Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Not to be Left Out of the Custer Biz...

Custer amongst the sell-out traitors who Love him.

I just read the lead article on the Indianz.com website. Seems that the U.S. wants to cut out urban Indian health programs. I guess Dick (Custer) Cheney needs to add to that already heavily stockpiled masses of money to his former Halliburton Corporation, just my opinion of course.

And, here again, we have the Might Whitey defining who is and isn't Indian for their own benefit. Add that to the Cherokee Freedmen being cut away by Custer Work of their fomer tribal affiliates.

Custer Custer everywhere, and FUCK, I don't carry guns and I aint supposed to kill. Shit! Me and my fucking values.

You know, folks, it's about time we end the occupation of our nation, currently known as the United States of America. We need to get the illegal government currently known as the United States Government to stop illegally making laws and forcing people world wide to suffer under the horrific conditions imposed by it's empire.

This shit just has to stop.


But wait, there's more!

Seems the governor of NY is still pushing his ILLEGAL tax program of taxing cigarettes sold to non-Indians on the rez. How can he do this? Because he is the Mighty Whitey Master of all Indian Nations. Would he impose such an illegal law on, say, Canada, Mexico, France, Britain, Whatever other nation? Of course not. But he will on an ALLEGED sovereign nation within the boundaries of the U.S. Why? Because they are the masters of the Red Nigger Race, and if we Red Niggers don't bow to their might, they will threaten military violence, as the former governor of NY, Pitaki did.


And there is still more. I shouldn't just isolate the Cherokee for their Freedmen decision. The Enterprise Rancheria of California Indians disenrolled some 70 people from their rolls and because two women complained about their decision, they, too, were disenrolled. Thank you for those whitey definitions of Indians so we Indians can do the Custerwork for you and a few can corrupt away a bunch more money.


Holy Fuck! Seems like a lotta tribes, especially in California, are disenrolling people left and right in order to amass corrupted tribal funds into their own illegitimate Custer coffers. The Pechanga seem to be one of those tribes. Lotsa Custer Lovers around here.


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