Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Interesting Choice of Words

I'm sure you all know about Mark Foley, a Republican Senator from Florida, having attempted to seduce under age teenage page boys that volunteered for the Republican party. He also helped draft legislation making it illegal to solicit underage children sexually on the internet, and there he is breaking his own law by attempting to seduce sixteen-year-old page boys on the internet.

On Democracy Now, Amy Goodman was interviewing the two reporters that broke the story for ABC, Maddy Sauer who did most of the work, and Jonathan Kaplan.

During the interview, Jonathan Kaplan was talking about all the Republicans who were coming up with differnt stories about how much then knew and when they knew it. Jonathan then said this which made me laugh my ass off: "...they can't all seem to get on the same page." Could be because the page isn't into that kind of thing.

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