Thursday, November 09, 2006


Dems Vs. Reps

On Tuesday, the Democrats defeated the Republicans and have taken over the house and senate. What does this mean? Only time will tell.

I know the Dems have been working on being more republican than the republicans, but that just isn't working for the people.

Will people still be starving at the end of the month on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation? Will domestic abuse continue unabated? Will health care still remain in the hands of private owners? Will unions continue to be crushed and disempowered? Will war continue in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.? Will global warming continue on its full speed course?

One thing I am happy about is that I was WRONG about the October Surprise. I thought it would be war with Iran. Maybe even a nuke. Didn't happen! But what will happen with Iran, now?

I hold only a tiny bit more faithe in the democrats than I do the republicans. I mean, afterall, look at Hillary Clinton and Ron Wyden!

Another good thing is that Rumsfeld has resigned as secretary of defense (offense). However, he has been replaced by a CIA man, Robert Gates, who is a long time Bush family friend known for collaborating with Islamic extremists, arming Saddam Hussein, and manipulating intelligence so Bush could start his illegal wars.

I don't know, folks. My only faithe in real change is if we overhaul the whole fucking system. Do I believe that will happen? Yes. Otherwise, I wouldn't do this type of work. I have faithe in the people. I Love the people. May the people someday Love themselves enough to create the change needed to help the world instead of destroy it for the wealth of the few.

Time will tell.

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