Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Thoughts from a Soggy Indian
Nothing quite like a wet Indian.
Riding to work yesterday morning on my bike, the heavy rains just weren't soaking me enough. As I tried to avoid getting ran over by one of the few cars on the road so early in the AM, I looked before me on the road in the dark area of the street with no street lights and asked myself, "is that a puddle?" When *SPLASH*, I found myself going through a ten inch deep twenty foot long puddle. I peddled harder to make sure I didn't get stuck or fall over and made it through.
That is kind of like life. Find yourself in a horrible mess that is uncomfortable and slows you down, but you trudge through because you have to get to your destination and do what you gotta do.
Water is emotion, and I've been in the thick of it lately. Up and down, annoying, wet, trying to get through your day with this stuff all over you, but that is just what it is. In the end, you wind up dry and happy.
Then there is this horrible war. People killing people all over the place. People abusing people. People destroying other peoples cultures for the benefits of the wealthy. People killing peoples babies, mothers, fathers, etc. People killing, killing, killing, and nothing I go through is as horrible as that.
When we here at the bottom realize we are truly only killing each other for the benefit of the few wealthy, maybe we'll put down our guns and say no more, or turn them in the other direction and bring to justice those most truly horrific killers who are too good to do their own killing.
The rough spots in my life are nothing compared to those who suffer war and abuse. My issues are valid and important, and so are those who suffer under war and abuse. It is time to put an end to it and bring to justice those who are to chicken shit to do their own killing.
I guess that is all I have to say for now, and then...tonight...
Riding to work yesterday morning on my bike, the heavy rains just weren't soaking me enough. As I tried to avoid getting ran over by one of the few cars on the road so early in the AM, I looked before me on the road in the dark area of the street with no street lights and asked myself, "is that a puddle?" When *SPLASH*, I found myself going through a ten inch deep twenty foot long puddle. I peddled harder to make sure I didn't get stuck or fall over and made it through.
That is kind of like life. Find yourself in a horrible mess that is uncomfortable and slows you down, but you trudge through because you have to get to your destination and do what you gotta do.
Water is emotion, and I've been in the thick of it lately. Up and down, annoying, wet, trying to get through your day with this stuff all over you, but that is just what it is. In the end, you wind up dry and happy.
Then there is this horrible war. People killing people all over the place. People abusing people. People destroying other peoples cultures for the benefits of the wealthy. People killing peoples babies, mothers, fathers, etc. People killing, killing, killing, and nothing I go through is as horrible as that.
When we here at the bottom realize we are truly only killing each other for the benefit of the few wealthy, maybe we'll put down our guns and say no more, or turn them in the other direction and bring to justice those most truly horrific killers who are too good to do their own killing.
The rough spots in my life are nothing compared to those who suffer war and abuse. My issues are valid and important, and so are those who suffer under war and abuse. It is time to put an end to it and bring to justice those who are to chicken shit to do their own killing.
I guess that is all I have to say for now, and then...tonight...
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