Monday, June 18, 2007


Non-Violence is a Bullshit Lie

"We declare our right on this be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary."

--Malcolm X

"At the risk of sounding ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by feelings of love."

--Ernesto "Che" Guevarra

I do not believe in non-violence. Non-violence is a lie, and a privilege.

It took excessive amounts of violence, rape, genocide, and so many other forms of horrific violence from Chris to the present to secure this nation where folks will tell me they are superior to me because they are non-violent. It takes some serious oppression and violence to maintain this current american system so that the non-violent types can have the PRIVILEGE of behaving non-violently. I hear these non-violent types speak out against the war in Iraq, but I don't hear them speak out about other wars?

Recently, our dark skinned brothers and sisters from the south have been arrested and are about to be deported. Children have come home from school to find no parents and their is a good chance they may never see them again. Where are the voices of non-violence now? Why aren't we in the streets rioting to get our brothers and sisters back? Horrific violence is being enacted against these families. It is racist. Their aren't any raids arresting illegal whites from Canada and deporting them back to their privileged nation of Canada. This is racist to the core. Racism is violence. Why aren't their riots in the streets? We just let the man do his job. And those claiming to be non-violent are most likely complicit in this violence. Complicity in violence is violence.

But always, there is this superiority thing that whities like to claim over me. If they're non-violent, they are superior to me because I claim to not be non-violent. If they are whitey vegans they are superior to me because I eat meat and support Makah Whaling. If they are the two local kings of peace, they are superior to me because they carry Gandhian principles in their hearts (the more I learn about Gandhi, the less I like the man). If you're white skinned, you're superior to me.

But the truth is, you ain't nothin' but a bunch of human beings who benefit from horrific violence. Violence against women (both kings of peace I've noticed are abusive, sexist, and racist...all forms of violence). Violence against Indians, Blacks, Brothers and Sisters from the South, children, Iraqi's, Afghani's, Women in the Middle-East, etc., etc., etc. We are all beneficiaries of violence, and therfore hve NO RIGHT, in my opinion, to claim non-violence as a title.

Superiority through non-violence? What is it with you white folks and superiority? You're so fucking afraid of losing your racial identity. What the fuck? Excuse me, but superiority is maintained through violence in one or more of it's many forms. That is NOT non-violence.

Alleged "non-violence" is a privilege. It has taken massive amounts of violence to create this nation state currently known as the United States. It takes massive amounts of violence to maintain the privilege enjoyed by those who claim non-violence as their title. Non-violence should not be used as a title because in this nation, it is a lie.

My words here are violence of a sort. They are designed to slap down those with attitudes of superiority to me and others by claiming non-violence as their title. Superiority is violence, and non-violence as a title is a lie. You can't be superior and non-violent. To be superior you have to act in one form of violence or another, many choose complicity. Complicity is simpler than enacting the violence oneself.

The last time I was in a fight I was 12, with the exception of the controlled sparring while taking martial arts classes. So I have not physically attacked anyone in anger for 31 years with the intent to do them physical harm. I used to get beat up by a bully a lot, when I was 12, I fought back. We didn't have a fight since. My violence was in self-defense and the beatings stopped. But I would never claim as my title, non-violence, especially since my current form of privilege comes from excessive violence from around the world.

I am superior to no one, and no one is superior to me. We are all human beings. But many folks believe they are superior to me for one reason or another. Non-violence, veganism, alleged Gandhian practices, white skin, kings of peace, you name it, I'm sure there are millions of reasons folks can consider themselves superior to me, and Iraqi babies are going to continue to get sick and die, Indians on the Pine Ridge Reservation are still gonna starve and commit suicide, blacks will still be oppressed in South Africa, our brothers and sisters from the South will continue to have their families damaged through the violence of the racist deportation system, women will still be raped by men in defense of the forests, etc.

I wish all you superior folks would get your naked asses of your bikes and do something about the oppression of your brothers and sisters instead of declaring your superiority to us in whatever form that may take.

I could care less what you think of me. I could care less about your non-violence, veganism, or other forms of superiority. What I care about are those peoples who suffer under horrific conditions that brought you the privilege to declare yourself better than me or others for whatever titles you so grandly place upon yourselves. Your titles aren't ending the killings or horrific oppressions.

Ward Churchill always brings up Madeline Albright's declaration in 1998 I believe, that 500,000 dead Iraqi children is an acceptable loss for the empire. Many more now, of course. And always during the question and answer periods, all I hear are challenges to his interpretation of the ninth ammendment, or whitey crying "don't deport me." No one has ever spoken out against the horrific violence in the words of that DEMOCRAT, Madeline Albright, nor the horrific violence enacted by the Clinton administration.

Something is missing here. Maybe we can find it and have ourselves a Revolution, huh?

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