Thursday, October 05, 2006


Speaking of Terror...

Though both of us are ill, Rhonda and I went to "The World Can't Wait" demo. We got there late, about 15 minutes before the start of the march. We handed out a lot of fliers about the Tuesday night vigil. You are all still invited; 1317 NE Braodway here in the great city of Portland, Oregon 5:30 to 6:30 every Tuesday.

Anyway, we marched along and wound up doing a little sit down demo in front of the local rag for advertisers and "manufacturing consent" known as "The Oregonian." They, of course, ignored us because we are not the type of voice they are supposed to be supporting. They are supposed to support the warmongers who don't sign up to fight. The warmongers who hire the poor to do their killing for them.

Then the cops redirected us a few times and we were back at the Park Blocks. Tensions were high several times along the march. Then the march was heading up Jefferson. It seemed a little rushed, and wouldn't you know it, the cops had their special riot head gear on, so we knew some action was about to start. Rhonda took a lot of pictures, and though we missed the pepper spraying and the beating of the anarchists, we did see the cops shoot a woman in the chest with their bean bag gun which immediately got me to chanting "FUCK YOU PIG!" along with a large part of the crowd. The cops just stepped through the line of bicycle cops, aimed his lethal looking weapon to the elder woman's chest, fired into her unarmed self in an act of "terrorism," and then they arrested her and a couple of others. One woman who was sitting on the curb and a cop kicked in the ribs. No words like, "Could you please get up." Just a kick in the ribs, rotten fucking bastards.

This, folks, is a clear and consistent pattern. This is what you, the "beasts" as founding father James Madison would call us, are supposed to understand by the illegal actions taken by the cops. Seeing the terror the cops may light upon your body, the bodies of your children and elders, the violence and potentially "unspeakable" violence cops are willing to lay on you should you take to the streets. You should be encouraged by their illegal actions NOT to exercise your legal right to protest. If you do, they will exercise their illegal right to react violently for us not stepping "in line" behind the illegal actions of the illegal U.S. government. Putting it simply, if you exercise your first ammendment rights, the cops will take them away with the use of force and terror. That is their job.

I kept giving the police the peace sign. That is, afterall, all we really want. The cops, of course, like that because that means their "opponents" aren't as willing to use violence like they will their state sanctioned violence. Like Wounded Knee Light.

Hey, do any of you remember how the Nazi's reacted to dissenters amongst their own master race during the "good 'ole days?" That's right, of course you don't. So let me remind you. They took the dissenters out into the streets and hanged them from trees. You can find the photos of their illegal activities on the internet.

It hasn't gotten that way here...yet...but it is definitely heading in that direction. When one exerecises their illegal right to use of force, it is only a matter of time.

Anyway, folks, the cops did this. It wasn't the anarchists. The cops started this shit. Never trust a cop. But I still try to get them on our side. They spend more time fighting us demonstrators and arresting pot smokers than chasing down pedophile priests or stopping genocidal maniacs. It is their job to protect the system which protects pedophile priests and genocidal maniacs. Arresting the priests and administration would mean the potential for a government for the people, and that is the last thing those who protect the criminals want.

Anyway, folks, do what you can before you're not allowed to do anything anymore. It's just a matter of time. I don't blame you for doing nothing, though. Fear is a powerful force. Fear will keep you inside while the criminals run our government to amass wealth for their friends at the expense of the "beasts." You were designed to feel powerless by this government. They want you to feel that way because it helps protect their illegal activities which amass wealth for themselves. So stay in your houses and stay out of the streets like good little Americans and chances are, you won't get hurt. And don't forget, call this "freedom"... or else. I hope, however, someday, you choose to see through the bullshit and do something. "People are dying...It's time [for the U.S. government] to go." Like I said, stay in your house and out of the streets...Keep your mouths shut...Buy into the system...Play along...And the U.S. government won't hurt you. Stay asleep. Sleep. Sleep. Don't wake up. They don't want you to and you know you are always free to "obey the master."




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