Tuesday, November 21, 2006



Democrcy Now's 11-20 show discusses security on a UCLA campus arresting and shocking an Iranian student for being Middle Eastern on the campus. They shocked him at least five times. Check it out. America at its best. And yes, the behavior of the security guards is racist. The guards who weren't white were definitely "white identified" as Inga Muscio, author of "Autobiography of a Blue Eyed Devil" and "Cunt" would say.

There is a little green but crawling around here this morning. Reminds me of "A Poet's Ceremony" when I wrote poetry at Chuck's place when I house sat for him last year. It's on this blog. December 18, 2005 I believe.

Oh, and like Robert Miller reminded us last night. The only law their is are laws that can be "enforced." The law of force. Bullying. What we say goes otherwise we will hurt, maim, or kill you. Do what we say. That's the law.

Goofy bug is crawling across the screen now.

Check out that video.

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