Monday, October 02, 2006


Deliver Us From Evil

One of the previews before "The United States Vs. John Lennon" was of a movie called "Deliver Us from Evil." It is a documentary of a pedophile Catholic Priest. He is in the movie shown walking around playgrounds talking about how seeing little kiddies in their clothes really turns him on. The trailer talked of the Vatican moving him from town to town as he'd get caught raping child after child after child. The Vatican protected him. Wojtyla and Ratzinger both (the previous two popes) had this information given to them to investigate and stop the crime, but the information was ignored. Afterall, the Vatican makes a FUCK LOTTA MONEY! Bad publicity such as the NUMEROUS pedophile priests in their ranks just won't do. Like the bad publicity for the Jasenovac death camp which the Vatican supported during WWII in Croatia. That's why you rarely or don't hear at all about the pedophile priests or the Jasenovac death camp. Because it may just Fuck with the vast amount of money flowing through the Vatican for their illegal activities world wide. I'm glad to hear that many Roman Catholics are turning their backs on the Vatican, but not on their religion, because of the vast amounts of crimes and inhumanity within the organization.

Just so you hear me nice and clear, Ratzinger, former Nazi Youth...


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