Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Kissinger's Right Hand Killer
I just watched the Frontline program about Paul Bremmer "The Lost Year in Iraq." THE FUCKER WAS GENOCIDAL MANIAC HENRY KISSINGER'S RIGHT HAND MAN FOR GODSAKE. Anway, it is pretty clear that everyone in the Bush administration are a complete bunch of stupid fucking idiots, they should all be arrested, put on trial, and when found guilty, justice administered. My preferred form of justice is to strip them of every last cent they have stolen, strip them of the clothes on their backs, and release them into the areas where they have FORCED people to suffer the most. Instead, what you see on this program is a bunch of back patting and mutual support for some of the most horrific criminals on earth. THAT I found offensive. It was also Bremmer and the boys that razed Fallujah for "revenge" for the killing of four U.S. contractors. "Revgenge!"
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