Friday, February 02, 2007


Surge Protectors

The surge protectors attempted another shut down of the recruiting center on 13th and NE Broadway. I missed all the action.

Three of these wonderful women were cited as the owner of MILO'S CITY CAFE, that's the owner of MILO'S CITY CAFE, had these three wonderful elder women who Love their children and grandchildren so much that they put themselves on the line to protect them from joining the military (as well as other people's children and grandchildren) where they could be exposed to depleted uranium, get harmed physically and mentally, and possibly commit war crimes for chicken hawks to chicken shit to commit them themselves.

In case you didn't catch that, the owner of MILO'S CITY CAFE had the three of the women cited for trespassing. There are allegations that he was somewhat coerced to do it by the cops, however, the owner of MILO'S CITY CAFE still had them cited.

Later, 6 of these wonderful elder women were arrested by the cops and the doors to the recruiting center were re-opened. Good work Portland cops, protecting the public from elder women who care about their children as well as other peoples children as well as the people in the military doing all the dirty work for an administration that is too chicken shit to do it themselves.

As well, while I was there, an SUV full of young men got all superior and mouthy to the few that remained because, well, they aren't donning uniforms and going to Iraq. I screamed to them to "SIGN UP!" but, of course, they are too chicken shit to do the dirty work themselves, also. Why should they. I don't think they bought that SUV themselves. I think it must have been borrowed from one of their possibly wealthy parents. So other people can do their killing for them, and they will remain here, stateside, safe and protected by their semi or very wealthy parents, while the poorer classes do all their dirty work for them.


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