Thursday, June 14, 2007
Fighting Whites
After listening to Theresa Mitchell's show on KBOO, Press Watch: the News You're Not Supposed to Know, a man called in and called about the comments I phoned in about the issue of the ICE raid on Del Monte Corporation here in Portland where they arrested many of our dark skinned brothers and sisters from south of the border.
OK, whitey, I don't think you are getting it. I am NOT calling for your deportation as illegals in my nation. I am calling on you to STOP these ILLEGAL deportations enacted by the ILLEGAL government that currently occupies mine, Rhonda's, Felicia's, etc.'s, land. But there again, you are more concerned about your own folks than being concerned about those who are having horrific racism enacted upon them by your ultra elite comrades that currently run this nation (into the ground).
I am not seeing ANY massive movements or even any speaking out by you, our white brothers and sisters, about our fellow human beings that were ILLEGALLY arrested by an ILLEGAL government. I don't hear your voices en masse or individually calling for the coppers to release these folks. WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?
I did, however, find out that you all organize a naked bike ride and call it a political statement. Where the fuck are your white asses making a political statement about our brothers and sisters from the South being deported and their families being disrupted or destroyed?
What I would like to see is Whitey's in the streets screaming, "As A Whitey, I am here to say this ILLEGAL deportation by the ILLEGAL occupational forces of the U.S. government need to release our Dark Skinned comrades NOW, or there will be consequences to pay." But you ain't gonna do it.
What you actually do, whitey, is this:
"Eugene wants to deport me. That is wrong."
Where, mother-fucker, do you think I have this IMAGINARY authority? However, the actual family disruption/destruction enacted by the forceful arm of the illegal occupational government of the U.S., you ain't speaking out against it. "Come out, come out, wherever you are." Where the fuck are you, Whitey? I don't EVER recall making comments that I want ALL or for that matter ANY of your cracker-ass Peckerwood selves deported. But you all immediately start talking like I did. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, WHITEY!? QUIT BEING SO SELF-FUCKING CENTERED AND WORRIED ABOUT YOUR FUCKING PRIVILEGE BEING DISRUPTED BY IMAGINARY DEPORTATIONS I HAVE NO AUTHORITY TO DO NOR WOULD I EVEN IF I HAD THE AUTHORITY MOTHER-FUCKERS!
There is an ACTUAL deportation happening by the occupational forces of the U.S. Government. Where the fuck are you? Seems to be that you are at home worrying that somehow in the seconds or years to come I will have the actual authority to deport your asses back to Europe. HOW FUCKING STUPID, ARROGANT, AND SELF-FUCKING CENTERED! Get out there, mother-fuckers, and help your fellow human beings, the darkies from the South, who are ACTUALLY being deported. HELLLLLOOOOOO!!!!! ASSHOLES!
"Come out, come out, wherever you are."
...I didn't think so.
Last year, my Sweetie, Rhonda and I, headed south to the Nevada desert to protest "Divine Strake," a psuedo nuclear test that was going to be conducted to somehow simulate a "Bunker Buster" bomb on what is ACTUALLY Western Shoshone land. (No actual bunker buster was going to be used, which still doesn't make sense to me). We were with a handful of non-indigenous...OK, white peace activists.
For you folks who know me, you know that I wrote a poem called "2%," in which I state I want everything back after whitey done annihilated us down by 98%. While having dinner at a remote casino in Nevada, I was somehow sat at one end of the table. To my right was a well known peace activist in this area, to my left, a not so well known peace activist in this area.
They, not knowing me all that well, though I did know the well known male peace activist and knew him to be sexist and racist, we struck up a conversation. I told them at some point that, "I want everything back. All of it. Every last bit of it." And do you know how those crackers responded to my statement? That's right:
"Where do you think we'll get deported to." I could no longer get a word in edge wise, in fact, I was no longer a part of the convesation. Nor did they ask me things like: Do you have legal standing? What is the history of your folks? How were your lands illegally taken? What horrible shit happened to your kids during their forced removals from their families and being adopted out or sent to boarding schools?
Nope. None of those things even entered the conversation because they were too busy talking about being deported.
Now, here is the arrogance about that bullshit. Not only did they not give a shit about me or my people in their self-concern, they immediately ASSUMED that if I actually could get something back that I would become just like WHITEY! Nope! I'm not whitey, whitey. So you see, the only people they can see, even in dealing with my people, is white people. If I suddenly had all the authority to create actual change at the stroke of a keypad, they immediately assume I would be like them, because, afterall, to whitey, EVERYBODY IS A WHITEY...if they seek any form of justice for their actions against darky nations that is. The darkies that don't want justice, or don't actively seek it out, are just ignored because...they aren't white.
This goes along with the "We're all immigrants," BULLSHIT! Oh, I see. We're all immigrants, therefore raping Indian children in boarding schools is fine and deserves no justice, neither does stealing our land and resources, committing genocide against our folks, introducing destructive and addictive substances, destroying our stolen land base, giving our folks horrific diseases TO THIS DAY!, etc. But wait, if immigrants can treat the "first immigrants" like that, wouldn't the laws of UNIVERSALITY dictate that we could do the same to you? Why yes, yes it does, and that's what worries you, doesn't it whitey. That is why when we as people of color ask for justice, you become afraid (and this goes from left to right) that we will become you, because, afterall, the only REAL people in the world are...white like you, right? We are not you, whitey, and you are NOT the only REAL folks in the fucking world. Jesus Fucking Christ when are you going to get that into your FUCKING HEAD!
And of course, there is no ACTUAL evidence that Indians immigrated here in the first place. In fact, if you read "Red Earth, White Lies," by Vine Deloria, Jr., you will find out that the ACTUAL alleged scientific evidence states we've been here a lot longer than you, whitey, are currently capable of imagining.
What I want from you, Whitey, is for you to get your Cracker-Ass off of your high fucking "I'm the only person in the world" horse, and bring your ass down here with the rest of us, my brothers and sisters, feel no fear of losing your "privilege," and give your FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS A FUCKING HAND HERE, MOTHER-FUCKERS!
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