Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Rhonda and I went to see Cindy Sheehan last night at the Bagdad. It was a book promotion for a book she wish she never had to write. She spoke eloquently and beautifully.

She was heckled by a woman claiming to be a Vietnam Era Vet who said things like Cindy claimed her son did not die honorably. She said she never said that, but the woman chose to continue to be disruptive so Cindy asks, "Are there any Vietnam Vets out there?" And a whole bunch of people stood up.

Some people like to shoot her down because she hasn't been an anti-war activist all of her life. It wasn't until her son was killed that she actually became active. Her message to the world is don't wait for your loved ones to be killed before you do something about this shit. Don't wait for you loved ones to come back in pieces physically, emotionally, and or spiritually as what they do for corporations over there is soul destroying. Don't wait for more people to die. Don't wait for the 2006 elections. Get out there and do something.

Which reminds me. Peace and Anti-recruiting vigil tonight, 5:30-6:30 in front of the recruiting center on Broadway, 1317 NE Broadway, Portland, Oregon.

We also saw Sarah Rich, Suzanne Swift's daughter. I told her of playing "Dead Men Don't Rape," by Seven Year Bitch on "Mitakuye Oyasin" for Suzanne Swift. Rhonda and I both requested she let her daughter know that there are people out here in support of her. "Don't put up with getting raped...get court martialed."

Cindy Sheehan is also a very personalble person. Rhonda and I waited patiently as she was talking with a man to meet her. When she was done, she immediately hugged us both without even asking who we were and what we wanted to say. Rhonda told her of the vigil, and this woman is just awesome.

PS I didn't see the King of Peace there. I guess he figured if the attention wasn't on him it wasn't worth going.

PSS I'm sorry, but I just had to add that in there.


PSSSS I'm not sorry I put that in there.

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