Friday, April 14, 2006


Radio and the Big Screen

I was feeling sad this morning, but read Mikhelle's blog and read the comment about KBOO, and it filled me with beauty. [opening the gates to more beauty! Thank you Mikhelle]

David Liberty and I had C.C. Whitewolf on "Mitakuye Oyasin" yesterday to promote the "Gathering of Flutes" which won't happen until November, but they are looking for help and donations already. This is a benefit for "Native Peoples Circle of Hope" ( We also had a Cherokee flute maker. He was very knowledgable and has great skill. They are going to feature Mary Youngblood as their star flute player, and, well, she is the best flute player I have ever heard, I kid you not. I read my "Tonto...Joseph? Joseph...Tonto?" poem on the air, and didn't get to do the no rant control, however. We also delivered the bad news. June 2, 2006, the U.S. government will detonate a 700ton bunker buster nuclear bomb on Western Shoshone land. This is against many laws, but we all know how the U.S. feels about the law. David, who works for Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission also let us know that the salmon runs on the Columbia have fallen beyond drastically this year. For the last 10 years, salmon runs have been at an average of 29,000-30,000 fish by this time. This year, it is 129 fish have gone past Bonneville. This is a 99.996% reduction. *sigh* *cry* ...FUCK!...

After the show, I hung out with my friend, Leigh Anne. We ate and talked and talked and ate and it was good. We went to see my friend Andy Norris' film that he has been working on for some three plus years called, "Source to Sea: The Columbia River Swim." It was about Christopher Swain who swam the length of the Columbia River in 2002. It took him 13 months with a couple of breaks due to lack of funding and having to make a few bucks. This was not only a considerable strain on himself, but a strain on his family as well, but he wanted to bring attention to the murder of the Chewana by the U.S. Government. He did well, but so far, the 14 genocidal fucking dams are still there. This was really more a film about the death of the Chewana. But seeing all the people, even though they feel hopeless, as it were, gave me strength in my resolve to GET IT ALL THE FUCK BACK! Andy listed me in the credits, which surprised me, because I forgot the help that I had given him and don't really feel that credit is due me for the spectacular piece of work he has created here. A must see for one and all! I was listed as the Czar of Indian Music, I think it was. Andy invited me to a party afterwards, but I have to pass a piss test today. I certainly could have used a good smoke and a good dance. Eh!

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