Friday, January 19, 2007


More Faces Behind the Scenes of "Native Nations"

Jim Lockhart, producer, originator of the show and original host.

Kelli Labonte, co-producer and all round awesome human being.

We featured Che from a poster my sweetie, Rhonda, gave me for my birthday.

On the show, we talked a lot about Bush's escalation of the war in Iraq. Most of our callers asked what they can do about this. "Take a Stand," David suggested. I made mention of what Howard Zinn said that we should do even a little thing. Throughout history there have been times that all those little things came together and created a big thing. I feel that coming.

There was also lots of questions on how Blacks and Indians can get together as we have a common enemy and common oppressor. I tried a People of Color Committee at KBOO, which fell flat on its face with me being the ONLY person at the last two meetings. I'm open to any suggestions!

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