Monday, January 22, 2007
Dedicated to Rhonda Baseler
also our children: Felicia Johnson, Rachel Baseler, and Eli Baseler
in Honor of Coyote and Vulture
Coyote ran across an urban street
Head high for the hunt
Ears sharp as Loveless knives
Eyes focused like a prayer to creator
It is good to see she has survived
the invasion and conquest
the occupation of her land.
No one will ever call her
white, mastiff, doberman, Chinese, or nigger lips.
No one will tell her:
"You don't look coyote."
"You're not coyote enough."
No one will call her "chief."
ask if she remembers her language
"Say something in coyote."
"What's your blood quantum?"
"You're not coyote. You're white!"
She will not be identified by the color of her skin.
She will never be measured in genocidal fractions.
But like a good Indian,
she is to be
exterminated, extirpated, annihilated, assimilated.
Put in a zoo exhibit.
She will always be coyote enough
Never "federally recognized"
with her photo on her
"federally recognized" coyote ID card.
She survives, like a good Indian.

Like a homeless vet,
Lady Liberty stands on the side of the road
waving her plastic torch
like a Magic wand.
She has a mustache!
Lady Liberty stands with her good buddy
Uncle Sam
who wears
broad bloody red stripes
and extremely white stars
like marshmallow delights
in a "death to diabetics" cereal.
He waves a rocket at me
keeps his FREE hand behind his back
like Daniel Boone
gripping a knife or pistol.
He has his long wise white beard,
but I expect that.
They are asking me for my money.
Bullets aren't cheap,
Doncha know!
A vulture looms over the toilet
in my bathroom.
Her eyes covered with a bloody bandage
healing wounds received in the war.
Anyone who knows vultures
knows they don't need their eyes
to find food.
She uses her keen sense of smell
...and she smells death
and she waits.
Waits for me to move my life
to get at the death below.

Have you seen the photo
of the little African child
doubled over in the desert
less than a mile from survival,
ribs showing,
and vulture waiting...
Waiting for life to move aside
to feed its hunger for death.

I want it all back!
You've caused enough
pain, suffering, and death
so you can live in your privilege
propagandized as freedom.
Freedom doesn't come at the barrell of a gun,
privilege does.
I want it all back, America!
Real freedom will come
when we ALL stand up and
Stand up,
my Beautiful human beings and
before the monster eats everything
and we all wind up
hungry or starving!
Doubled over in the desert
with vulture waiting...
waiting for...
also our children: Felicia Johnson, Rachel Baseler, and Eli Baseler
in Honor of Coyote and Vulture
Coyote ran across an urban street
Head high for the hunt
Ears sharp as Loveless knives
Eyes focused like a prayer to creator
It is good to see she has survived
the invasion and conquest
the occupation of her land.
No one will ever call her
white, mastiff, doberman, Chinese, or nigger lips.
No one will tell her:
"You don't look coyote."
"You're not coyote enough."
No one will call her "chief."
ask if she remembers her language
"Say something in coyote."
"What's your blood quantum?"
"You're not coyote. You're white!"
She will not be identified by the color of her skin.
She will never be measured in genocidal fractions.
But like a good Indian,
she is to be
exterminated, extirpated, annihilated, assimilated.
Put in a zoo exhibit.
She will always be coyote enough
Never "federally recognized"
with her photo on her
"federally recognized" coyote ID card.
She survives, like a good Indian.

Like a homeless vet,
Lady Liberty stands on the side of the road
waving her plastic torch
like a Magic wand.
She has a mustache!
Lady Liberty stands with her good buddy
Uncle Sam
who wears
broad bloody red stripes
and extremely white stars
like marshmallow delights
in a "death to diabetics" cereal.
He waves a rocket at me
keeps his FREE hand behind his back
like Daniel Boone
gripping a knife or pistol.
He has his long wise white beard,
but I expect that.
They are asking me for my money.
Bullets aren't cheap,
Doncha know!
A vulture looms over the toilet
in my bathroom.
Her eyes covered with a bloody bandage
healing wounds received in the war.
Anyone who knows vultures
knows they don't need their eyes
to find food.
She uses her keen sense of smell
...and she smells death
and she waits.
Waits for me to move my life
to get at the death below.

Have you seen the photo
of the little African child
doubled over in the desert
less than a mile from survival,
ribs showing,
and vulture waiting...
Waiting for life to move aside
to feed its hunger for death.

I want it all back!
You've caused enough
pain, suffering, and death
so you can live in your privilege
propagandized as freedom.
Freedom doesn't come at the barrell of a gun,
privilege does.
I want it all back, America!
Real freedom will come
when we ALL stand up and
Stand up,
my Beautiful human beings and
before the monster eats everything
and we all wind up
hungry or starving!
Doubled over in the desert
with vulture waiting...
waiting for...
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