Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Mohawk Occupation

I just read my first article about the current occupation of 40 hectares of land by the Mohawk Nation. It is a protest against the current occupational forces of the Canadian government. There is a LOT OF RACISM against Indians in this area.

The occupation started 8 weeks ago and boils down to the fact that the Mohawk are just tired of the ILLEGAL encroachment of the imperialist and oppressive government who exerts its rights via being WHITE and their rights of conquest. These are my opinions, of course. However, rights of conquest are only supposed to go one way and the Indians are just supposed to take it up the ass because that is the way it has worked since the genocidal forces came to their country. Basically the Indians are supposed to know their place, which is on their bellies getting continually raped by the Canadian Government.

Leigh Anne is currently working on seeing if we can get someone on the phone for tomorrows radio show, from 1:30 to 3:00pm tomorrow afternoon on KBOO 90.7 fm,

On Monday, some 500 citizens of Caledonia, Ontario, where this protest is taking place, tried to attacke the protesters and mostly managed to get the cops, who actually seem to be protecting the Indians this time, unlike Oka. I will never forget watching the cops let the convoy of "non-combatants" during the Oka occupation be attacked via stones from the white racist protesters who managed to murder an old man and a baby. Boy, do I hate cops. And I will never forget seeing the Canadian military willing to kill Indians for the imperialist pleasures of the Mayof of Oka to allow a golf course to be built ILLEGALLY over a Mohawk burial ground. THESE, my friends, are the peoples whose hearts we have to change. These are the people we have to become allies with because we have more in common with them than the wealthy whose wealth they protect.

Like I quoted of the wealthy man talking with Smedley Butler that he would use half of his wealth to protect the other half by hiring the poor to oppress their fellow poor to contain their personal wealth. This is nothing different other than the fact that the wealthy channel the peoples tax money to oppress the people instead of using their own ill gotten wealth.

Anyway, just my opinions there. Please inform yourselves on this issue and spread the word!

Love you all! REVOLUTION NOW!

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