Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Keepin' 'em Outta the Doughnut Shop

Yesterday at the vigil, that would be 5-8 (also mine and Rhonda's anniversary), we expected it to be the usual. I stood on the parking side of the bike path like I usually do, have done for a year now. There were some people standing behind me with signs off the sidewalk as well. I start hearing this voice talking behind me to Jerry Sue. I realize it's a cop and turn my head to see what's going on. The cop is almost on top of her, doing his best to intimidate her...Jerry Sue...about 60...tiny and skinny! Me, I don't give a shit about the cops and our work here is only symbolic, as Rhonda pointed out later. I get up on the curb because I really just don't care. There are always ways to work around the rules.

But Jerry Sue stands her ground, and that cop is, like I said, almost ON TOP of this wonderful elder woman who does some good lawyer activist work. The cop said he isn't there to intimidate people, but he is. He is a liar. Cops are liars. Anyone who has had to face off to one of these assholes in court can tell you, cops will ALWAYS lie.

Another cop had parked his car on the far side of Broadway and was watching the terribly criminal situation of Jerry Sue attempting to stand down a cop. A cop...with a gun...a club...mace...and wonderful hand to hand torture techniques (oops! I mean "pain and compliance"...TORTURE) in his mind and bag of tricks.

...Do you still think violence doesn't work? The threat of violence certainly does, which is potential violence. Terrorism light, as it were.

The cop in the car gets out of his vehicle to help his butty out with a wonderful opportunity to hurt a little old lady when Jerry Sue gets on the sidewalk.

Like I said, there are always ways to work around stupid rules. I grab a post and lean out as far as I can over the army car holding my sign for passersby to see. Jerry Sue walks over to the corner and walks across the street during walk signs to display her sign to the people waiting at the light.

Rhonda, who wasn't blocking the doorway to the recruiting center and was standing at least 2 feet past where it swings was told not to block the doorway. She challenged the cop for a few, and then stood down.

The cops then stood together, arms crossed, in front of the recruiting center. They looked like those stereotypes you see of Indians. I tried talking with them, but these people are NOT members of the community. They are in a world of their own and their only will is to control the people through the threat of violence. Terrorism light. There was no talking with these guys like talking with the recruiters. I could tell that if these guys had automatic weapons and the order to kill anyone standing on the streets and all the people in their cars and on the sidewalks, there would be a lot of dead people in the streets of this town. And they looked like the types who would LOVE doing that type of killing.

Let me point out here, I was the biggest person there (not that I'm any kinda threat with my big belly, but I'm no tiny person like Jerry sue), and the copper didn't come up to me. He went right for the weakest link, a tiny little elder woman. They didn't go for Rhonda, younger, a little more sturdily built, they went for Jerry Sue. They didn't go for Paul, a little smaller than me, but a male and therefore...? They went for the weakest link.

Now I know one thing for sure, cops are trained to control ALL situations through the threat or USE of VIOLENCE. AKA, "Terror Light." So this is what came to mind when I was watching this:

"Kill the women and children first. They're easier to kill and it strikes terror into the hearts of the men."

--Phil Sheridan.

You see, they don't stand against enemies that are actual threats or could put up a fight. The fight is supposed to be one sided in order to terrorize the population that ISN'T there into subservience to the state. It was a "Phil Sheridan Light" maneuver. Go for the weakest, and it will threaten those who are not so weak into an awareness that they are WILLING to do physical harm to a weak member. AKA, they are attempting to strike TERROR into our hearts with threats of violence to our non-physically threatening friend. Wow, what tough guys!

Now here is another interesting point, here. These two heavily armed thugs...were protecting other USUALLY heavily armed thugs...from unarmed non-violent folks. There's some fucking irony in that, isn't there? Thugs protecting other thugs from folks who are peaceful.

Well, we're keeping those thugs outta the doughnut shop! It's a health issue. We're doing a service to the city and keeping those killer cops healthy. Healthy and strong. So when they need to, they can rampage and do great and horrific horrible harm to...tiny little elder women holding signs protesting a bucha folks whose organization is created to kill darkies for wealthy white folks.

Good job, coppers. I'm sure we'll never see you arresting pedophile priests, abusive foster parents, or other sorts of violent criminals will we. You're to busy protecting thugs from peace necks. Well, at least your staying out of the doughnut shop.

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