Saturday, August 05, 2006
I just watched "Syriana," a dramatization of how oil business elites treat the world as a toy to control. Interesting and very complex movie that ends with the knowledge of the basic pattern. That pattern being the wealthy elite convincing others to do their killing to protect their wealth while they suck the world and the people dry. That one is not hard to figure out, but this puts a very complicated story out there with many connections and patterns within the patterns.
It reaffirms my desire to go to the people. You will not create change through politicians, not even Dennis Kucinich. These guys are all part of the game. There are many legitimate people in there trying to make change, but it won't happen within the system that creates death, oppression, and mass slaughter to create more and protect the wealth of the already wealthy. Aint no multi-millionaire or billionaire gonna come knocking on my door and ask my opinion on anything. My opinion doesn't mean shit to them unless it gets in the way of their wealth, then I become a target. And they still won't be knocking on my door and doing their own dirty work, they will have paid someone else to do it for them.
So my voice goes out to the people. For the most part, most people just don't listen. They want to protect their privilege. Their privilege, idiotically referred to as "freedom," is their most desired posession. If they give up their privilege, they may not have their 120 channels with nothing to watch, their status symbol SUV's to commute to work in, their wonderful cell phones and other gifts of technology, etc. These are bribes of privilege.
I use this privilege as best I can to create change in the hearts and minds of the people. All of the people. What are they going to do? Kill me? I won't deny the possibility, but right now that is about as possible as a 747 crashing into my house. It's possible, but the likelyhood is so minimal as to not really be considered. I'm nothing to these people. We are all nothing to these people. That is why they play with our lives like they do. That is why the hire us to kill our fellow human beings so they don't have to. That is why their hands will never cause the flow of blood, but their hands will be so stained with it that one has to wonder what their afterlife will be like. All that death comes with a consequence.
And still, many supporters of these global crimes from their place of privilege will attack me because I use privilege to send out a message in a bottle. It is easier to attack me, a man who doesn't kill, who doesn't carry weapons, who only uses words and knowledge, than it is to look themselves in the mirror and admit that that which they allege to be freedom is actually privilege. And that their privilege comes with a cost. That cost are things like environmental damage to the underprivileged, oppression of the underprivileged, a military might to protect that privilege, fathers carrying their dead daughters from the rubble of bombed buildings, babies dying from preventable diseases most caused by environmental damages that come with being underprivileged to protect our privilege, etc. People will attack me verbally because it is easier. It is easier than trying to do something to alleviate the suffering of others. Why should they have to? We all benefit from the suffering of others, especially here in the United States.
Why do people have to suffer so I can come here to write to you on this computer? That is not "freedom." That is privilege.
It is my desire to end the suffering. The suffering of war doesn't have to happen. It never has had to happen. But it does, and in my opinion it is wrong. I wish to change that. It won't change if I go to a multi-millionaire or billionaire, the top people who have the most privilege, and therefore the most to lose. Nor politicians, for they too have the most to lose. I try to go to the people.
I have been known to tell people, I'm looking for the 100th monkey.
The story of the 100th monkey goes something like this. A monkey learned how to do use a tool. At first it was one monkey. He taught another monkey to use that tool. They taught other monkeys. When the 100th monkey learned how to use that tool, suddenly, as if spontaneously, all the monkeys all over the world knew how to use that tool.
I have no real idea how to tell if what I do is working. I often have people come up to me and say I inspire them, but seeing them taking action, finding out what they are doing is inspiring me. I am not the first monkey to use their voice as a tool for peace. I am definitely not the 100th monkey. But there are lots of us monkeys out there. There are lots of us monkeys using the tool of peace to create change in one form or another. I am not more nor less than my fellow human beings. I am just a human being who wants the generations to come to live in a world without war, and yes, it is possible.
Get out there. Monkey around. Find what works and use it. Support others out there who are using their tools of peace and hook up with them. And soon, we will all be locking arms and taking it all back from those who have conviced us that killing each other to maintain privilege is "freedom," and then maybe we will have the "privilege" of knowing what "freedom" really is, becuase, folks, this aint it.
It reaffirms my desire to go to the people. You will not create change through politicians, not even Dennis Kucinich. These guys are all part of the game. There are many legitimate people in there trying to make change, but it won't happen within the system that creates death, oppression, and mass slaughter to create more and protect the wealth of the already wealthy. Aint no multi-millionaire or billionaire gonna come knocking on my door and ask my opinion on anything. My opinion doesn't mean shit to them unless it gets in the way of their wealth, then I become a target. And they still won't be knocking on my door and doing their own dirty work, they will have paid someone else to do it for them.
So my voice goes out to the people. For the most part, most people just don't listen. They want to protect their privilege. Their privilege, idiotically referred to as "freedom," is their most desired posession. If they give up their privilege, they may not have their 120 channels with nothing to watch, their status symbol SUV's to commute to work in, their wonderful cell phones and other gifts of technology, etc. These are bribes of privilege.
I use this privilege as best I can to create change in the hearts and minds of the people. All of the people. What are they going to do? Kill me? I won't deny the possibility, but right now that is about as possible as a 747 crashing into my house. It's possible, but the likelyhood is so minimal as to not really be considered. I'm nothing to these people. We are all nothing to these people. That is why they play with our lives like they do. That is why the hire us to kill our fellow human beings so they don't have to. That is why their hands will never cause the flow of blood, but their hands will be so stained with it that one has to wonder what their afterlife will be like. All that death comes with a consequence.
And still, many supporters of these global crimes from their place of privilege will attack me because I use privilege to send out a message in a bottle. It is easier to attack me, a man who doesn't kill, who doesn't carry weapons, who only uses words and knowledge, than it is to look themselves in the mirror and admit that that which they allege to be freedom is actually privilege. And that their privilege comes with a cost. That cost are things like environmental damage to the underprivileged, oppression of the underprivileged, a military might to protect that privilege, fathers carrying their dead daughters from the rubble of bombed buildings, babies dying from preventable diseases most caused by environmental damages that come with being underprivileged to protect our privilege, etc. People will attack me verbally because it is easier. It is easier than trying to do something to alleviate the suffering of others. Why should they have to? We all benefit from the suffering of others, especially here in the United States.
Why do people have to suffer so I can come here to write to you on this computer? That is not "freedom." That is privilege.
It is my desire to end the suffering. The suffering of war doesn't have to happen. It never has had to happen. But it does, and in my opinion it is wrong. I wish to change that. It won't change if I go to a multi-millionaire or billionaire, the top people who have the most privilege, and therefore the most to lose. Nor politicians, for they too have the most to lose. I try to go to the people.
I have been known to tell people, I'm looking for the 100th monkey.
The story of the 100th monkey goes something like this. A monkey learned how to do use a tool. At first it was one monkey. He taught another monkey to use that tool. They taught other monkeys. When the 100th monkey learned how to use that tool, suddenly, as if spontaneously, all the monkeys all over the world knew how to use that tool.
I have no real idea how to tell if what I do is working. I often have people come up to me and say I inspire them, but seeing them taking action, finding out what they are doing is inspiring me. I am not the first monkey to use their voice as a tool for peace. I am definitely not the 100th monkey. But there are lots of us monkeys out there. There are lots of us monkeys using the tool of peace to create change in one form or another. I am not more nor less than my fellow human beings. I am just a human being who wants the generations to come to live in a world without war, and yes, it is possible.
Get out there. Monkey around. Find what works and use it. Support others out there who are using their tools of peace and hook up with them. And soon, we will all be locking arms and taking it all back from those who have conviced us that killing each other to maintain privilege is "freedom," and then maybe we will have the "privilege" of knowing what "freedom" really is, becuase, folks, this aint it.
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