Monday, July 17, 2006
Israel, Lebanon, Gaza, and the U.S.
First let me link you to the best websites to get some NEWS about what is going on in the Middle East:
Please take the time to look into what is going on by researching these websites.
Last night, my wife Rhonda was reading the Portland Indymedia website and found some sickening and graphic photos of Israeli murdered children in Lebanon. It has since motivated my anger about what is going on in this world.
One must take these things in historical context. The current conflict in the Middle East is generated by actions created by the British empire in the early 20th century.
With the creation of the state of Israel, the U.S. has since heavily funded financially and militarily the state of Israel and created them as the U.S. pitbull in the Middle East to protect American Interests in the area...namely, the oil, by keeping their surrounding nations in check using massive military might. Heck, the U.S. let Israel get away with murdering 34 American sailors aboard the U.S.S. Liberty in '67, prompting Lyndon Johnson to state in recently declassified testimony that he didn't care if every sailor aboard the Liberty died as long as we protected our Israeli friends from justice for their illegal actions, of which are numerous.
Now, with their current illegal actions in Lebanon and Gaza where they are murdering dozens, now hundreds of civilians for the deaths and kidnappings of some of their military personell, the U.S. is making sounds of pushing their agenda of slaughtering Syria and Iran as well. There is such a horrific blood lust by the government of the United States and it's pitbull in the Middle East, Israel, that they want to kill and destroy as many people as they can to gain control over the resources of the world.
This is nothing new for the U.S. They have been doing this to the indigenous populations of the Western Hemisphere since 1492. Mass slaughter and total brutality and genocide to create wealth for the few, not to mention almost unfathomable environmental destruction that continues to this day. Everything is not enough for these people. That is why we have to do our best to wrest control from the most horrific and genocidal forces in this world especially the U.S.
We cannot take up arms, afterall, look what Israel is doing illegally in Lebanon and Gaza. They are killing hundreds of civilians (look at the pictures of murdered children in the above resources). They are destroying infrastructure that will kill many should Israel choose to stop bombing and killing. The U.S. government is in full support of this type of killing. Heck, I'm sure you can all remember Wounded Knee and the effects of the massacre that killed many people beyond December 29, 1890, and whose effects can still be felt today.
Today, the physical genocide of indigenous peoples is being taken globally. It still happens here in the United States and Canada through environmental destruction which is an act of genocide (article 2c, UN convention...on...Genocide). They are taking their brutal force into the middle east. They have taken it to the South Pacific in islands their. Their horrific massacres of the Moro's in the Phillipines in the early 20th century by genocidal maniacs like Theodore Roosevelt, etc. Nothing has changed. It's time we make a change, folks.
Get out there and do what you can. Don't take up arms. Look what Israel is doing in Lebanon for the kidnapping and killing of soldiers. The actions of Hezbollah and Hamas have indeed been provoked by the state of Israel so they could satisfy their bloodlust and the U.S. can move closer and closer to slaughtering Syrians and Iranians as well. All for the wealth of a few already wealthy men. Do what you can, folks. Children are being murdered. More will die after/if these attacks ever stop. Suffering of the people will continue. And more nations will be turned into reservations for the global corporations to rape of their resources at cheap prices.
Crap...I know these words will do nothing, but it is much better than pretending this shit isn't happening or is somehow justified or pretending it doesn't effect me or my community.
Please take the time to look into what is going on by researching these websites.
Last night, my wife Rhonda was reading the Portland Indymedia website and found some sickening and graphic photos of Israeli murdered children in Lebanon. It has since motivated my anger about what is going on in this world.
One must take these things in historical context. The current conflict in the Middle East is generated by actions created by the British empire in the early 20th century.
With the creation of the state of Israel, the U.S. has since heavily funded financially and militarily the state of Israel and created them as the U.S. pitbull in the Middle East to protect American Interests in the area...namely, the oil, by keeping their surrounding nations in check using massive military might. Heck, the U.S. let Israel get away with murdering 34 American sailors aboard the U.S.S. Liberty in '67, prompting Lyndon Johnson to state in recently declassified testimony that he didn't care if every sailor aboard the Liberty died as long as we protected our Israeli friends from justice for their illegal actions, of which are numerous.
Now, with their current illegal actions in Lebanon and Gaza where they are murdering dozens, now hundreds of civilians for the deaths and kidnappings of some of their military personell, the U.S. is making sounds of pushing their agenda of slaughtering Syria and Iran as well. There is such a horrific blood lust by the government of the United States and it's pitbull in the Middle East, Israel, that they want to kill and destroy as many people as they can to gain control over the resources of the world.
This is nothing new for the U.S. They have been doing this to the indigenous populations of the Western Hemisphere since 1492. Mass slaughter and total brutality and genocide to create wealth for the few, not to mention almost unfathomable environmental destruction that continues to this day. Everything is not enough for these people. That is why we have to do our best to wrest control from the most horrific and genocidal forces in this world especially the U.S.
We cannot take up arms, afterall, look what Israel is doing illegally in Lebanon and Gaza. They are killing hundreds of civilians (look at the pictures of murdered children in the above resources). They are destroying infrastructure that will kill many should Israel choose to stop bombing and killing. The U.S. government is in full support of this type of killing. Heck, I'm sure you can all remember Wounded Knee and the effects of the massacre that killed many people beyond December 29, 1890, and whose effects can still be felt today.
Today, the physical genocide of indigenous peoples is being taken globally. It still happens here in the United States and Canada through environmental destruction which is an act of genocide (article 2c, UN convention...on...Genocide). They are taking their brutal force into the middle east. They have taken it to the South Pacific in islands their. Their horrific massacres of the Moro's in the Phillipines in the early 20th century by genocidal maniacs like Theodore Roosevelt, etc. Nothing has changed. It's time we make a change, folks.
Get out there and do what you can. Don't take up arms. Look what Israel is doing in Lebanon for the kidnapping and killing of soldiers. The actions of Hezbollah and Hamas have indeed been provoked by the state of Israel so they could satisfy their bloodlust and the U.S. can move closer and closer to slaughtering Syrians and Iranians as well. All for the wealth of a few already wealthy men. Do what you can, folks. Children are being murdered. More will die after/if these attacks ever stop. Suffering of the people will continue. And more nations will be turned into reservations for the global corporations to rape of their resources at cheap prices.
Crap...I know these words will do nothing, but it is much better than pretending this shit isn't happening or is somehow justified or pretending it doesn't effect me or my community.
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