Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Indy Media

[I have posted the following article to Portland Indy Media ( because anything I post on that forum, as well as several others, gets "filtered" ("not censored"). I am assuming this article will be shot straight into the compost like my last one. All this so the glory of that man who is a racist liar, Paul Watson, can be protected from any dissenting voices. So much for free speech.]

I will no longer be participating in this forum.

Because ALL of my posts on articles are now..."filtered"...and I am being cut out of discussions, I will no longer be participating in your forum. You have successfully shut out my voice, and several others, in a forum for a person whose name I won't mention for fear this article may be shot into the compost or some other form of the internet ether before anyone gets to read it.

So, you are free to spout your race hate against the Makah and other Indians. I will no longer challenge your ideas.

You are free to post your more institutionally racist stuff unchallenged by me, and a few others, as well.

This is my last article, the last time I will speak on your forum, and I promise I won't visit your site anymore not even to see if this thing gets posted or immediately composted.

You win, Indy Media. My voice is now silent on your forum.

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