Friday, June 30, 2006


Racists Racists Everywhere!

As racists are always willing to point out so they don't have to look at the consequences that have been suffered in order to create such wonderful things as this computer, I benefit from the use of this computer that has created great suffering throughout the world. So, because I benefit from it, that means they don't have to look at the consequences others had to suffer under in order to bring this computer into my life so they can read my words and post their racist bullshit on my blot so they don't have to look at the privilege they have from not only the slaughter of my people, but many other nations as well. All of this becomes absolutely fine in their hearts and minds because I don't live in the "primitive" state like they believe I should in order to have a valid voice. Their voice is, however, perfectly valid because they sought to directly benefit from the genocides and oppressions of many people so they can have a computer and write their racist diatribes on my blog in order to try to argue me down. I'm blamed for the genocide against my people, the slaughter of women and children in Iraq, the rape of women and children in Iraq, the boarding schools in this country as well as many other countries, poverty, domestic violence, rape in this nation, the rape of children in this nation, etc, simply because I benefit from the use of a computer. All of this is OK now and we don't have to deal with any of the horrors in this world that created the privilege I own in living in a space without concern about military action outside my door. All the horror around the world historical and current are my fault, according to JD, whose comment is displayed below, because I use a computer. It is all my fault. I motivated the nuns and priests who raped Indian children repeatedly because I use a computer. I motivated the military who murder and rape women and children in Iarq and EVEN THEIR OWN! All my fault because, as JD would tell me in his unsubstantiated view, that all the problems in the world are my fault because I benefit from the suffering of millions so I can write these words to you.

Here is JD's comment from my "Up Yours" post:

Whatever, Tonto. I don't look at myself in the mirror as a white boy or a European-American, or as a descendent of French Huguenots, or as a descendent of the Irish potato famine.

That you choose to look at yourself as a victim is YOUR OWN FUCKING FAULT!

You made your own Burning Bed, you roast in it, asshole.

You can scream and bitch and moan about how you "want it all back," but the truth is the following: You could have it all back, but instead of working for it, you have decided to stay on the sidelines and whimper about how The Man keeps you down.

So go hang out with Chutch, smoke a Peace Pipe, drop some shrooms, do whatever the fuck you want.

Just remember one thing, though - this here venue on which you vent your screed, and the computer on which you created it, was conceived, developed, and was paid for by those very same "little cracker ass peckerwood piece(s) of privileged white male shit" that you so deride in your spew.

Smoke signals don't work to well above 14K, ya know.

"...descendent of the Irish potato famine." Where's your family from, brother JD? I have a friend who is from South Armagh in the Northern Six counties. Is your family from Cork? This is what my friend tells me..."The potato blight was caused by God. The famine was caused by the British." You see, Brother JD, your people were growing plenty of food, but your British occupiers were TAKING it from you. Do you even remember that your people had to eat grass to survive? Do you remember there "mouths stained with green?" Your people could have had plenty to eat so there would have never been an exodus of some 2,000,000 Irish from YOUR HOMELAND brother. But you don't "whine" about that, do you brother? You don't say ANYTHING about the British who still mount your people like dogs in the Six Counties in the north while the FREESTATERS and assholes like yourself are living in privilege in this nation so the Brits can continue to murder your people and rape their culture, terrorize little girls walking to school. You are too busy writing your racist diatribes to assholes like me on my blog. Good for you! I could use the same argument your way, Brother. The blight, the British caused "famine," is your fault, Brother, because you are over here showing me that I'm just a whining asshole who caused the genocide of my own people by writing to me on my blog on a computer. But I aint that STUPID! JD, Brother! I know it's the Brits that mount your people in the Northern Six. I know it's the Freestaters and immigrants like yourself who I "allege" turn your back on the people in your homeland. JD, Brother, I would never do that because, well, that would make me you, and I can't stand people like you.

Anyway, JD, if you want to discuss these issues with me, Brother, bring something of substance to the table because right now you are acting like nothing but a stupid fucking piece of shit that doesn't even speak out about the injustices of his own people by the occupiers of the Northern Six known as the Brits. It's called complicity, brother. Are you complicit in the genocide of your poeple?

Article 2, section c of the "UN Convention on...Genocide" describes it as something like this: imposing conditions upon life to bring about the destruction of a people in whole or in part. Are you complicit in the genocide of your brothers, JD, like you ARE in the genocide of my peoples and many more in this occupied territory known as the United States, Brother? Would it be OK with you, brother, if a nation managed to come in and slaughter many or all of us Americans in order to create wealth for the few? It seems to be OK with you that we do it here and in other nations for your privilege and mine.

Do you want to fight with me, brother? Do you think that is productive? Or would you rather fight against the occupying nations that are currently fucking your people in Ireland and committing genocide against them? Do you even care?

PS "...French Huguenots" How do you feel about the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre? Is that your fault because you can write to me on a computer today? I don't think so. Do you?

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