Wednesday, May 30, 2007


What's the World Coming To?

On Monday as I headed into Eugene in the early AM, before 6, I saw one of the weirdest sights I have ever seen. There was a car broke down on the side of I-5. There was a tiny woman, maybe 5'3", 110# tops, pushing the car. She was wearing a very beautiful white dress. But wait, that's not all! There was a healthy looking not so dazzlingly dressed young man beside her. No! He wasn't helping push the car, he was walking beside her chatting up the woman and motioning a lot with his hands. I have wondered since what that young man might be saying to the woman pushing that car:

"What do you mean you won't have sex with me?"

"At the current velocity of the wind, the weight of the car, and the amount of energy you can maintain, we should be in Los Angeles in..."

"I have this old football injury, otherwise I'd help push."

"My hands are tired from all the talking I do."

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