Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Dictators, Great and Small

Serephim, Zek, what "watery tart lobbed and sword" in your general direction allowing you to become my own personal dictator.

Oh great and holy Serephim, how come you continue to defend this as not being racist when you only have given yourself and Zek the right to tell me what I can and cannot do as an Indian on my OWN FUCKING LAND, ASSHOLE? Explain that one to me.

Explain how you and Zek have the RIGHT to tell me what I can and cannot do. What makes you any different the the other fucking dictators I keep fighting to get off my fucking land let alone the reservation.

As you have said on our continued argument that you carried to Indymedia, that the troops "get what they deserve." That means you have lost part of your humanity, like the troops do in battle. What makes you any different than those folks other than the fact that you don't do your own killing?

And again, give me the name of the "watery tart that lobbed a sword" in yours and Zek's general direction and made you my own personal fucking kings? And again, explain to me how it ISN'T racist to tell me what I can and cannot do as an indigenous person ON MY OWN FUCKING LAND, ASSHOLES!

AND AGAIN, I still hold up my offer to buy you your own personal copy of the Great Inga Muscio's book, "Autobiography of a Blue-Eyed Devil." You and Zek and David are indeed INSTITUTIONALLY RACIST.

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