Friday, April 21, 2006


Rachel Corrie

Rachel Corrie, one of two women I dedicate my readings to (the other being Fern Holland), whom the, "My Name is Rachel Corrie" is about, was banned in Manhattan. In the allegedly more liberal Canada, in the city of Toronto, the play has had to go underground. This wonderful woman who took a principled stance and gave up her robe which was stolen from her by an Islraeli bulldozer driver in an American made bulldozer it can be alleged is looked down upon by the patriarchies of the illegal occupying forces of the Great Turtle Island currently known as the United States and Canada.

I don't know about you, but I think I'm gonna see if I can't get a hold of the script and maybe put something out on the air.

Rachel and Fern are both heroes of mine, and to silence their stories is BULLSHIT!

Read the story:

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