the crimes you committed in order to get them, such as genocide. I'm no fool. I see this everyday here in the United States as an indigenous person.

So, I call upon you, Helen, to do what is right and support this document as it is, which I've read by the way. You have the authority as the Prime Minister of the occupational government of the nation you call New Zealand. We all know that you will continue to use the "rule of force" to protect your stolen goodies, so what difference does it make that you support this document. The U.S. has pretty much made the UN ineffectual to protect themselves from justice for the horrific crimes they commit globally and within their own borders to protect their own wealth.

All of that said, I will tell you about a vision a man I knew had. He had a vision of his own death. He saw big things he thought that were good things but hurt innumerable people. He had visions of small things he did that caused many good things to happen. When we pass on, if we haven't dealt with the things we've done in this life, we will have to deal with it in the spiritworld, and no one really knows what that looks like. I can tell you that I have many friends who are war veterans who have nightmares about the people they've killed. They try to create a world where no one will have to have those dreams. What do you think you'll have to pay for when you move on from this world, Helen and appropriate spokespeople? Who will you have hurt that you will have to deal with? What good things have to done that benefit the people and the world as a whole?

It's up to you what you do, but as an indigenous person (Siletz) of the United States, I ask you to do the right thing and support this document.

Yours Sincerely,

Eugene Johnson

Monday, July 17, 2006


Happy Anniversary/Happy Birthday

Yesterday, July 16, was the 28 anniversary of the largest nuclear accident in the U.S.

No, it isn't Three Mile Island. It happened on the Navajo Indian Reservation on July 16, 1978.

"The biggest expulsion of radioactive material in the United States occurred on July 16, 1978, at 5 a.m. on the Navajo Reservation, less than twelve hours after President Carter had proposed plans to use more nuclear power and fossil fuels. On that morning, more that 1,100 tons of uranium mining wastes--tailings--gushed through a mud-packed dam near Church Rock, New Mexico. With the tailings, 100 million gallons of radioactive water gushed through the dam before the crack was repaired."

(from "Ecocide of Native America," by Donald A Grinde and Bruce E. Johansen, pg. 211)

The main reason this is not as well known as Three Mile Island is that it mostly effected Indians and a few poor whites, and the U.S. government just doesn't give a shit about Indians or poor whites. And the ecocide continues to this day. However, since it helps cut down on the overhead to many major corporations in the U.S. you will hardly ever see that in the news, either. Murder and mass slaughter by environmental devastation is heavily overlooked by this nation as Rhonda and I have learned at the Protecting Mother Earth Conference. Yeah...Well....

My father would have been 73 today. He only made it to 48. Louis Johnson, my father, drank his liver down to 5% functional and passed away on December 31, 1981. He would have Loved Rhonda and all of my friends. He probably would have become active because of my actions. All of this is speculation. I knew my father well enough, however, to make these assumptions should he have chosen to quit drinking before it destroyed his body beyond repair. He lived his last two years without alcohol or cigarettes, though too late. He was in and out of the hospital, though out most of the time. He really Loved kids and was always generous. Miss you dad! Wish you were here. It would be good to face this struggle with you, but it is always easy to remember and think of you as I do what I do.

P.S. thanks for not letting me come home early.


Israel, Lebanon, Gaza, and the U.S.

First let me link you to the best websites to get some NEWS about what is going on in the Middle East:

Please take the time to look into what is going on by researching these websites.
Last night, my wife Rhonda was reading the Portland Indymedia website and found some sickening and graphic photos of Israeli murdered children in Lebanon. It has since motivated my anger about what is going on in this world.

One must take these things in historical context. The current conflict in the Middle East is generated by actions created by the British empire in the early 20th century.

With the creation of the state of Israel, the U.S. has since heavily funded financially and militarily the state of Israel and created them as the U.S. pitbull in the Middle East to protect American Interests in the area...namely, the oil, by keeping their surrounding nations in check using massive military might. Heck, the U.S. let Israel get away with murdering 34 American sailors aboard the U.S.S. Liberty in '67, prompting Lyndon Johnson to state in recently declassified testimony that he didn't care if every sailor aboard the Liberty died as long as we protected our Israeli friends from justice for their illegal actions, of which are numerous.

Now, with their current illegal actions in Lebanon and Gaza where they are murdering dozens, now hundreds of civilians for the deaths and kidnappings of some of their military personell, the U.S. is making sounds of pushing their agenda of slaughtering Syria and Iran as well. There is such a horrific blood lust by the government of the United States and it's pitbull in the Middle East, Israel, that they want to kill and destroy as many people as they can to gain control over the resources of the world.

This is nothing new for the U.S. They have been doing this to the indigenous populations of the Western Hemisphere since 1492. Mass slaughter and total brutality and genocide to create wealth for the few, not to mention almost unfathomable environmental destruction that continues to this day. Everything is not enough for these people. That is why we have to do our best to wrest control from the most horrific and genocidal forces in this world especially the U.S.
We cannot take up arms, afterall, look what Israel is doing illegally in Lebanon and Gaza. They are killing hundreds of civilians (look at the pictures of murdered children in the above resources). They are destroying infrastructure that will kill many should Israel choose to stop bombing and killing. The U.S. government is in full support of this type of killing. Heck, I'm sure you can all remember Wounded Knee and the effects of the massacre that killed many people beyond December 29, 1890, and whose effects can still be felt today.

Today, the physical genocide of indigenous peoples is being taken globally. It still happens here in the United States and Canada through environmental destruction which is an act of genocide (article 2c, UN convention...on...Genocide). They are taking their brutal force into the middle east. They have taken it to the South Pacific in islands their. Their horrific massacres of the Moro's in the Phillipines in the early 20th century by genocidal maniacs like Theodore Roosevelt, etc. Nothing has changed. It's time we make a change, folks.

Get out there and do what you can. Don't take up arms. Look what Israel is doing in Lebanon for the kidnapping and killing of soldiers. The actions of Hezbollah and Hamas have indeed been provoked by the state of Israel so they could satisfy their bloodlust and the U.S. can move closer and closer to slaughtering Syrians and Iranians as well. All for the wealth of a few already wealthy men. Do what you can, folks. Children are being murdered. More will die after/if these attacks ever stop. Suffering of the people will continue. And more nations will be turned into reservations for the global corporations to rape of their resources at cheap prices.

Crap...I know these words will do nothing, but it is much better than pretending this shit isn't happening or is somehow justified or pretending it doesn't effect me or my community.


Felicia's Cat

With all the crazy shit happening in the world and personally, our daughter, Felicia, called this morning to tell us that her cat "Little Man" had passed away in his sleep last night. He had been very sick, with what I'm not exactly sure. I talked with her mom, Lisa, who said they gave "Little Man" permission to pass on, and Felicia woke up this morning and found the kitty "already getting stiff." She was crying and upset. They plan on burying "Little Man" later today.

I Love you, Sweetie! Good passing to your kitty, Little Man. May you cry just enough to help your kitty to the other side.

Little Man was a stray taken in by Felicia and Lisa some 5 years ago during the little war my ex was having with my other ex, Felicia's mom, Lisa. It was a time of a lot of tension when this kitty came into her life and besides just being a good friend to her, also came at a moment when she really needed such comforts. Thank you, Little Man, for helping our daughter along in her life.

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Cyprus Indy Media

Hey Israel:


You remind me of America's Murderous Baby Killing 7th and their work at Wounded Knee killing babies, women, and men who were unarmed and giving 23 fucking medals of honor to those baby killing pieces of shit.


Bushy Boy and Pooty Poot

Seems Bushy Boy and Pooty Poot exchanged a few words in which Vladimir told George that Russia would definitely not like the type of democracy being displayed in Iraq. George shot back with comments of the free press and free religion in Iraq...yeah. Anyway. George, in case you all forgot, still only got a C in college after paying people to do his papers for him...yeah. Well... George also thinks Israel is doing a "heckuva job" with Lebanon and Gaza, just like his good buddy "Brownie" of former FEMA fame in his handling of New Orleans. Yeah...Oh well. That's what we get for allowing a spoiled little piece of shit steal the white house. Pardon me if I ask:


PS. Just so you know, Vladimir is a genocidal piece of fucking shit for his work in Chechnya. You don't hear about that "dirty little war" much over here. The conditions imposed upon life in Chechnya is genocidal and is why the Chechens commit terrorism. The mothers of Russian soldiers, at least in 2002, had taken to kidnapping their children to keep them from fighting in that war because they come back so damaged from the horrific shit they cause and endure, but, mostly cause. All because of Pooty Poot saying he won't negotiate with terrorists, all the while imposing measures of such horrific terror on a nation that has refused to bend over and take it up the ass from the imperialist genocidal master.

Anyway...just my opinion. That's what I get for reading books about this shit and such:

"A Dirty Little War," by Anna Politkovskaya.


Israel and Lebannon

This is an article and photographs of the work the Israeli's are doing in Lebannon right now.

Friday, July 14, 2006


What's Going On?

With the illegal activities enacted in Gaza and Lebanon by Israel, I want to say that is one of the reasons I will never take up arms.

Armed militants from Gaza killed several Israeli soldiers and kidnapped one. Because of that, their infrastructure has been bombed by the Israeli military, some of their political leaders assassinated, dozens of civilians murdered, etc. The infrastructure bombing will indeed cause much hardship on the Palestinian peoples and possibly the deaths of many.

Same with Lebannon. When armed Hezbollah militants killed 8 Israeli soldiers and kidnapped 2 with the alleged same intent as the Palestinians of a potential prisoner exchange, Israel has and is bombing illegally the Lebanese people. Israel is bombing their infrastructure as well which will also cause great suffering and potentially many deaths. All of this is illegal, by the way.

My opinion of the conflicts in the Middle East come from talking with people who have a deep understanding of the situations there and educating myself moderately with books and news articles. I believe that the actions of Hezbollah and the militants in Gaza are due directly to the oppressive actions of Israel against their peoples. Israel's oppressive actions are what give motivation to these attacks which Israel then uses as an excuse for military action. Israel's military actions are illegal. Their oppressive actions are illegal. But they are allowed to get away with them like the U.S. government is allowed to get away with its oppressive actions against its indigenous populations. When people are stressed to the point of breaking, they will act out in what they believe to be defensive measures. The military mights of Gaza and Lebannon are minimal compared to the destructive authority of Israel. It is like a senior in high school stealing the lunch money of kindergardners, then beating them to death when one or two take actions to stop the oppressive behavior of the high school senior.

Would we accept this behavior in our society? No. But we do when it is the Isreali or U.S. government taking such actions against those they oppress who get so tired of it so they act out with behaviors that are destructive and used as an excuse by the U.S. and Israel to slaughter with impunity to terrorize the populace whom, some, will undoubtedly not take it well. Seeing that their families are being murdered they may take action which will AGAIN be used as an excuse for mass slaughter by Isreal or the U.S.

At the same time, I wonder what is going on behind the scenes. What might be the alterior motives of the armed militants in Gaza and Lebannon? They had to have known that Israel would behave in such a brutal and cruel manner. That is their MO. That is why I don't take up arms. I know how the U.S. would behave if I did. They would slaughter and oppress many innocents before actually attempting to get at me. It is a clear and consistent pattern of their behavior. I have to wonder what is going on.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Israel, Gaza and Lebanon

Israel is amping up its attacks on two nations now. Palestine and Gaza. Please keep yourself updated on the latest by checking out my two favorite news sources, though not my exclusive news sources:

The actions Israel is taking against these nations is illegal. There again, they have the military might and willingness to slaughter lots of people. They also enjoy oppressing them as well. Bullys of the Middle East.

Royce Lamberth, judge in the Cobell case, was removed by the Bush administration. Lamberth was the target for removal since George II stole the election in 2000.

The Cobell case, for those of you who don't know, is a case where the BIA and interior department is being sued to clean up the horrific mess they have made of Individual Indian Money's accounts, losing somewhere between $10-50 BILLION over the last 30 years.

George doesn't want this cleaned up! Many of his good buddies stole that money, and they need it to back their already excessive bank accounts.

Indians...They could starve and die in the continuing genocide against their peoples.

Basically, Bush is trying to get the case thrown out and the continuation of the BIA business as usual genocidal actions against Indians will continue in the best way possible.

Hey...did you know the term "final solution" was first coined in the U.S. by the government against the Indigenous populations of this nation? I knew that you did.



Felicia, my daughter and daughter of many, is in Studio 2 on the computer. Usually her thing is checking out music videos, playing games, looking up goofy stuff... I walked in there after the show to let her know what was going on, and what is she reading...?

The weekend before Rhonda and I went on our journey, we had Felicia for the weekend. We rented a movie about Geronimo of the same name. Since then she has been really curious about him and the devestation his people have suffered at the hands of the genocidal U.S. government. I walked into studio 2 and she is reading a website about Geronimo. Felicia! The little girl I couldn't get to read any book after she learned to read. There she is, reading about the history of Geronimo! I have never seen her be curious about such things. I knew it would come some day, but I was thinking maybe in her mid to late teens.

What an awesome kid. We Love her so dearly!


Jim Page

Jim Page, awesome folk musician extrordinaire who can pull songs out of the ether around him and play them like he's been playing them for years, was a guest on the "Dharma Wheel," the show just before "Mitakuye Oyasin," on KBOO. The man is awesome. I talked him into playing "Heroes and Survivors." It is a song about the connection between the Choctaw and the Irish. After the Choctaw were relocated, they found out about the plight of the Irish via word of mouth, gathered up as much money as they could spare at the time, and sent it off to the independence movement in Ireland. I gave Jim a copy of my book, "Tremble in Fear..." and he gave me a copy of his new CD, the title of which I forget, but it has an awesome song on it about Rachel Corrie that makes me cry everytime I hear it.

Jim will be playing at the Mississippi Ballroom this evening.

"Mississippi" happens to be the name of the river that runs through Minneapolis, Minnesota, which I have been calling the Missouri. Sorry about that mistake, folks.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Big Trout Lake First Nations Being Sued

Jack Mckay of the Big Trough Lake First Nations in Ontario, Canada, told the attendees at the Protecting Mother Earth Conference that his reserve has a large deposit of platinum on it. They also have many species of plants and wildlife that would be threatened by mining, as well as the humans in the area. As punishment for successfully stopping the "genocidal" mining companies, the are being sued under (I believe) FTAA guidelines. Check this out, you won't believe this, or, maybe you will. They are being sued by the mining corporation for...wait for it...$11.5 BILLION. That's correct, $11.5 BILLION! All for not allowing genocide to occur on their reservation by a mining company. It is the alleged amount of money the corporation says they could make from the rape and destruction of the Big Trout Lake First Nations Reserve. If they can't rape'm, they'll rob 'em. Like the reserve has that kind of money, but the Canadian government I'm sure would enjoy watching the destruction of this Native Nation.


The Indian Wars are Far From Over

Hello one and all. First and foremost, I wish to thank my wonderful wife (we did a personal ceremony, a public ceremony will be done when we can figure out a date), Rhonda. Were it not for Rhonda's idea to take this journey to the Protecting Mother Earth Conference and driving across South Dakota, Nebraska, North Dakota, and Minnesota, with stops at Wounded Knee, Bear Butte, Pine Ridge, and the conference, I would have never taken this journey. Rhonda and I learned a lot on this journey. We are a good team and continuing our growth as such. Rhonda and I made this journey together, and it was a beautiful growing experience as we learned that the Indian wars are indeed, far from over.

We journeyed across South Dakota on I-90 on July 3rd. The amount of billboards on this interstate were amazing to say the least. Most dealt with "Wall Drug," a place we chose not to stop at and managed to pass up anyway. There were also billboards with many anti-abortion themes that we found pretty damned offensive. Near the end of our journey, I suggested one like, "My mother chose life. Now I proudly serve in the U.S. military killing other peoples babies in Iraq." Rhonda added "with white phosphorous..."

Our first stop was in Chamberlain. It is the site of the St. Joseph's Indian School, which I chose not to visit. Rhonda later suggested it would be good to give visitors there a real education of what it was like in those schools. I now wish we had gone. We ate at a place called Casey's, a store and cafe. We weren't served right away, either racism or bad service, most likely racism. What I found interesting about the place was that they exploited Indians in their merchandising but had no tobacco. I assume it was because of their "values," but found the irony amusing and tragic.

We stopped at a rest area further down where there was a concrete art structure of tipi poles...which were set up incorrectly.

We got to 240 where we headed south to Interior across the Badlands State Park, and wouldn't you know it, the fuckers have a federally sanctioned roadblock where they collect $15 for entering this sacred site. The only people they don't charge are Lakota. Rhonda put up a wonderful fight to try to get out of paying. She pointed out the racism and lack of consideration of this holy site as a place to pray. At the end of her conversation with the ranger, she told him, "you know this is wrong." (What a beautiful warrior!) Rhonda paid, and we journeyed through. We both felt like we were spiritually raped. The ranger alleged that half of the fee goes to the tribe, but I think he really meant (if he was indeed telling the truth), the corrupt tribal council. The Badlands, as they are called, are an immensely spiritual site. It is wrong to cage them for profit.

We finally got to Wounded Knee rather late. We found a giant billboard saying that the meadow area the sign was posted at was the campsite and the hill, about 100 yards to the West was the site where the 7th mounted their massacre with their hotchkiss cannons. Oh my God! It was so much closer than I had imagined. We weren't exactly sure where the burial grounds were, so we drove up the little driveway to see where the cannon fire came from, and there it was...the cemetery, right where they 7th ruthlessly slaughtered Lakota women, children, elderly, and men from. The cemetery is where the slaughter was led from.

A car pulled up and a Lakota man asked for our help. He was looking for money to get his mom out of jail to celebrate the 4th with her family. She got arrested because she didn't have a license or insurance. We drove from their to Pine Ridge but their van broke down on the way. We found out that this young man of 6'4" was actually a 15-year-old boy and still growing. OH LAY!

We drove into town to get them gas and had a hard time finding the jail. There was lots of traffic, I mean LOTS on this July 3rd evening. It was so wonderful seeing nothing but Indians surrounding us. When we finally found the jail, the young man, Clarence, showed up with his auntie in the van. They managed to get it restarted. We couldn't get his mother out because the judge had not yet set bail, so we drove into Nebraska.

White Clay, Nebraska is literally across the Rez border, and exists with a main purpose in mind; to sell alcohol to alcoholic Indians. It is a horribly creepy town, especially driving through at night. We spent the night in Rushville, Nebraska at the Nebraskaland Motel.

The next morning, we drove to Chadron, Nebraska, where Rhonda had spent a year of her early childhood.

We drove back to Pine Ridge where we discovered a sign that had the names of most, if not all the Lakota currently serving in Iraq. It was creepy, and we disagree with supporting such a genocidal war, but we also understand the conditions on the rez, and the suffering these soldiers will go through killing other dark skinned people in another nation.

We were greeted by a young man who was obviously suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome. He was friendly and kind. He liked Rhonda a lot, hugging her many times, and me...just once. I can't blame him. Rhonda is FINE!

A couple of young Indians drove up to us on an ATV and asked if we wanted to buy a dream catcher because they needed gas money. Rhonda bought it, though she is not into dream catchers. Unemployment rates are high on the rez and for many, they supplement their income (if an income exists) by selling stuff to tourists. Rhonda took many pictures of these things.

We got back to Wounded Knee and prayed. During our personal ceremony, some white tourists drove up and took our pictures. I tried not to have negative thoughts about these people, but it was difficult. There are some 200-400+ Indians crammed into the mass grave. One is known to have been still alive at the time of the burial. We also visited the gravesite of Lost Bird. It is a sacred, horrifying, and sad place.

Rhonda had a pointed conversation with the white folks who took our pictures, who seemed rather subdued. Rhonda, my friends, is quite the warrior woman and I am PROUD to call her my wife.

After we ended our prayers there, some Lakota drove up. At first I thought it was going to be a "what the fuck are you doing in my neighborhood?" type of thing, but it wasn't. A young man stepped out of his car with earings made by his mother that he was selling. These people are so poor because of the U.S. government boot on the neck of their economies, that they don't have the privilege of saying something like the above to strangers who arrive on their rez. They need to eat. They need to survive.

We picked up three hitchikers in Wounded Knee to deliver to Sharps, about 10 miles up the road. Rhonda had a coversation with the older woman, Ramona, and the two young men, David and Seth. She found out that they are usually starving at the end of the month. They try to pad their economies as best as possible. There are often more that a dozen people in one household. You usually don't get housing unless you are related to someone in the housing department. The local stores sell them rotten meat at inflated prices. They try to go to Chadron, Nebraska (about 70 miles away) to buy cheap food at the Walmart there, but considering transportation problems, it is rare that they can make such a journey. The young men told Rhonda that they don't hunt the deer because they have a strange disease they misnamed. Rhonda found out later at Bear Butte that the deer in the area have "mad cow."

We drove to Bear Butte, just outside of Sturgis, South Dakota. There are many huge bars there that only operate during the biker rally. Jay Allen is building his on 79, probably about a mile or less from the mountain. Jay's bar, catch this, will be called "Sacred Grounds." He has a plan in the works that I think he may have scrapped but I'm not sure, of building a giant Indian at the entrance. There is also an encamptment just on the other side of the mountain where a big biker party goes on during the rally right at the foot of Bear Butte. Drunken belligerance is preferred over prayer in America. We had many wonderful conversations with Alex and Debra White Plume, Carter and Vic Camp, and many others.

Alex White Plume asked I send the message far and wide that those Indians whose reservations the Lewis and Clark re-enacters cross stop them from crossing. Don't celebrate this genocide. He knows that their attempts will most likely not work, but it is worth the effort.

We journeyed to the top of Bear Butte where we could hear the quietest car drive by on 79. On the way up, a group of tourists were coming down and one white fellow stated, "When you think you are half way up, you're not. When you think you are near the top, you're not." It wasn't a sacred site to him, it was just a tough hike. On getting back down, we met a grandaughter of Frank Fools crow as she placed tobacco of the bust of Frank at the visitors center. You can hear the quietest car from the top of Bear Butte.

The favored comments by the bikers and their supporters is "you know when the rally is, therefore your prayers should accomodate that time." Well, the bikers know that Bear Butte is a sacred site where Indians have and continue to pray for some hundreds, if not thousands of years. Why don't they accomodate that? I guess a rally that has been around for a few decades where drunken debauchery takes place is much more important than prayer. The Hells Angels, Carter told us, are going to help out in protecting the site during the rally.

As we were heading out on July 5th, Rhonda had received news of a family tragedy. We went back to Bear Butte before heading across South and North Dakota and prayed. On our way out, there was a couple at the gate who had parked their motorcycle. These white folks asked us how far the road goes up. We told them that this is a place of prayer. This is a sacred place. We had just finished a prayer. They should carry their prayers with them when they go up there. They were having none of that: "How far can I drive up this road?" the man asked.

We headed across North Dakota and spent the night in Fargo.

We got to the conference (after I took a wrong turn that added quite a few miles to our journey) around mid-afternoon the next day. Besides Pine Ridge and Bear Butte, the Protecting Mother Earth Conference brought to light the continued WAR on the Indigenous populations of this alleged great nation of ours.

We found out from Rose and Peter that the Northern Dine Rez in Northern Alberta, Saskathewan, and a few other provinces, is being destroyed by the oil corporations who are digging up the oil sand underneath their rez. They have to clear the lands surface of all vegetation and animal life, then dig huge pits with giant scoops to get at that oil-sand. They also suffer from contimants from three uranium mines on their land, as well as other corporate caused damage from other resource extraction and energy businesses. Most of their people support this because IT'S BETTER THAN STARVING! They refuse to look at the genocidal implications and the destruction of their land that the corporations ARE NOT GOING TO CLEAN UP! Once they've stolen all they can, the Northern Dine will face only death.

Lori, from the Gila River Rez talked about the chemical dumps on her land that have caused many health problems (including her daughter) and birth defects. A medical waste incinerator on their land is also causing many health problems.

A woman from the Goshute Rez is talking about how her council voted to become the "temporary storage site" for nuclear waste and the current go ahead by the Nuclear Regulatory Commision to do so. Of course, this will make the rez the PERMANENT STORAGE FACILITY, but people are starving and are looking for an income or something to pad council corruption.

A woman from the Tohono O'odham told of the waste dumped on her rez and the conditions of life imposed by the U.S. government on their rez because it crosses the Mexican border. She talked of how the border patrol helps out drug smugglers as well.

A woman explained how Manitoba Hydro had secret meetings with her tribal council for five years before they came forward with a dam project they claim will not harm the water. She pulled a good one on them during a meeting with execs from the corporation by throwing out their bottled water and pouring them water from a local contaminated lake which even the council head refused to drink.

Local people were complaining about the high murder rates in Cass Lake on the Leech Lake Reservation where the conferfence was held.

The Navaho are dealing with horrible mining practices with some limited success.

Rhonda hooked up with many people at the conference. She came through with her beautiful warriorness as well as dealing with the tragedy.

The weirdest thing, the building that the conference was held around had a wake for a local resident, which made the Dine (Navajo) for the most part, leave the site because of their beliefs surrounding the dead.

After the conference, we drove to Minneapolis where we spent the night. We walked down by the Missouri River and took in the sites. Then we flew home the next day and will be working together and on our own with each others support to GET EVERYTHING THE FUCK BACK! There's my report folks. Do what you can to help make things right!

We drove back to Minneapolis and spent the night there. We went for a walk along the Missouri and the ruins of old flour mills. Quite interesting. It is a really nice city, as far as cities go.

Before we left for the airport, we went to Burch Bark Bookstore, owned by author Louise Erdrich. We liked it a lot and bought a few books to help with our good fight.

Keep up the good work, one and all, to bring an end to the genocidal war against Indians and so many other peoples world wide for the destructive and sick corporations. I thank you. But mostly, I wish to thank my beautiful wife, Rhonda, for this wonderful journey and furthering the work we will be doing the rest of our lives in one form or another, unless we actually win, which I also hold as a possibility.

Love you all!

Eugene Johnson


The Racist is at it again!

Touched a nerve, have we? My stars, how horrible for you. Now, were you a little bit stronger in your soul about your little screed, then you could have just ignored my comment. But, instead, you decided to have a hissy because someone didn't hew to your point of view, and actually said so.

I notice that you are paying attention to my comments and continuing to post on my blog. So, using the same analogy about being "a little bit stronger...[I] could have...ignored [your] comment" I see that you are still posting your racist bullshit on my blog. As far as coming to my point of view, I don't care if you do or not. I'm open to discussion.

Well, Tonto, if you want people to come on here and leave comments about how Smart and Strong And Brave you are for Sticking It To The Man with his own Instruments of Oppression, then you have to allow for the occasional turd in the punchbowl who will, on occasion, call you on your own BS.

I have never stated that I am smart and strong and brave. I am just as scared as most people who live in this world that is on the verge of its own destruction. Smart. I don't consider myself smart as much as I try to educate myself about what is going on in the world, why, etc. I do so by reading a lot of materials, talking with witnesses, talking with others of knowledge. My instruments of oppression? Please. How stupid. All I am capable of as far as sticking it to the man is speaking out. "The Man," as you put it, I assume you mean the U.S. Government, how can I, with just my big fat mouth and my blog be sticking it to the man. C'mon JD [who isn't brave enough to give me his name], look at this from a reality standpoint. The U.S. government has just given itself the ability to not only enter my house without my consent, but yours as well.

And I am that turd.

Yeah, whatever.

Now, I could "come with something" but anything I "come with" would be instantly interpreted as some sort of "racist attack." Where I come from, racism is defined as having an argument with a lefty (hate speech is defined as winning that argument decidedly), so anything I put on here will be seen in that vein. But here goes:

Racism is defined as an argument with a lefty? What? That doesn't make any sense. Besides, you seem to scared to tell me where you come from, let alone your name. Hate speech defined as winning the argument? What? Dude, you are not making any sense. And yes, come up with something. So far you have nothing to back anything you've told me. How about some books I can read? How about some articles to support your points? How about explaining those rediculous definitions of racism and hate speech? Substance, son. I'm looking for some substance. And in case you are not aware, you are indeed...racist.

You say you "want it all back." I interpret that as "wanting it all back," e.g. everyone of non-"native American" gender should pack up and get out. That, or cash money paid to the descendants of the Tribes, I suppose. It is not clear to me whether you want all infrastructure development removed from the continent (with return to its "pristine" state), nor whether your cry for "wanting it all back" is constrained to just the Continental United States, or whether it includes all of North America, or maybe the entire chain of Americas. That said, you seem to make no provision for half-castes or quarter-castes. And other such thorny issues.

Let's look at reality here. I do want it all back. And I always find it interesting that when I say that, people like you immediately think of yourselves and start worrying about deportation. You don't ask why, nor do you care. You don't ask how would do things if I actually did get it all back (and ask yourself how real it is that I would). You immediately think of yourself. As that stupid little over privileged white boy at Reed College told Ward "Chutch" Churchill at a lecture there: "What about me?" It was as if the legal arguments, the genocidal comments by Madeline Albright as quoted by Churchill, the devastation he talked about not only forced upon Indians in this nation but inidgenous all over the world seemed to have gone unheard for fears of being deported like we Indians somehow have the force do make such actions. This also assumes that I think of the world through the same viewpoint as the people who have and continue to commit genocide against us Indians in this nation. Turd you may be, but again, you are not coming up with any substance.

It appears to me that you saw the Directors Cut of "Dances With Wolves" while on some of your magic mushrooms and are now convinced that how the Lakota were portrayed in that movie is how life was 24/7 in the Midwest prior to the White Man showing up.

Hated Dances with Wolves. And again, your argument is nothing more than hurtling racist insults. And no, life was not like that prior to the white man. But it is amazing that you somehow seem to believe you know what I think. And again, no substance. Like the "Chutch" thing; funny, yes! Substance, no!

Your wish for "wanting it all back" is quite in line with the wishes of the Palestinians who have decided that they want all the "occupied territories" back. Preferably in the condition that they exist in now after having been worked over into a livable landscape for 55 years by the Israelis (thanks for the efforts, gang!). The latest example of how that worked out (the Gaza greenhouses) is left for all to examine.

According to the Law, the Palestinians have every right to their occupied territories. And please, the Israeli's have not worked them into a liveable landscape. Dude, you are again just talking out of your ass, like the "turd" you claim to be. I believe it was in 1950, that the Palestinian Arabs offered an olive branch to the new state of Israel, who refused it. A nation that is under constant threat is a strong nation in their minds. And how about that 6 Days War in '67, and those 34 American sailors murdered by the Israeli army on the ship, the USS Liberty. The Liberty, being a spy ship, caught the Israeli's performing illegal activities during their attack. Seems they did things like murder 14 unarmed UN peacekeepers using their tanks. They even rammed a tank turret through one of their cars, decapitating two of the people inside, then raised and smashed, raised and smashed until all were dead. The Liberty also was catching them doing pit killings. Seems the Israeli's were forcing Palestinians to dig their own graves and shooting them in the back of the heads Nazi style. They also knew the Liberty was a spy ship, so the identified it, then torpedoed it. The Liberty got a SOS out, and an aircraft carrier launched four nuclear armed jets to nuke Israel. The planes were called back and after all the tension was over, Lyndon Johnson stated he could care less if all the sailors on the Liberty died as long as he protected our Israeli friends. Along with their illegal behavior in these arenas, there are many laws stating why the Israeli's don't have a right to the occupied territories. And the condition of the Palestinian state is the fault of the Israeli's, and helps create the tension the Love to keep their nation strong because a desperate people will use desperate measures and since the Palestinians are no where near as equally well armed as the Israeli's, it creates the condition for the terrorism we see today.

I will leave you with this thought: Tomorrow is the 4th of July. You can choose to use this national holiday to consider whether you can become a true and independent thinker and not remain chained by perceived slights, and trapped in your own hell by what others did to others 150 years ago...or you can sit and stew and pout and grunt and get mad every time some phony Amerikkan exploits Chinese slave labor by lighting off a piece of fireworks, and be miserable.

I don't celebrate the fourth of july, and thanks for not calling it Independence Day. And what is your definition of "independent thinker?" I am not chained to my "perceived slights." I believe in justice for crimes committed. Genocide, amigo, is a crime. The U.S. has committed it to Indians, and IS committing to people all over the world (read the UN Convention on...Genocide). And, again, son, your agruments have absolutely no substance. You are just hurtling insults to get reactions out of me, and therefore, I am reacting. Here, let me tell you about what James Madison said when asked about the "We the People" reference in the U.S. Constitution. James explained it something like the wealthy elite white males. Fuck the poor, women, blacks, indians, Irish (also known as the "Niggers of Europe), indentured servants, etc. So, in actuallity, the fourth of July is a celebration to honor the exploits of wealthy white elite males who weren't so interested in real independence as they were not having to pay taxes to the Brits. The same Brits you don't seem to mind occupying the Northern Six Counties of your homeland and exploiting, murdering, oppressing, etc., the very people you claim to come from.

Either way, I don't give a shit.

You must give a shit, son. Otherwise you wouldn't keep coming back.

Happy Independence Day, jerkweed.

I'm still struggling for my independence. Jerkweed? Explain yourself.

So, what about the struggles of your people in Northern Ireland? Are you like the Freestaters who could care less about their suffering because you live in alleged freedom elsewhere?

Also...substance. All you are doing is hurtling insults to try to cause me some sort of slight.

Saturday, July 01, 2006



Yesterday, while crossing the bridge witht the kid, we were playing with our shadows on the river when a fish tapped the surface and slithered back down into the water on its back.

Magic is in the air!

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