Monday, April 16, 2007



My sweetie and I are planning on attending the dinner honoring Paul Watson, head of the Sea Shepherd Society on Wednesday at 8pm at the Pirate's Tavern on St. Helens Rd. We are scared. Reading the race hate that the vegan fascists are spouting on Indy Media makes us nervous. The voices of dissent against Paul Watson are being censored by Portland Indy Media as well. One insider is trying to convince us it is their filters, I don't believe him however as our posts don't make it on their forum. I posted "Race By the Numbers" on their, a new title to an old post, and it has been sent to the compost heap along with the comment from someone who is learning to hate me since I speak out against this form of racism. Wow.

Rhonda and I will most likely be the only two anti-Paul Watson folks there. We are scared of the violence spewing from the mouths of the vegan holier than all fascists. I doubt we'll be killed, but I don't doubt they will try to physically hurt us. These folks are just FILLED with hatred towards the Makah and their supporters, thanks to the works of Watson and the Sea Shepherd Society, attempted murderer of Makah folks Josh Harper, Jonathan Paul and the Sea Defense Alliance, etc. We know the hate they're capable of. We know their desires to complete the genocide against the Makah. We know their self-righteous bigotry. We're scared, but somebody has to do something about this.

I'm losing friends. That hurts, but not as much as it hurts to see the genocidal desires of folks against the Makah and their supporters. Justifications for this hatred are handed down casually like candy to children, stirring the pot of hatred. The Makah owned slaves. The Makah are murderers of whales.

I've heard these justifications of genocide so many times in so many forms. "We're all immigrants." (Doesn't matter that the science is faulty). There were only a few million of us here. We weren't Christians and they were. We weren't white and they are. We practiced human sacrifice.

White folks have done so many horrific things in this world for the gain of the few. When I spoke out that whitey has practiced slavery and therefore should line up for their fair share of genocide, I upset a lot of people. Afterall, I was mentioning that whitey should get their come uppance for the horrific crimes enacted against my folks. I'm losing friends because of this. However, the genocidal race hate spouted out by holier than thou vegan fascists is just fine. What white folks felt for that tiny moment is what many Indians feel everyday of our lives. It doesn't take much to stir up that race hate in white folks against Indians, darky Muslims, Sephardic Jews, Sinti and Roma...It doesn't take much. But that race hate is OK. That race hate is acceptable.

I don't want genocide against the white folks, I want them to stop committing it to my fellow indigenous folks. It sure would be NICE if they stopped.

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