Tuesday, May 23, 2006



Sometimes it just takes a little conversation with a friend to bring one's perspective back into balance. In the midst of my rage, it is hard to keep perspective, it is difficult to see things clearly, it is hard to see things rationally.

There are tender points in my soul. The rape of my fellow indigenous humans at the hands of the imperialist invaders. The very real knowledge that many of my fellow indigenous peoples in Canada have the potential to be murdered en masse by the imperialist forces of canada. The knowledge that indigenous ancestors buried in the earth are not seen as human, but as archaeological remains for science to rape. The fact that the same forces that destroyed the cultures that archaeology claims to be studying, wouldn't need to rape our ancestors had their imperialist representatives not committed genocide against our peoples and destroyed so much that our last connections to our mothers need to be raped from the earth and stuck in boxes. It hurts when I try to explain my perspective only to have it poo-pooed and not being asked why I believe certain ways. To know that forced poverty on reservations and in the streets is going to continue unabated (violations of human rights).

The Kennewick Man case is such a tender spot for me, so let me clarify a few of my points because, my points are often just pushed aside because science is seen as superior to my alleged reactionary behavior.

It is a common belief amongst indigenous peoples everywhere that we belong where our ancestors are buried. Archaeology in this nation has been used as a tool of genocide. By removing our dead, they imperialist powers are attempting to remove our connection to our land. By stating as scientific fact that we are immigrants (without any "real" proof), it legitimizes the imperialist genocidal invasion of our lands. By saying that various indigenous groups invaded each others lands (usually at the encouragement of the imperialist invaders) that it legitimizes the imperialist invasion and genocide. Archaeology's predecessor, phrenology (sp?), was created in order to prove the superiority of white men above all other groups of humans. All of this IS documented if one would simply choose to look into it.

Jaime Chatters, whose Ph.D is NOT in archaeology or anthropology, did NO science at the site. All he did was dig up the remains, most of which were already exposed, of the human being currently known as Kennewick Man. The arrow point is assumed to be from an ancient style of point. It seems to be alleged that different arrow head makers all make the same style of point and only during certain ages of time. There is still no site report submitted, a felony. Chatters did no science at the site. He just removed bones. No photos, no drawings, no careful digging, no submitting of artifacts that were laying around, no soil samples, nothing science done other than removal of bones.

Chatters also went outside the pervue of his permit and removed 4 or 5 other sets of remains. Each of these is a felony according to the law.

The Corps of Engineers issued the permit retroactively by two days because Chatters had already removed the remains of Kennewick Man, a felony. He removed the bones without using any form of science at the site, a felony, and the permit he was issued was issued retroactively, a felony.

When one is issued an archaeological permit in this area, there are five tribes that have to be informed so the proper information that one has to have a certain security clearance for has to be looked into. The tribes have to come up with a case for or against, information about the burials that are known in the area but kept secret because of "pot hunters." Indian artifacts and bones are big business, especially in Europe. So these sites are kept as secret as possible. The tribes know of some as well as they are recorded in secured documents in posession of the government. None of the processes were followed, nor could they have been because, as stated, the permit was issued retroactively. All of these are felonies.

Chatters, not having a degree in archaeology, believed Kennewick Man to be non-indigenous to the area. When he got the dating report back of some 9400 years of age, he got very excited. While watching "Star Trek: Next Generation," he say Patrick Stewart and said, "...there's my Kennewick Man." That was his science in deciding that Kennewick Man was "white."

The greater scientific community accepted without question, seemingly, that Chatters allegations of science were sound, all without looking into site reports. Why didn't they look into Chatters scientific site reports? Because, as of this very moment, none have been submitted.

According to scientific journals, radio carbon dating is highly inaccurate especially when a site has high levels of radiation or carbon. The site were Kennewick man was stolen from is down river from a leaky Hanford Nuclear Reservation. The Columbia is the second most radiated river in the world, second only to the river that runs through Chernobyl. This does have an effect on the dating system, but when I confronted that Chatters who is as self-glorifying as Paul Watson (head of the Sea Shepherd Society), and asked if it is true (which, according to scientific journals and books I've read on the science of archaeology) that radio carbon dating is inaccurate especially with the presence of radiation, he simply told me, "no," without any explanation. When I continued to push him with scientifically valid questions, he refused to take questions from me any further. As well, I should point out here, that Kennewick Man's bones were "discovered" by some young men as they sat on the shores of the Colmubia as they were watching boat races. Boats have engines and are frequent in the area. What is it that combustion engines spit out into the water and air as exhaust? Carbon. My arguments were simply dismissed without question.

So much of the scientific question were shat upon by Chatters. So much of the scientific puzzle were poo-pooed and pissed upon by alleged scientist, Chatters. And scientists continue to take his "discovery" at face value without scientific questioning. Chatters work is simply taken as fact without any exploration of his methods, without any of Chatters site reports (because there are none), without any soil samples (because there are none). No science was done at the site. None.

Here, I will also let you know why there is alleged to be only between 800,000 and 900,000 Indians in North America at the time of Columbus. The scientific method used by Kroeber to come up with this number was this: there simply couldn't have been that many people here at the time of Columbus. Despite the testimony of the likes of de Las Casas, Pizarro, Columbus, and other documented assholes of the time, there could have only been less than a million, because, well, the scientist Kroeber said so, that's why. This, of course, also lightens the blow of the extent of the genocide enacted upon indingenous nations by its imperialist invaders and creates a more simplistic less than civilized picture of pre-Imperialist Invader society in North America. Too simplistic to create a large population base and therefore lightening the blow of the genocidal fact.

Should one look beyond the "mystery sheen" on the surface of archaeology, one will discover a science that is so polluted as to be almost useless other than a tool for genocide justification. I am told that we Indians have only been here for 11,000 years, and then I'm told that some of the mounds built by humans in the Eastern U.S. are dated at 140,000 years. But no one was here to build them. I'm told by demographics experts that for the variety of langauges that existed prior to the Euro Invasion it would have taken at least 125,000 years to create, but there were only people here for 11,000 years according to science.

I've also heard and read about scientists being forcably pushed out of the scientific heirarchy and their careers being destroyed when they find sites that challenge then 11,000 year limit.

So, this issue is a very sensitive one to me, because like those scientists whose careers are ruined when they find sites that challenge the 11,000 year limit, I am just pushed aside as being anti-science and without question. No one asks why I've come to my conclusions, it is simple to dismiss me as being connected to the ancestors scientists choose to rape out of my land. I'm seen as a simple minded layman for only having a high school education and no further. And my voice is not heard by the people who believe in science because of these reasons, and nothing more. My information is seen as invalid. And my ancestors are continually raped from the earth by men of science. I can only assume that believers in science believe that I should just bend over and take it in the ass like when I was raped as a child. Take it without question as believers in science take science without question.

How is that for a simplistic explaination of why it pisses me off so much when those who beleive in science will not accept my knowledge. When I present facts, they are simply dismissed with a roll of the eyes because I don't believe in science. I like to look at the whole picture of science myself. I don't accept a narrow view like the accepted 11,000 limit of Indians being here on the Great Turtle Island.

So, there is my calm hearted explanation of why I get so pissed off when believers in science just poo-poo my knowledge without even asking whay information I have. They just accept science as the end all and be all and they don't have to listen to me because I'm uneducated, Indian, and don't believe in science as it is practiced by the imperialist invaders. It hurts, and is designed to hurt, just like rape in my heart.

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