Monday, April 10, 2006


Good Day!

Cynthia came over last night. We worked on our writing project together. It was a beutiful, creative, and healing experience. Our friendship is building into something very true and beautiful.

She did some healing on me. She wiped me physically a few times, psychically a few times. She gave me some herbal remedies for my current pains and to encourage beauty in a more physical sense.

We laughed so much, as always happens when we are together. We discussed each others lives which adds to the creativity of our projects.

We discussed Love. She told me of her current situation, and we had many a good laugh. I told her of my current situation, and she was silent at first, as she can be when her words form into beautiful wisdom. "That's perfect," she told me...WOO-HOO!

I got to bed about 1am. I'm tired, but only because of the slow bus ride in. Beauty to all who read this and those who don't!

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