Monday, June 26, 2006


The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.

"The Revolution Will Not Be Televised," is a must see:


The documentary is about the Carmona led coup to take the Venezualan democratically elected president, Hugo Chavez, out of the presidency because, well, in all honesty, he didn't fall to his knees and suck U.S. cock like the wealthy Carmona.

Chavez is extremely popular, rides around in vehicles and waving to the peole form the back of a flat bed truck. He touches them, talks with them, and not the wealthy. Unlike Bush, he goes out and talks with the people he represents.

One gets a good observation of what motivated the peoples movement that led Chavez to the presidency.

One also gets a good look at the propagandist corporate owned media. During a massacre led by the coup that ousted Chavez for about four days, camera angles were used to say that the pro-Chavez people were murdering the pro-Carmona marchers. Truth is, as the pro-Chavez marchers went across an overpass, snipers were hitting marchers in the head. Many Venezualans are known to carry handguns. They fired at sniper positions in the streets below. But with certain camera angles, all one will see is men firing into the street below without seeing the where they were firing. The corporate owned media said they were killing the pro-Carmona marchers below. This was stated as fact on the corporate owned media. Before Channel 8, the state media, could renounce this lie, the corporate people manged to get it cut off of the air. Given an angle from behind, instead of beside the shooters alleged to be killing pro-Carmona marchers, one sees the street below was completely empty. Propaganda! It happens here, too, folks.

This is a must see. A MUST SEE!


Find it, watch it, change the world!

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