Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Burn Baby, Burn!

I am at KBOO. How do I know? Because, in our basket for pledge drive premiums, for a mere $700 pledge, you can get a gift worth $700. That's right! You too, can get your own CREMATION! I know what you're thinking: "I've always wondered what it would be like to burn in hell." Wonder no more for you can burn RIGHT HERE ON EARTH for a meager $700 pledge! KBOO gets a much needed $700, you get to burn right here on earth! Complete with pick up and delivery and choice of biodegradable or metal urn. The metal urn with have a western motif. CALL NOW! I'M NOT KIDDING! THIS IS KBOO! 503-232-8818 or long distance on our dime: 1-877-500-5266 (kboo).

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