Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Purple Pashmina

I can see
pieces of my life
in the folds and creases
of my purple pashmina
that has wrapped around my neck
like the comfort of a Lover,
that I have stroked
when alone
and needing the comfort of a friend.

My purple pashmina
has comforted me through some of the
roughest and craziest
times of my life.

My purple pashmina
has comforted me on my bed
during the strongest tears
from yet another break up.

My purple pashmina
comforts me through
being accused of crimes I have not committed
by friends who should
know me better
and helps calm
my bitter anger.

My purple pashimina
laid quietly on my bed
above a turqouise silk scarf
and a white lace wrap
as the healing hands
of a reiki master
guided me to healings
I didn't know I needed.

My purple pashmina
danced with me
across the Burnside Bridge
after I made friends with
my lonliness.
It flapped in the wind playfully,
tickled my face,
and looked so beautiful
with the black background
of my wool coat.

My purple pashmina was present
at another healing
from a friend
doing feather doctoring
and witness to all the crazy energy
sent through my body and soul
to you...

I see bits and pieces of my life
in the creases and folds
of the purple pashmina
given to me by a wonderful friend
and one of my many heroes
upon the return of her journey
from Thailand with her family.

"I knew you would choose that one,"
she tells me.
"I even told David.
Eugene will pick the purple one.
Just wait and see."

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