Sunday, May 13, 2007


Genocide of White Folks? What the Fuck?

The website, Wake Up or Die,, is one racist fucking website. I found this website when looking at the website, I found that website about a year or so ago, and have just not been able to bring myself to talk about it until last week when I talked about it with Rhonda. You can link the Wake from the website by clicking on the Genocide of White Males link. I kid you not. This woman, Elena Haskins, actually believes their is a genocide being enacted against white folks when it is actually a white supremacist racist website. Check it out and tell me what you think, folks. This woman is fucking nuts, in my opinion, and had absolutely NO CLEAR GRASP on what the crime of genocide is.

Sorry I didn't talk about this earlier, folks, but this was so beyond the pale as far as offensive goes to me.

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