Monday, June 18, 2007


An Ancient Story...Maybe

These three are hills on the east side of I-5 at mile marker 221. The first and third make up and hill known as Saddle Butte. The second photo is called Ward Butte.

One time, a few years back, I was at one of Condi's Hemp Fests, and really high on Goo Balls. His place was not too far south from these glorious hills. And these hills told me this story, while high on goo balls.

There was a young couple that were in Love. But the father didn't think that the young man was good enough for his daughter. No matter what the young man did to prove his Love for the father's daughter, it wasn't good enough. Her father wanted her to marry a man he considered better. But the couples Love was strong and seeing the impasse, they decided to run away together, and when they came back, the father would have to accept their Love. The father decided to chase them. He Loved his daughter. He had mixed feelings. He didn't want to lose his daughter. He didn't want her to marry this man either because he felt he wasn't worthy. But maybe he was worthy if it meant that he was willing to run away with his daughter. He wanted to catch them and attempt to think clearly about this. Then a natural disaster struck and killed them. In their place was placed these hills. The young man is the first photo, father is the second, the daughter is the third. These photos were taken while driving 55 down the freeway in a truck. I just wanted to tell you all that story.

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