Sunday, May 21, 2006


Instutional Racism

Last night, I watched "Crash" for the first time. The instutionalized racism in the movie was amazing and interesting. Yes, it is practiced by all races, however, it is the liberal white males that piss me off the most. I shouldn't let them have that power over me, but I am a human being. So, let me tell you a little story of some of the institutionalized racism I've experienced today, and explain where the anger side of me toward the Liberal White Male Racists has come from.

Today I went to breakfast with Rhonda and her two kids, 21 and 23. We were all talking and having a good ole time when I noticed that everyone was getting silent. I asked what was going on, and her son said there was a conversation at a table a little ways from ours of a man who steals Native American artifacts from around the Columbia River. I started listening, and he was telling his friends how easy it was and no one bothers him about it. He was a white man. He had a couple of children, so they, too, are learning that this behavior is OK in the terms of the greater cultural society. The man, I overheard, was also talking of how he had taken bones from sites as well. Illegal, but who cares. He is robbing the graves and cultural sites of a bunch of Red Niggers, and besides, like my seventh grade social studies teacher told my whole class, "there are no real Indians left." As this man was leaving, he had to walk right past me. I turned and stared at the cracker ass mother fucking piece of grave robbing shit. He looked me in the eye, and then quickly away. As he was passing by, Rhonda, a fellow Coastal, spoke outloud, "artifacts should be left alone." Her son got up and followed the man outside, I followed the son to keep him out of trouble.

You see, I've never claimed to be a pacifist, but I know the reality of the situation. I know if I acted out in violence, it would do nothing to change the heart of the asshole grave robbing cracker ass piece of fucking shit. The cops in that particular part of town are known to do things like kill black men for failure to use a turn signal. I know the violence the white system is capable of against red nigger pieces of shit like Eli and I.

But you see, this man's behavior is not considered racist. This man would defend his racism as being perfectly fine and normal. This is perfectly acceptable behavior in this institutionally racist society. Digging up Red Nigger graves and sacred sites is perfectly acceptable. Displaying sacred and cultural objects on peoples walls and in museums and selling them on the black market is perfectly acceptable, because, as my seventh grade social studies teacher told my whole class and knowing I am Red Nigger, "there are no real Indians left."

My anger toward liberal white males who already know everything so never have to question their racist arrogant behaviors or question anything about themselves or what they believe has been with me for a long time.

Recently, I got to witness a white liberal male peace activist be verbally abusive to his former girlfriend. His abusieve behavior, though not peaceful at all, is perfectly acceptable in his version of peace because he is in his own eyes the perfect form of a peace activist and therefore anything outside of his version of peace is not peace. I have also witnessed a liberal white male vegan animal rights activist be abusive to his girlfriend. All of this is OK because they are white/right and do not have to question their privilege or racism because those things are their instutional rights to bear.

My anger started with a Ph.D candidate in archaeology through Washington State University about 10 years ago, that, too, about Kennewick Man. After discussions where the facts I presented about the case were simply dismissed because science is perceived superior above all. Archaeology was created to discover why White Men were so racially superior to all other races (notice I didn't mention women because women were and are perceived as property of White Men).

Turns out that radio carbon dating is highly inaccurate, like previously stated. It has dated flesh from a freshly killed seal at over 600 years of age, and a living tree at over 12,000 years. Instead of trying to fix these glitches in this system of dating, they are just simply accepted as fact. In the case of Kennewick Man, his body was exhumed from the edge of the Columbia and was already partially exposed...just down river from Hanford Nuclear Reservation where, radiation is leaking into the Columbia. The presence of radiation or high levels of carbon make Radio Carbon Dating highly inaccurate. This is OK, however, because it must be accurate because it is scientific. Don't look into these things, you just might find out this Red Nigger might be speaking some truth.

I also get angry at the arrogance that White Men display in the removal of Indian Graves. Another example, Memaloose Island in the Columbia up by Hood River. It was a grave site, and archaeologists were given permission to exhume, examine, and were supposed to return the remains in the same graves. NOPE! Instead, the head archaeologists white cracker piece of shit stole all but one of the bodies, the body of the white man. In the sign at the rest area just south of the island the lie is placed above the truth and it states that they were allowed to exhume the remains and bury them elsewhere. Odd, one of the Yakima women fighting to get those remains returned found the skull of one of her ancestors in a display case at a store along the Northern edge of the Columbia River. But that's OK, we aint nothing but a bunch of Red Niggers and therefore not human beings, so youz all can do what ever you want with our Red Nigger ancestors remains, right!? Science told you that you could.

I also hate it when Liberal White Men tell me that we lost our cultural and language and etc. We didn't Lose shit! It was stolen! It was taken by white privileged males. Our children were FORCED into boarding schools where they were beaten and tortured for committing the horrific crime of speaking their own language. One of my favorite stories is of when a strike at a girls school was headed by two young women 11 and 13. All of the kids refused to eat the food because it was so horrible, so they had a strike. They were gathered into a room. So the good liberal white male priest took a baseball bat and beat the fuck out of all the girls to prove that he was indeed the master. The two master minds of the strike did 3 and 6 months respectively in the school prison for Red Nigger Girls and subsisted on bread and water. So you see, we didn't LOSE anything, it was stolen! But all of this is acceptable in this society.

I shouldn't lose my temper in my opinion on these wonderful liberal white males who simply tell me I'm wrong because the great and beautiful science god is correct. When I expose truths about their science, I must be wrong because I'm a Red Nigger, and thus that doesn't give me the respectable distance when it comes to science where liberal white men are telling me, a Red Nigger, what my ancestry is all about. I should just take it up the ass like when I was raped at the age of five. Just fuck the Red Nigger kid a little harder and he'll shut his fat fucking mouth.

Another form of science is animal testing. Medical experiments were done on Indian kids because no one had to get permission to do it. And yes, Mother Fucker, it still happens today! Fuck you Very Much! Both of my adoptive Blackfoot parents had medical tests done to them in boarding schools. They had these odd marks on their backs that they were told were TB tests. After they asked the 10th doctor they visited what they were, he said they weren't TB tests, but were some sort of Christian symbol that meant they were guaranteed a place in hell when they die. Animal testing has done nothing in the last 30 years. However, it is still done. Animals go through horrific tortures in the name of science. Turns out that these guys just do bullshit studies to keep the grant money flowing. Have for some 30 years. But who gives a fuck! It's science, and therefore infallible. Animals and Red Niggers aren't human, and therefore it's OK to perform horrific acts on their bodies. One form of rape for another.

I don't even know why I talk with liberal white males about this. It has almost always been useless. Their racism is so entrenched it is an extention of who they are, and therefore is unquestionable and correct.

Have you read this far? Let me explain why I call myself Red Nigger and Whitey's Crackers and such. I'm am able to discuss my racism. I am able to tell you how I observe racism from my Red Nigger point of view. But liberal white males are so superior and smug in their arrogance and simple unquestionable belief that they are right, that nothing will change in this world. It is the foundation of overt racism. I get along better with KKK (lived two doors down from the local chapter in Aloha for a couple of years), Skinheads (commuted to work with one for about a year), Aryan Brotherhood (worked with some), etc. These guys are honest and forthright and I have been able to change a few of their hearts. I have not been able to the institutionally racist liberal white males heart, ever. I believe I mentioned in a previous post I changed the heart of a few, but was wrong. One guy was a "Right Wing Republican Racist" (self-proclaimed).

I have to be honest to all you liberal white male racists, this shit fucking HURTS! It's like being emotionally, culturally, racially stabbed. It fucking hurts because nothing, not even what I just wrote, will ever break that reinforced arrogance and superiority many of you carry. I lash out because to me, it's like being raped all over again, and quite honestly, I aint gonna take it. I know you wish I would just lay down and take it like a good little Red Nigger inferior, but it aint gonna happen. You can just go Fuck Yourself.

And yes, I am being abusive. However, your abuse of my culture, the abuse of my ancestors graves, the looking down at my people and people like me is all acceptable behavior because, honestly, you're liberal white males and that comes with the most powerful and fierce privilege in this society. I shouldn't be abusive because aint nothing going to work on you guys anyway. It has been my experience that you all already know everything in the world about us Red Niggers and so many other INFERIOR races anyway that any other information is nothing but bullshit to you and your great science god, so I don't have any idea why I just wasted my breath with all this fucking bullshit of a post.

Oh, and Hermes, my apology still stands. But I want to let you know, my Irish friend from Norhtern Ireland, the race also known as "The Niggers of Europe," told me I should take my apology back. In fact, she demanded it. But I wont take it back. She explained to me that all the shit I've had to put up with my whole fucking non-human Red Nigger life from privileged liberal white males is valid in my behavior when encountering one that won't listen to what I am saying. Like I said, and you may have already, you get to walk away from this anytime you want. Me, I get to live it the rest of my non-human inferior Red Nigger Life.

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