Sunday, May 20, 2007


Martin Prechtel

My buddy, Martin Prechtel was in town this weekend. Rhonda and I went to see him speak at The Little Church in SE Portland.

As usual, he was awesome, and his biggest message was about "mutual indebtedness." He told many great stories and is just a totally awesome human being.

My favorite story was about how this plant people only new of from old stories started growing out of the wall of his and Hanna's adobe house. Theirs was not the only house, either. But folks started setting up shrines and making prayers.

He also joked about chasing down Mel Gibson. Martin, if you don't know, is a Mayan medicine man, if you will. And Mel Gibson is an asshole who has made many bullshit movies, one including "Apocolypto." A retelling of history through Mel's favorite view finder of choice...EXTREME VIOLENCE! I never saw the thing, and never plan on it, just like "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee." So, Martin joked about chasing him down.

Martin also was jokingly disappointed that I was unable to participate in his interview on KBOO, as I was working. Marlena doesn't ask him any of the hard questions, and he wanted to "say something tough." And then, of course, he laughs. But he knew I would ask him questions that would bring up that opportunity.

Martin, bless you and thank you for the work you do.

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