Thursday, July 20, 2006
Currently, the Israeli army is murdering hundreds of civilians in Lebanon and Gaza. this action is illegal under many of the international laws, only a few of which are being discussed on alternative media.
I've heard a few people say it is just because of the actions of Hezbullah and Hamas. Let's me make something clear here, Hezbullah and Hamas are defending themselves. Israel is an oppresive nation. They oppress many peoples such as those in Lebanon and especially the Palestinians whose land the OCCUPY. They set up the situations with various forms of state and U.S. sanctioned terrorism until they get a reaction out of various groups from those nations which they use as an excuse to slaughter as many people as they can, men, women and children.
Let me quote that a great American, I believe Phil Sheridan, in dealing with the Indians: "Kill the women and children first. They're easier to kill and it strikes terror into the heart of the men." This quote, if I recall correctly, an American called out in a battle in Iraq. The Israeli actions in Lebanon and Gaza are nothing different.
Lebanon and Gaza have been and are being oppressed by the nation of Israel. Israel has broken so many laws since its founding it can be compared to the criminal nation currently known as the United States. In fact, Israel can be described as America's pitbull in the Middle East since they wouldn't have the military might to enact their genocidal activities were it not for the backing of the worlds worst genocidal nation ever, the United States.
Again, Israel is NOT defending themselves. They are illegally invading two nations. Lebanon and Gaza are defending themselves in fighting back. The destruction of the infrasctructure in those nations by the ILLEGAL actions of Israel will lead to more deaths than the direct killing by their genocidal military.
And Bush and Hillary BOTH support the murdering of babies in Lebanon and Gaza. Both sides of the same coin SUPPORT the illegal genocidal actions of Israel and they murder civilians which includes women and children. What if it was Felicia? Are you capable of empathy for these people? Few people are speaking out about these illegal actions in this nation. I find it so offensive.
Let me make a comparison for you of indigenous descent or those of you who truly support indigenous issues in this nation, let's compare this to Wounded Knee. At Wounded Knee, most of the Indians were unarmed. When Black Coyote's gun went off when he was attacked by two soldiers when trying to surrender his rabbit rifle. The 7th cavalry fired upon the unarmed Indians. But wait:
Some of the Indians fought back. A few of the Indians managed to get a rifle or two and fight back. Yes, most of the U.S. miltary killed in their genocidal action were indeed killed by friendly fire, but a few weren't. Does that make the U.S. action justified? Does that make the genocidal murders created by the 7th Cavalry at Wounded Knee just because a few Indians fought back? Why is it OK for Israel to brutally slaughter civilian women and children when the militarists fight back? Why is it OK for Israel to illegal oppress the peoples of other nations? Why is it OK for the U.S. to oppress indigenous nations here within their boundaries? Why does no one stand up against the murder of women and children enacted by Isareal in Lebanon and Gaza and the U.S. in Iraq and Afghanistan? Because it's not our children. It's someone else's children. They're darkie children. Israel is considered on the moral high ground because of what happened to them under the Nazi's, but much to MY surprise, many Israeli's HATE the people who survived the death camps. Much to my surprise, many of the Israeli's at the top historically, got their by selling out their fellow Jews to the Nazi's. Just a few things to think about.
And still, I watch the murders of women and children on the internet with my wife, Rhonda, who somehow manages to find these things. Link TV's, "Mosaic," is a good program in which we watched video's of Lebanese men carrying their murdered daughters away from the rubble of a genocidal air attack by the Israeli's. I see the photos of their murdered children and women as well as men. I watch video's of America's genocidal activities in Fallujah because the people defended themselves against U.S. contractors.
And George, King George the Bush, gave Israel the green light for one more week of their illegal mass slaughter in Lebanon. George is a genocidal maniac, and the U.S. military carries out many more Wounded Knee's all over Iraq, one known as Haditha, another the rape of a little girl by U.S. MARINES and the murder of her whole family by said Marines. Marines, many U.S. citizens will tell me I should support. I should support them like L. Frank Baum, author of "The Wizard of Oz" supported the actions of the genocidal 7th at Wounded Knee. I don't support our troops. I don't support our genocidal U.S. government. The troops our bound by Nuremburg not to take part in illegal activities of their state sponsors. They may be brainwashed, but they are still CRIMINALS. And George, who vetoed a stem cell research on moral grounds alleging all life is sacred doesn't think the lives of those darky children in Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq, and Afghanistan are valid. Could be because they are already born. Could be because they are an invalid dark race that a eugenicist like George thinks of as too inferior to have a soul.
And nobody here stands up for those children. Nobody seems to care. Not our kids. Just darkies in a dark land that most of us are unfamiliar with and buy into the propaganda that they are some sort of enemy to the criminal organization known as the United States. Nobody here stands up for those kids. We're too busy enjoying our "freedom." Like our freedom to enjoy 120 channels with nothing to watch. Or our freedom to choose between various video games for our new game system. We're busy, man. No time to give a fuck about some darky ass women and children being illegally murdered by a nation for reasons were to lazy and stupid to attempt to understand. Not our kids. Not our parents. Not interrupting my ability to watch my TV or play my video games.
And the other day, I went to a meeting of a peace group. Not world peace, just peace in Iraq. A desire to end the war there and bring the troops home from that nation. No mention of the murders and genocide going on by Israel in Lebanon. And no mention of taking action say...right now. They are waiting until September for some reason. And during that whole time, the U.S. military will be raping and murdering more Iraqi civilian women and children and men. Israel will continue to murder civilian women and children and men in Lebanon and Gaza. And most American will support it from the safety of their easy chairs as they thumb gets sore from channel surfing or pushing buttons on the game control.
And me...what the fuck to I do. I just come down here to the BOO and write to all of you and nothing gets done from what I say. I can't stop speaking out. I feel absolutely useless in my activities, but I have to try. I have to do something. I feel morally obligated to my fellow human beings. And in the meantime, the peace groups are waiting until September to put pressure on various members of congress who are not going to rock the boat to "protect [their] phony balogne jobs." And still, children will be murdered by the U.S. and Israel in the Middle East during that long wait where they do nothing but conduct meetings. And still, the genocidal authority of the United States Government will go unchallenged in any real form. They will still continue the genocide even if they pull out of Iraq which, by the way, they NEVER will. It doesn't matter if you have a stupid asshole like George Bush, an intelligent asshole like Bill Clinton, a democatic asshole or republican asshole they are still going to murder and oppress to protect the interests of the few, give a few alleged concessions to get the Peace Movement off of their backs so they can continue their illegal activities in Peace, and still, NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE!
I feel so useless. I feel much empathy for those humans in Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, Gaza, etc., as I see them carry away their dead and dying babies. I think of the lies the alleged Pro-Life people speak as they support and are complicit in the baby killing done in the Middle East and the suffering of children in this nation after they leave the womb. But LIKE FUCK! if I won't go out at least shaking my fist in the face of this demon. I'm not the only one. There are many of us. We take on many forms.
I'm glad the peace movement is doing something, which is more than a majority of Americans, but I find them useless, elitist, exclusivist, and narrow minded. I'll stand side by side with them because at least they're doing something, unlike most.
I don't know what to do anymore. Yesterday, it finally got to me. It is getting to me a little today. I usually don't allow it to get to me because it is tough to continue the struggle through tears and crying, but sometimes I just can't keep up that boundary especially when I see children burned to death by phosphorus in Fallujah, and the father carrying his dead baby away in Lebanon. I sometimes can't take it. But I live in a place of privilege where the military might is no longer used to slaughter the darkies of this nation. We've been pretty well pacified and internally pacify ourselves as well. The likelyhood I'll be carrying my daughter or my new children from the rubble of bombed buildings as pretty minimal. But I know fathers have to because of the illegal actions of the U.S. and Israeli military and their respective governments. So I sit around, writing these useless words. But it is a lot better than just sitting around with my thumb getting tired pushing the channel button on the remote.
I've heard a few people say it is just because of the actions of Hezbullah and Hamas. Let's me make something clear here, Hezbullah and Hamas are defending themselves. Israel is an oppresive nation. They oppress many peoples such as those in Lebanon and especially the Palestinians whose land the OCCUPY. They set up the situations with various forms of state and U.S. sanctioned terrorism until they get a reaction out of various groups from those nations which they use as an excuse to slaughter as many people as they can, men, women and children.
Let me quote that a great American, I believe Phil Sheridan, in dealing with the Indians: "Kill the women and children first. They're easier to kill and it strikes terror into the heart of the men." This quote, if I recall correctly, an American called out in a battle in Iraq. The Israeli actions in Lebanon and Gaza are nothing different.
Lebanon and Gaza have been and are being oppressed by the nation of Israel. Israel has broken so many laws since its founding it can be compared to the criminal nation currently known as the United States. In fact, Israel can be described as America's pitbull in the Middle East since they wouldn't have the military might to enact their genocidal activities were it not for the backing of the worlds worst genocidal nation ever, the United States.
Again, Israel is NOT defending themselves. They are illegally invading two nations. Lebanon and Gaza are defending themselves in fighting back. The destruction of the infrasctructure in those nations by the ILLEGAL actions of Israel will lead to more deaths than the direct killing by their genocidal military.
And Bush and Hillary BOTH support the murdering of babies in Lebanon and Gaza. Both sides of the same coin SUPPORT the illegal genocidal actions of Israel and they murder civilians which includes women and children. What if it was Felicia? Are you capable of empathy for these people? Few people are speaking out about these illegal actions in this nation. I find it so offensive.
Let me make a comparison for you of indigenous descent or those of you who truly support indigenous issues in this nation, let's compare this to Wounded Knee. At Wounded Knee, most of the Indians were unarmed. When Black Coyote's gun went off when he was attacked by two soldiers when trying to surrender his rabbit rifle. The 7th cavalry fired upon the unarmed Indians. But wait:
Some of the Indians fought back. A few of the Indians managed to get a rifle or two and fight back. Yes, most of the U.S. miltary killed in their genocidal action were indeed killed by friendly fire, but a few weren't. Does that make the U.S. action justified? Does that make the genocidal murders created by the 7th Cavalry at Wounded Knee just because a few Indians fought back? Why is it OK for Israel to brutally slaughter civilian women and children when the militarists fight back? Why is it OK for Israel to illegal oppress the peoples of other nations? Why is it OK for the U.S. to oppress indigenous nations here within their boundaries? Why does no one stand up against the murder of women and children enacted by Isareal in Lebanon and Gaza and the U.S. in Iraq and Afghanistan? Because it's not our children. It's someone else's children. They're darkie children. Israel is considered on the moral high ground because of what happened to them under the Nazi's, but much to MY surprise, many Israeli's HATE the people who survived the death camps. Much to my surprise, many of the Israeli's at the top historically, got their by selling out their fellow Jews to the Nazi's. Just a few things to think about.
And still, I watch the murders of women and children on the internet with my wife, Rhonda, who somehow manages to find these things. Link TV's, "Mosaic," is a good program in which we watched video's of Lebanese men carrying their murdered daughters away from the rubble of a genocidal air attack by the Israeli's. I see the photos of their murdered children and women as well as men. I watch video's of America's genocidal activities in Fallujah because the people defended themselves against U.S. contractors.
And George, King George the Bush, gave Israel the green light for one more week of their illegal mass slaughter in Lebanon. George is a genocidal maniac, and the U.S. military carries out many more Wounded Knee's all over Iraq, one known as Haditha, another the rape of a little girl by U.S. MARINES and the murder of her whole family by said Marines. Marines, many U.S. citizens will tell me I should support. I should support them like L. Frank Baum, author of "The Wizard of Oz" supported the actions of the genocidal 7th at Wounded Knee. I don't support our troops. I don't support our genocidal U.S. government. The troops our bound by Nuremburg not to take part in illegal activities of their state sponsors. They may be brainwashed, but they are still CRIMINALS. And George, who vetoed a stem cell research on moral grounds alleging all life is sacred doesn't think the lives of those darky children in Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq, and Afghanistan are valid. Could be because they are already born. Could be because they are an invalid dark race that a eugenicist like George thinks of as too inferior to have a soul.
And nobody here stands up for those children. Nobody seems to care. Not our kids. Just darkies in a dark land that most of us are unfamiliar with and buy into the propaganda that they are some sort of enemy to the criminal organization known as the United States. Nobody here stands up for those kids. We're too busy enjoying our "freedom." Like our freedom to enjoy 120 channels with nothing to watch. Or our freedom to choose between various video games for our new game system. We're busy, man. No time to give a fuck about some darky ass women and children being illegally murdered by a nation for reasons were to lazy and stupid to attempt to understand. Not our kids. Not our parents. Not interrupting my ability to watch my TV or play my video games.
And the other day, I went to a meeting of a peace group. Not world peace, just peace in Iraq. A desire to end the war there and bring the troops home from that nation. No mention of the murders and genocide going on by Israel in Lebanon. And no mention of taking action say...right now. They are waiting until September for some reason. And during that whole time, the U.S. military will be raping and murdering more Iraqi civilian women and children and men. Israel will continue to murder civilian women and children and men in Lebanon and Gaza. And most American will support it from the safety of their easy chairs as they thumb gets sore from channel surfing or pushing buttons on the game control.
And me...what the fuck to I do. I just come down here to the BOO and write to all of you and nothing gets done from what I say. I can't stop speaking out. I feel absolutely useless in my activities, but I have to try. I have to do something. I feel morally obligated to my fellow human beings. And in the meantime, the peace groups are waiting until September to put pressure on various members of congress who are not going to rock the boat to "protect [their] phony balogne jobs." And still, children will be murdered by the U.S. and Israel in the Middle East during that long wait where they do nothing but conduct meetings. And still, the genocidal authority of the United States Government will go unchallenged in any real form. They will still continue the genocide even if they pull out of Iraq which, by the way, they NEVER will. It doesn't matter if you have a stupid asshole like George Bush, an intelligent asshole like Bill Clinton, a democatic asshole or republican asshole they are still going to murder and oppress to protect the interests of the few, give a few alleged concessions to get the Peace Movement off of their backs so they can continue their illegal activities in Peace, and still, NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE!
I feel so useless. I feel much empathy for those humans in Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, Gaza, etc., as I see them carry away their dead and dying babies. I think of the lies the alleged Pro-Life people speak as they support and are complicit in the baby killing done in the Middle East and the suffering of children in this nation after they leave the womb. But LIKE FUCK! if I won't go out at least shaking my fist in the face of this demon. I'm not the only one. There are many of us. We take on many forms.
I'm glad the peace movement is doing something, which is more than a majority of Americans, but I find them useless, elitist, exclusivist, and narrow minded. I'll stand side by side with them because at least they're doing something, unlike most.
I don't know what to do anymore. Yesterday, it finally got to me. It is getting to me a little today. I usually don't allow it to get to me because it is tough to continue the struggle through tears and crying, but sometimes I just can't keep up that boundary especially when I see children burned to death by phosphorus in Fallujah, and the father carrying his dead baby away in Lebanon. I sometimes can't take it. But I live in a place of privilege where the military might is no longer used to slaughter the darkies of this nation. We've been pretty well pacified and internally pacify ourselves as well. The likelyhood I'll be carrying my daughter or my new children from the rubble of bombed buildings as pretty minimal. But I know fathers have to because of the illegal actions of the U.S. and Israeli military and their respective governments. So I sit around, writing these useless words. But it is a lot better than just sitting around with my thumb getting tired pushing the channel button on the remote.
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